2 Maccabees:Chapter 13


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瑪加伯(下) 2 Maccabees
1一四九年,猶大和他的部下聽說安提約古歐帕托爾率領大軍來進攻猶太, 1In the year one hundred and forty-nine, Judas understood that Antiochus Eupator was coming with a multitude against Judea,
2他的監護人里息雅總理也與他同來;各自率領着希臘兵,共計步兵十一萬,騎兵五千三百,象二十二頭,鐮刀車三百輛。 2And with him Lysias the regent, who had charge over the affairs of the realm, having with him a hundred and ten thousand footmen, five thousand horsemen, twenty-two elephants, and three hundred chariots armed with hooks.
3默乃勞也混入其中,假仁假義地激勵安提約古;他如此作,並非為了國家的安全,而只是想鞏固自己的職位。 3Menelaus also joined himself with them: and with great deceitfulness besought Antiochus, not for the welfare of his country, but in hopes that he should be appointed chief ruler.
4但萬王之王激動安提約古惱恨這個惡徒;里息雅向君王證明此人是萬惡的罪魁,安提約古即下令解送他到貝洛雅去,按當地的刑法處死他。 4But the King of kings stirred up the mind of Antiochus against the sinner, and upon Lysias suggesting that he was the cause of all the evils, he commanded (as the custom is with them) that he should be apprehended and put to death in the same place.
5在那裏有一座塔,高五十餘肘,裏面滿是火灰,設有一架旋機,能從各方面把人投入火灰中。 5Now there was in that place a tower fifty cubits high, having a heap of ashes on every side: this had a prospect steep down.
6凡盜竊廟物,或犯其他重罪的人,都應投入裏面處死。 6From thence he commanded the sacrilegious wretch to be thrown down into the ashes, all men thrusting him forward unto death.
7這犯法的默乃勞就是受這刑罰而死的,死後也不得入土。 7And by such a law it happened that Menelaus the transgressor of the law was put to death: not having so much as burial in the earth.
8祭壇上的火和灰原是聖潔的:他既多次褻瀆祭壇,如今死在火灰中,是極公平的。 8And indeed very justly, for insomuch as he had committed many sins against the altar of God, the fire and ashes of which were holy: he was condemned to die in ashes.
9此時,國王起了一種野蠻和強橫的念頭,想加害猶太人,比他父親所行的還要殘酷。 9But the king, with his mind full of rage, came on to shew himself worse to the Jews than his father was.
10猶大一知道這事,便命民眾日夜呼求上主,求他這次還如從前一樣,拯救他們,不使法律、國家和聖殿遭受浩劫, 10Which, when Judas understood, he commanded the people to call upon the Lord day and night, that as he had always done, so now also he would help them:
11不讓這剛才復興的民族落在瀆神的異民手中。 11Because they were afraid to be deprived of the law, and of their country, and of the holy temple: and that he would not suffer the people, that had of late taken breath for a little while, to be again in subjection to blasphemous nations.
12眾人一致順命,一連三天俯伏在地,哀哭禁食,懇求仁慈的上主。於是猶大勉勵眾人後,下令備戰, 12So when they had all done this together, and had craved mercy of the Lord with weeping and fasting, lying prostrate on the ground for three days continually, Judas exhorted them to make themselves ready.
13先與長老們私下商議,然後決定在國王的軍隊尚未開入猶太和佔領京城以前,就出發迎擊,賴天主的助佑來決定一切。 13But he with the ancients determined, before the king should bring his army into Judea, and make himself master of the city, to go out, and to commit the event of the thing to the judgment of the Lord.
14將戰爭的勝負全託付於宇宙的創造者;又勸勉自己的部下,應同他一起為法律、聖殿、京城、祖國及民權奮勇作戰,死而後已。於是他就在摩丁附近紮了營。 14So committing all to God, the creator of the world, and having exhorted his people to fight manfully, and to stand up even to death for the laws, the temple, the city, their country, and citizens: he placed his army about Modin.
15他給軍隊規定以「天主勝利」為口號,然後選拔一隊驍勇的少年士兵,夜襲國王營幕,在營內殺了二千守兵,刺殺了象隊中的領隊大象,以及木樓裏馭象的人。 15And having given his company for a watchword, The victory of God, with most valiant chosen young men, he set upon the king's quarter by night, and slew four thousand men in the camp, and the greatest of the elephants, with them that had been upon him,
16最後使全營敵人驚慌失措,遂凱旋而歸。 16And having filled the camp of the enemies with exceeding great fear and tumult, they went off with good success.
17因了上主保護猶大,戰事完了,天纔破曉。 17Now this was done at the break of day, by the protection and help of the Lord.
18國王雖經驗到猶太人的英勇,但仍設法侵略他們的地方。 18But the king having taken a taste of the hardiness of the Jews, attempted to take the strong places by policy:
19於是進攻猶太人堅固的堡壘貝特族爾,但被擊退;再次進攻,又遭挫敗。 19And he marched with his army to Bethsura, which was a strong hold of the Jews: but he was repulsed, he failed, he lost his men.
20猶大輸送一切必需品,接濟被圍困的人, 20Now Judas sent necessaries to them that were within.
21但有個猶太軍人,名叫洛多苛的,向敵人告密;這人被查出後,即被捕入獄。 21But Rhodocus, one of the Jews' army, disclosed the secrets to the enemies, so he was sought out, and taken up, and put in prison.
22國王二次與貝特族爾居民握手議和,遂離開了那裏,去攻擊猶大的軍隊,可是又遭到慘敗。 22Again the king treated with them that were in Bethsura: gave his right hand: took theirs: and went away.
23那時王聽說,他留在安提約基雅攝政的斐理伯造反,就心慌意亂,遂與猶太人講和,宣誓接受他們一切合理的條件;講和後,他也獻了祭,對聖殿起敬畏,對聖所也表示慷慨大方。 23He fought with Judas: and was overcome. And when he understood that Philip, who had been left over the affairs, had rebelled at Antioch, he was in a consternation of mind, and entreating the Jews, and yielding to them, he swore to all things that seemed reasonable, and, being reconciled, offered sacrifices, honoured the temple, and left gifts.
24王又善待了瑪加伯,留下赫革摩尼德為總督,管理由仆托肋買至革勒尼人所居住的地方。 24He embraced Machabeus, and made him governor and prince from Ptolemais unto the Gerrenians.
25王回到仆托肋買,那裏的居民卻憤憤不平,不滿意這些和約,要廢除所議定的事項。 25But when he was come to Ptolemais, the men of that city were much displeased with the conditions of the peace, being angry for fear they should break the covenant.
26里息雅便登台竭力辯解,說服了他們,贏得了他們的信心,使他們寧靜下來,然後回安提約基雅去了。這就是王進軍及撤兵的事。 26Then Lysias went up to the judgment seat, and set forth the reason, and appeased the people, and returned to Antioch: and thus matters went with regard to the king's coming and his return.




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