2 Kings:Chapter 20


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列王紀(下) 2 Kings
1在那些日子內,希則克雅患病垂危,阿摩茲的兒子依撒意亞來看他,對他說:「上主這樣說:快料理你的家務,因為你快要死,不能久活了。」 1In those days Ezechias was sick unto death: and Isaias the son of Amos the prophet came and said to him: Thus saith the Lord God: Give charge concerning thy house, for thou shalt die, and not live.
2希則克雅就轉面向牆,懇求上主說: 2And he turned his face to the wall, and prayed to the Lord, saying:
3「上主,求你記憶我如何懷着忠誠齊全的心,在你面前行走;如何作了你視為正義的事。」然後希則克雅放聲大哭。 3I beseech thee, O Lord, remember how I have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is pleasing before thee. And Ezechias wept with much weeping.
4依撒意亞出來,還沒有走到中院,上主的話傳於他說: 4And before Isaias was gone out of the middle of the court, the word of the Lord came to him, saying:
5「你回去,告訴我人民的領袖希則克雅說:上主,你祖先達味的天主這樣說:我聽見了你的祈禱,看見了你的眼淚。看,我必要治好你,第三天你就能上上主的殿。 5Go back, and tell Ezechias the captain of my people: Thus saith the Lord the God of David thy father: I have heard thy prayer, and I have seen thy tears: and behold I have healed thee; on the third day thou shalt go up to the temple of the Lord.
6我要在你的壽數上多加十五年,且由亞述王手中拯救你和這座城;為了我自己和我的僕人達味,我必保護這座城。」 6And I will add to thy days fifteen years: and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of the Assyrians, and I will protect this city for my own sake, and for David my servant's sake.
7依撒意亞遂吩咐說:「拿一塊無花果餅來。」人就拿來,貼在瘡口上;君王就好了。 7And Isaias said: Bring me a lump of figs. And when they had brought it, and laid it upon his boil. he was healed.
8希則克雅對依撒意亞說:「有什麼徵兆,上主要治好我,第三天我就能上上主的殿?」 8And Ezechias had said to Isaias: What shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me, and that I shall go up to the temple of the Lord the third day?
9依撒意亞回答說:「這就是上主給你的徵兆,上主必實踐他所說的話:你要日影向前進十度,還是要往後退十度?」 9And Isaias said to him: This shall be the sign from the Lord, that the Lord will do the word which he hath spoken: Wilt thou that the shadow go forward ten lines, or that it go back so many degrees?
10希則克雅答說:「日影向前進十度太容易,我不要;我要日影,倒退十度。」 10And Ezechias said: It is an easy matter for the shadow to go forward ten lines: and I do not desire that this be done, but let it return back ten degrees.
11先知依撒意亞呼求上主,上主就使射在阿哈次日晷上的日影倒退了十度。 11And Isaias the prophet called upon the Lord, and he brought the shadow ten degrees backwards by the lines, by which it had already gone down in the dial of Achaz.
12那時,巴比倫王巴拉丹的兒子默洛達客巴拉丹派人來見希則克雅,呈上書信和禮物,因為他聽說希則克雅患病又好了。 12At that time Berodach Baladan, the son of Baladan, king of the Babylonians, sent letters and presents to Ezechias: for he had heard that Ezechias had been sick.
13希則克雅非常高興,就叫使者參觀自己的寶庫、金銀、香料、珍膏和武器庫,以及他府庫內所有的財寶:凡他宮中和全國內所有的,希則克雅沒有一樣不叫他們不看的。 13And Ezechias rejoiced at their coming, and he shewed them the house of his aromatical spices, and the gold and the silver, and divers precious odours, and ointments, and the house of his vessels, and all that he had in his treasures. There was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominions that Ezechias shewed them not.
14依撒意亞先知遂來見希則克雅,對他說:「這些人說了什麼?他們是從什麼地方到你這裏來的?」希則克雅回答說:「他們是從遠方,從巴比倫來的。」 14And Isaias the prophet came to king Ezechias, and said to him: What said these men? or from whence came they to thee? And Ezechias said to him: From a far country they came to me out of Babylon.
15先知又問說:「他們在你宮中看見了什麼?」希則克雅回答說:「凡我宮中所有的,他們都看了;凡我府庫內所有的,沒有一樣我不叫他們不看的。」 15And he said: What did they see in thy house? Ezechias said: They saw all the things that are in my house: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewn them.
16依撒意亞遂對希則克雅說:「你聽上主的話罷! 16And Isaias said to Ezechias: Hear the word of the Lord.
17日子要到,凡你宮中所有的,及你祖先直到今日所積蓄的,都要被帶到巴比倫去,什麼也不會留下:上主說。 17Behold the days shall come, that all that is in thy house, and that thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried into Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the Lord.
18此外,由你所出,即你所生的子孫中,也有一些要被擄去,在巴比倫王宮內充當太監。 18And of thy sons also that shall issue from thee, whom thou shalt beget, they shall take away, and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.
19希則克雅對依撒意亞說:「你所說的上主的話是合理的!」繼而說:「惟願我有生之日有平安,有安全!」 19Ezechias said to Isaias: The word of the Lord, which thou hast spoken, is good: let peace and truth be in my days.
20希則克雅其餘的事蹟,他的英勇和他怎樣鑿池築溝,引水入城的事,都記載在《猶大列王實錄》上。 20And the rest of the acts of Ezechias and all his might, and how he made a pool, and a conduit, and brought waters into the city, are they not written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Juda?
21希則克雅與他的列祖同眠,他的兒子默納舍繼位為王。 21And Ezechias slept with his fathers, and Manasses his son reigned in his stead.




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