2 Chronicles:Chapter 30


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編年紀(下) 2 Chronicles
1希則克雅派人到全以色列和猶大,且也寫了封公函給厄弗辣因和默納協,叫他們來耶路撒冷上主的殿內,向上主以色列的天主舉行逾越節, 1And Ezechias sent to all Israel and Juda: and he wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasses, that they should come to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, and keep the phase to the Lord the God of Israel.
2因為君王與首領和耶路撒冷會眾已商妥,在二月舉行逾越節。 2For the king, taking counsel, and the princes, and all the assembly of Jerusalem, decreed to keep the phase the second month.
3他們不能如期舉行的原因,是因為自潔的司祭尚不敷用,百姓又尚未齊集在耶路撒冷。 3For they could not keep it in its time; because there were not priests enough sanctified, and the people was not as yet gathered together to Jerusalem.
4君王和全會眾都認為這樣做很對, 4And the thing pleased the king, and all the people.
5遂下令通告全以色列,從貝爾舍巴直到丹,都來耶路撒冷,向上主以色列的天主舉行逾越節,因為人很久沒有照章舉行這節了。 5And they decreed to send messengers to all Israel from Bersabee even to Dan, that they should come, and keep the phase to the Lord the God of Israel in Jerusalem: for many had not kept it as it is prescribed by the law.
6使者遂帶着君王和首領的公函,走遍全以色列和猶大,照君王的吩咐,宣佈說:「以色列的子民,你們應當轉向上主,亞巴郎、依撒格和以色列的天主,好使他轉向你們,這些擺脫亞述王權下的遺民。 6And the posts went with letters by commandment of the king, and his princes, to all Israel and Juda, proclaiming according to the king's orders: Ye children of Israel, turn again to the Lord the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Israel: and he will return to the remnant of you that have escaped the hand of the king of the Assyrians.
7你們不可像你們的祖先和弟兄一樣,因為他們背叛了上主,他們祖先的天主,上主遂叫他們成了驚駭的對象,有如你們親眼所見的。 7Be not like your fathers, and brethren, who departed from the Lord the God of their fathers, and he hath given them up to destruction, as you see.
8現在,你們再別頸硬,如同你們祖先一樣,反應投奔上主,進入他永遠祝聖的居所,奉事上主你們的天主,使他的震怒轉離你們。 8Harden not your necks, as your fathers did: yield yourselves to the Lord, and come to his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever: serve the Lord the God of your fathers, and the wrath of his indignation shall be turned away from you.
9如果你們轉向上主你們的天主,你們的弟兄子女,在擄掠他們的人面前必會蒙受憐憫,會再回到這地;因為上主你們的天主是慈悲的,是仁愛的;如果你們轉向他,他決不會轉面不顧你們。」 9For if you turn again to the Lord: your brethren, and children shall find mercy before their masters, that have led them away captive, and they shall return into this land: for the Lord your God is merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, if you return to him.
10使者由這城到那城,走遍了厄弗辣因和默納協各地,直到則步隆;但是,那裏的人卻嘲笑侮辱他們。 10So the posts went speedily from city to city, through the land of Ephraim, and of Manasses, even to Zabulon, whilst they laughed at them and mocked them.
11可是,有些阿協爾、默納協和則步隆人自謙自卑,來到耶路撒冷。 11Nevertheless some men of Aser, and of Manasses, and of Zabulon, yielding to the counsel, came to Jerusalem.
12天主的手也在猶大行事,使民眾一心遵從君王和首領,照上主的話所出的命令。 12But the hand of God was in Juda, to give them one heart to do the word of the Lord, according to the commandment of the king, and of the princes.
13二月,有很多人民聚集在耶路撒冷,舉行無酵節,實在是一個大盛會。 13And much people were assembled to Jerusalem to celebrate the solemnity of the unleavened bread in the second month:
14民眾起來,將耶路撒冷所有的丘壇拆毀,將所有焚香的器具拿去,丟在克德龍溪裏。 14And they arose and destroyed the altars that were in Jerusalem, and took sway all things in which incense was burnt to idols, and cast them into the torrent Cedron.
