2 Chronicles:Chapter 4


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編年紀(下) 2 Chronicles
1以後,他製了一座銅壇,長二十肘、寬二十肘,高十肘。 1He made also an altar of brass twenty cubits long, and twenty cubits broad, and ten cubits high.
2又鑄了一個銅海,從這邊到那邊直徑十肘,作圓形,高五肘,圓周三十肘。 2Also a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in compass: it was five cubits high, and a line of thirty cubits compassed it round about.
3銅海邊緣下四周圍,圍繞着匏瓜形的裝飾品,每肘十個,分兩行,匏瓜與銅海同時鑄成的。 3And under it there was the likeness of oxen, and certain engravings on the outside of ten cubits compassed the belly of the sea, as it were with two rows.
4有十二隻銅牛馱着銅海:三隻向北,三隻向西,三隻向南,三隻向東;銅海安放在銅牛背上,牛尾朝裏。 4And the oxen were cast: and the sea itself was set upon the twelve oxen, three of which looked toward the north, and other three toward the west: and other three toward the south, and the other three that remained toward the east, and the sea stood upon them: and the hinder parts of the oxen were inward under the sea.
5銅海厚一掌,邊如杯邊,形似百合花,可容三千「巴特」。 5Now the thickness of it was a handbreadth, and the brim of it was like the brim of a cup, or of a crisped lily: and it held three thousand measures.
6他又製了十個銅盆:五個安置在右邊,五個安置在左邊,作為洗滌之用,洗滌作全燔祭的物品;但銅海只可為司祭作洗滌之用。 6He made also ten lavers: and he see five on the right hand, and five on the left, to wash in them all such things as they mere to offer for holocausts: but the sea was for the priests to wash in.
7又照所規定的式樣製了十個金燈台,放在殿內:右邊五個,左邊五個。 7And he made ten golden candlesticks, according to the form which they were commanded to be made by: and he set them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.
8又製了十張桌子,放在殿內:右邊五張,左邊五張。又造了一百個金碗。 8Moreover also ten tables: and he set them in the temple, five on the right side, and five on the left. Also a hundred bowls of gold.
9又造了司祭院與大院以及院門,門包上銅, 9He made also the court of the priests, and a great hall, and doors in the hall, which he covered with brass.
10他把銅海放在右邊東南角。 10And he set the sea on the right side over against the east toward the south.
11胡蘭也製了鍋、鏟和盤。胡蘭為撒羅滿王作了一切應為上主的殿所作的工作: 11And Hiram made caldrons, and fleshhooks, and bowls: and finished all the king's work in the house of God:
12兩根柱子,兩個柱頂上的球形柱頭,兩個網子,──遮蓋柱頂上兩個球形的柱頭, 12That is to say, the two pillars, and the pommels, and the chapiters, and the network, to cover the chapiters over the pommels.
13兩個網子上的四百個石榴,──每個網子有兩行石榴,以遮蓋柱頂上兩個球形柱頭, 13And four hundred pomegranates, and two wreaths of network, so that two rows of pomegranates were joined to each wreath, to cover the pommels, and the chapiters of the pillars.
14十個盆座及座上的十個銅盆, 14He made also bases, and lavers, which he set upon the bases:
15一個銅海及下面十二隻銅牛, 15One sea, and twelve oxen under the sea;
16鍋鏟、鈎,以及一切用具:這一切都是胡蘭阿彼用光滑的銅,給撒羅滿王為上主的殿所製造的, 16And the caldrons, and fleshhooks, and bowls. All the vessels did Hiram his father make for Solomon in the house of the Lord of the finest brass.
17是王在約但平原,於穌苛特與匝爾堂之間,用膠泥模鑄成的。 17In the country near the Jordan did the king cast them, in a clay ground between Sochot and Saredatha.
18撒羅滿所製的這一切器皿,實在眾多;所用的銅,重量無法計算。 18And the multitude of vessels was innumerable, so that the weight of the brass was not known.
19以後,撒羅滿又製造了上主殿內的一切用具:金壇和供餅的桌子, 19And Solomon made all the vessels for the house of God, and the golden altar, and the tables, upon which were the leaves of proposition,
20燈台和依照規例應在殿前點的燈盞,都用純金製成的; 20The candlesticks also of most pure gold with their lamps to give light before the oracle, according to the manner.
21還有花蕊、燈盞和燭剪,都是用金,即純金製成的; 21And certain flowers, and lamps, and golden tongs: all were made of the finest gold.
22還有刀、碗、盤和火盤,都是純金的。殿宇的門,即進入至聖所內裏的門,以及聖殿,即正殿的門,也都是金的。 22The vessels also for the perfumes, and the censers, and the bowls, and the mortars, of pure gold. And he graved the doors of the inner temple, that is, for the holy of holies: and the doors of the temple without were of gold. And thus all the work was finished which Solomon made in the house of the Lord.




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