2 Maccabees:Chapter 14


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瑪加伯(下) 2 Maccabees
1過了三年,猶大和他的部下知道色婁苛的兒子德默特琉帶着大軍及戰船已在特黎頗里海口登陸, 1But after the space of three years Judas, and they that were with him, understood that Demetrius the son of Seleucus was come up with a great power, and a navy by the haven of Tripolis to places proper for his purpose.
2佔領那地,殺了安提約古及他的監護人里息雅。 2And had made himself master of the countries against Antiochus, and his general Lysias.
3從前任大司祭的阿耳基慕,在與外邦人絕交時期,曾甘心自污,自知無論如何不得安全,也不能再走近聖壇; 3Now one Alcimus, who had been chief priest, but had wilfully defiled himself in the time of mingling with the heathens, seeing that there was no safety for him, nor access to the altar,
4於是在一五一年,去見德默特琉王,獻給他一頂金冠和金棕櫚枝,此外還獻上些聖殿內常供奉的橄欖枝;他那一天沒有說什麼。 4Came to king Demetrius in the year one hundred and fifty, presenting unto him a crown of gold, and a palm, and besides these, some boughs which seemed to belong to the temple. And that day indeed he held his peace.
5但當德默特琉召他來會議,詢問他猶太人有何心思和企圖時,他便乘機貢獻那無恥的計策說: 5But having gotten a convenient time to further his madness, being called to counsel by Demetrius, and asked what the Jews relied upon, and what were their counsels,
6「有一些號稱哈息待的,並以猶大瑪加伯為領袖的猶太人,時常發動戰爭,叛變無常,不讓國家獲得安寧。 6He answered thereunto: They among the Jews that are called Assideans, of whom Judas Machabeus is captain, nourish wars, and raise seditions, and will not suffer the realm to be in peace.
7因此,我既然被他們剝奪了祖傳的光榮,即大司祭的地位,現今我來到這裏: 7For I also being deprived of my ancestors' glory (I mean of the high priesthood) am now come hither:
8第一,是為誠心圖謀國王的福利;第二,是為替我同胞着想,因為,因了上述那些人的膽大妄為,我們整個民族受到不少的苦楚。 8Principally indeed out of fidelity to the king's interests, but in the next place also to provide for the good of my countrymen: for all our nation suffereth much from the evil proceedings of those men.
9如今請陛下將這些事先一一調查清楚,以後設法依照陛下對天下所懷的仁德,照顧我們的家鄉,及我們遭難的民族, 9Wherefore, O king, seeing thou knowest all these things, take care, I beseech thee, both of the country, and of our nation, according to thy humanity which is known to all men,
10因為猶大一息尚存,國家決不能平安。」 10For as long as Judas liveth, it is not possible that the state should be quiet.
11他正說這些話時,其他憎恨猶大的親信,也在旁激動德默特琉的憤怒。 11Now when this man had spoken to this effect, the rest also of the king's friends, who were enemies of Judas, incensed Demetrius against him.
12於是國王立即選定曾任象隊司令的尼加諾爾,委他為猶太總督,派他前去; 12And forthwith he sent Nicanor, the commander over the elephants, governor into Judea:
13令他去殺猶大,解散他的部下,立阿耳基慕為那莊嚴聖殿的司祭長。 13Giving him in charge, to take Judas himself: and disperse all them that were with him, and to make Alcimus the high priest of the great temple.
14猶太各地被猶大所驅逐的外邦人,便都成群結隊來協助尼加諾爾,認為猶太人的不幸和災害,都於自己有利。 14Then the Gentiles who had fled out of Judea from Judas, came to Nicanor by flocks, thinking the miseries and calamities of the Jews to be the welfare of their affairs.
15猶太人聽說尼加諾爾來侵,外邦人來犯,便頭上撒土,哀號那位永遠保存自己的民族,又常顯奇蹟保護自己產業的天主, 15Now when the Jews heard of Nicanor's coming, and that the nations were assembled against them, they cast earth upon their heads, and made supplication to him, who chose his people to keep them for ever, and who protected his portion by evident signs.