15二月十四日宰殺了逾越節羔羊;司祭和肋未人自覺慚愧,便聖潔自己,好能在上主殿內奉獻全燔祭。 15And they immolated the phase on the fourteenth day of the second month. And the priests and the Levites being at length sanctified offered holocausts in the house of the Lord.
16他們都按天主僕人梅瑟的法律,各自立在自己的地方,司祭由肋未人手中取過血來,灑在祭壇上。 16And they stood in their order according to the disposition, and law of Moses the man of God: but the priests received the blood which was to be poured out, from the hands of the Levites,
17因為會眾中有許多人尚未自潔,肋未人便為所有不潔的人,宰殺逾越節的羔羊,好奉獻給上主。 17Because a great number was not sanctified: and therefore the Levites immolated the phase for them that came not in time to be sanctified to the Lord.
18實在,有許多人,有許多來自厄弗辣因,默納協、依撒加爾和則步隆的人,沒有自潔,就吃了逾越節羔羊,竟沒有遵守明文的規定;為此,希則克雅為他們祈禱說: 18For a great part of the people from Ephraim, and Manasses, and Issachar, and Zabulon, that had not been sanctified, ate the phase otherwise than it is written: and Ezechias prayed for them, saying: The Lord who is good will shew mercy,
19「凡誠心尋求天主,上主,他們祖先的天主的人,雖然沒有依照聖所的潔禮自潔,願良善的上主予以寬恕!」 19To all them, who with their whole heart, seek the Lord the God of their fathers: and will not impute it to them that they are not sanctified.
20上主垂允了希則克雅,寬恕了百姓。 20And the Lord heard him, and was merciful to the people.
21在耶路撒冷的以色列子民,極其歡樂,七天舉行了無酵節;肋未人和司祭們,天天讚頌上主,極力讚頌上主。 21And the children of Israel, that were found at Jerusalem, kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with great joy, praising the Lord every day: the Levites also, and the priests, with instruments that agreed to their office.
22由於所有的肋未人慇勤服事上主,希則克雅便慰勞他們。七天之久,眾人吃了節宴,獻了和平祭,稱謝了上主,他們祖先的天主。 22And Ezechias spoke to the heart of all the Levites, that had good understanding concerning the Lord: and they ate during the seven days of the solemnity, immolating victims of peace offerings, and praising the Lord the God of their fathers.
23以後,全會眾議定,再舉行七天,於是歡樂地又舉行了七天, 23And it pleased the whole multitude to keep other seven days: which they did with great joy.
24因為猶大王希則克雅送給了會眾一千頭牛犢,七千隻綿羊;首領們也送給了會眾一千頭牛犢,一萬隻綿羊﹔且有許多司祭已行了自潔禮。 24For Ezechias the king of Juda had given to the multitude a thousand bullocks, and seven thousand sheep: and the princes had given the people a thousand bullocks, and ten thousand sheep: and a great number of priests was sanctified.
25猶大全會眾、司祭和肋未人,來自以色列的全會眾,以及由以色列地來的,或僑居在猶大的人,都非常高興。 25And all the multitude of Juda with the priests and Levites, and all the assembly, that came out of Israel; and the proselytes of the land of Israel, and that dwelt in Juda were full of joy.
26歡樂瀰漫了耶路撒冷,自以色列王達味的兒子撒羅滿以來,耶路撒冷從未有過這樣大的喜慶。 26And there was a great solemnity in Jerusalem, such as had not been in that city since the time of Solomon the son of David king of Israel.
27肋未人司祭起來為民眾祝福,他們的聲音承蒙垂聽,他們的祈禱達於他天上的神聖居所。 27And the priests and the Levites rose up and blessed the people: and their voice was heard: and their prayer came to the holy dwelling place of heaven.




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