2 Corinthians:Chapter 11
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格林多後書 | 2 Corinthians |
1巴不得你們容忍我一點狂妄!其實,你們也應容忍我, | 1Would to God you could bear with some little of my folly: but do bear with me. |
2因為我是以天主的妒愛,妒愛你們。原來我已把你們許配給一個丈夫,把你們當作貞潔的童女獻給了基督。 | 2For I am jealous of you with the jealousy of God. For I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. |
3但我很怕你們的心意受到敗壞,失去那對基督所有的赤誠和貞潔,就像那蛇以狡猾誘惑了厄娃一樣。 | 3But I fear lest, as the serpent seduced Eve by his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted, and fall from the simplicity that is in Christ. |
4如果有人來給你們宣講另一個耶穌,不是我們所宣講過的;或者你們領受另一神,不是你們所領受過的;或者另一福音,不是你們所接受過的,你們竟然都容忍了,真好啊! | 4For if he that cometh preacheth another Christ, whom we have not preached; or if you receive another Spirit, whom you have not received; or another gospel which you have not received; you might well bear with him. |
5其實,我以為我一點也不在那些超等的宗徒以下, | 5For I suppose that I have done nothing less than the great apostles. |
6縱使我拙於言詞,卻不拙於知識,這是我們在各方面,在各事上,對你們所表顯出來的。 | 6For although I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but in all things we have been made manifest to you. |
7難道我白白地給你們傳報天主的福音,屈卑我自己為使你們高升,就有了不是嗎? | 7Or did I commit a fault, humbling myself, that you might be exalted? Because I preached unto you the gospel of God freely? |
8我剝削了別的教會,取了酬資,為的是給你們服務啊! | 8I have taken from other churches, receiving wages of them for your ministry. |
9當我在你們那裏時,雖受了匱乏,卻沒有連累過你們一個人,因為有從馬其頓來的弟兄們,補助了我的匱乏;我一向在各方面設法避免連累你們,將來還要如此。 | 9And, when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was wanting to me, the brethren supplied who came from Macedonia; and in all things I have kept myself from being burthensome to you, and so I will keep myself. |
10基督的真理在我內,我敢說:我這種誇耀在阿哈雅地方是不會停止的。 | 10The truth of Christ is in me, that this glorying shall not be broken off in me in the regions of Achaia. |
11為什麼呢?因為我不愛你們嗎?有天主知道! | 11Wherefore? Because I love you not? God knoweth it. |
12我現今作的,將來還要作,為避免給與那些找機會的人一個機會,免得人看出他們在所誇耀的事上也跟我們一樣, | 12But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off the occasion from them that desire occasion, that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we. |
13因為這種人是假宗徒,是欺詐的工人,是冒充基督宗徒的。 | 13For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. |
14這並不希奇,因為連撒殫也常冒充光明的天使; | 14And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light. |
15所以倘若他的僕役也冒充正義的僕役,並不算是大事;他們的結局必與他們的行為相對等。 | 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of justice, whose end shall be according to their works. |
16我再說:誰也不要以為我是狂妄的,若不然,你們就以我為狂妄看待罷!好叫我也稍微誇耀一下。 | 16I say again, (let no man think me to be foolish, otherwise take me as one foolish, that I also may glory a little.) |
17我在這誇耀的事上所要說的,不是按照主說的,而是如同在狂妄中說的。 | 17That which I speak, I speak not according to God, but as it were in foolishness, in this matter of glorying. |
18既有許多人按照俗見誇耀,我也要誇耀, | 18Seeing that many glory according to the flesh, I will glory also. |
19因為像你們那樣明智的人,竟也甘心容忍了那些狂妄的人! | 19For you gladly suffer the foolish; whereas yourselves are wise. |
20因為,若有人奴役你們,若有人侵吞你們,若有人榨取你們,若有人對你們傲慢,若有人打你們的臉,你們竟然都容忍了! | 20For you suffer if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take from you, if a man be lifted up, if a man strike you on the face. |
21我慚愧的說:在這方面好像我們太軟弱了!其實,若有人在什麼事上敢誇耀──我狂妄地說:我也敢。 | 21I speak according to dishonour, as if we had been weak in this part. Wherein if any man dare (I speak foolishly), I dare also. |
22他們是希伯來人?我也是。他們是以色列人?我也是。他們是亞巴郎的苗裔?我也是。 | 22They are Hebrews: so am I. They are Israelites: so am I. They are the seed of Abraham: so am I. |
23他們是基督的僕役?我瘋狂地說:我更是。論勞碌,我更多;論監禁,更頻繁;論拷打,過了量;冒死亡,是常事。 | 23They are the ministers of Christ (I speak as one less wise). I am more; in many more labours, in prisons more frequently, in stripes above measure, in deaths often. |
24被猶太人鞭打了五次,每次四十下少一下; | 24Of the Jews five times did I receive forty stripes, save one. |
25受杖擊三次;被石擊一次;遭翻船三次;在深海裏度過了一日一夜; | 25Thrice was I beaten with rods, once I was stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I was in the depth of the sea. |
26又多次行路,遭遇江河的危險、盜賊的危險、由同族來的危險、由外邦人來的危險、城中的危險、曠野裏的危險、海洋上的危險、假弟兄中的危險; | 26In journeying often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils from my own nation, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils from false brethren. |
27勞碌辛苦,屢不得眠;忍饑受渴,屢不得食;忍受寒冷,赤身裸體; | 27In labour and painfulness, in much watchings, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. |
28除了其餘的事以外,還有我每日的繁務,對眾教會的掛慮。 | 28Besides those things which are without: my daily instance, the solicitude for all the churches. |
29誰軟弱,我不軟弱呢?誰跌倒,我不心焦呢? | 29Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is scandalized, and I am not on fire? |
30若必須誇耀,我就要誇耀我軟弱的事。 | 30If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things that concern my infirmity. |
31主耶穌的天主和父,那應受頌揚於永遠的,知道我不撒謊。 | 31The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed for ever, knoweth that I lie not. |
32我在大馬士革時,阿勒達王的總督把守了大馬士革人的城,要逮捕我, | 32At Damascus, the governor of the nation under Aretas the king, guarded the city of the Damascenes, to apprehend me. |
33而我竟被人用籃子從窗口,沿着城牆繫下,逃脫了他的手。 | 33And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and so escaped his hands. |
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