16然後遵照領袖的命令,立時從那裏動身,在德掃村與敵人交鋒。 16Then at the commandment of their captain, they forthwith removed from the place where they were, and went to the town of Dessau, to meet them.
17猶大的兄弟息孟已經與尼加諾爾交戰,但因敵兵的突擊,稍感不利。 17Now Simon the brother of Judas had joined battle with Nicanor, but was frightened with the sudden coming of the adversaries.
18可是,尼加諾爾因為聽說猶大和他的部下驍勇善戰,以及他們為國作戰的雄心,不敢用武力來解決, 18Nevertheless Nicanor hearing of the valour of Judas' companions, and the greatness of courage with which they fought for their country, was afraid to try the matter by the sword.
19於是派頗息多尼、特奧多托和瑪塔提雅去與猶太人商議和談。 19Wherefore he sent Posidonius, and Theodotius, and Matthias before to present and receive the right hands.
20將條件詳細考慮後,首領通知眾軍隊,大家既一致贊同,他纔同意講和。 20And when there had been a consultation thereupon, and the captain had acquainted the multitude with it, they) were all of one mind to consent to covenants.
21雙方也規定了同到一地會商的日期,那天,各乘轎車來就已佈置好的席位。 21So they appointed a day upon which they might commune together by themselves: and seats were brought out, and set for each one.
22猶大在適宜的地方派兵防守,以免敵人背信突擊;雙方的談判終於獲得協議。 22But Judas ordered men to be ready in convenient places, lest some mischief might be suddenly practiced by the enemies: so they made an agreeable conference.
23尼加諾爾逗留在耶路撒冷時,沒有做出什麼越軌的事,而且還解散了那些來協助他的隊伍。 23And Nicanor abode in Jerusalem, and did no wrong, but sent away the flocks of the multitudes that had been gathered together.
24他常要猶大在自己的身邊,心裏也很喜歡他; 24And Judas was always dear to him from the heart, and he was well affected to the man.
25於是勸他娶妻生子,猶大便娶了妻子,享受人生樂趣。 25And he desired him to marry a wife, and to have children. So he married: he lived quietly, and they lived in common.
26阿耳基慕見他們二人交好,便帶了一份訂的和約,到德默特琉面前,說尼加諾爾對國事有異心,因為他已指定了叛國的猶大為自己的繼承人。 26But Alcimus seeing the love they had one to another, and the covenants, came to Demetrius, and told him that Nicanor assented to the foreign interest, for that he meant to make Judas, who was a traitor to the kingdom, his successor.
27王被這惡徒的讒言所惑,勃然大怒,寫信給尼加諾爾,表示不滿意他所訂的和約,並命令他從速逮捕瑪加伯,把他解送到安提約基雅去。 27Then the king being in a rage and provoked with this man's wicked accusations, wrote to Nicanor, signifying, that he was greatly displeased with the covenant of friendship: and that he commanded him nevertheless to send Machabeus prisoner in all haste to Antioch.
28尼加諾爾得到這道諭令,極感不安,因為對方沒有什麼不對,不好輕易違背與他訂的和約; 28When this was known, Nicanor was in a consternation, and took it grievously that he should make void the articles that were agreed upon, having received no injury from the man.
29但又不能違抗君王,所以只好尋找機會,運用機智來完成這道命令。 29But because he could not oppose the king, he watched an opportunity to comply with the orders.
30瑪加伯見尼加諾爾對自己冷淡,談話的態度也比以前粗暴,便瞭解這種粗暴態度決非好現象;於是召集自己不少的部下,暗自離開了尼加諾爾。 30But when Machabeus perceived that Nicanor was more stern to him, and that when they met together as usual he behaved himself in a rough manner: and was sensible that this rough behaviour came not of good, he gathered together a few of his men, and hid himself from Nicanor.
31尼加諾爾見自己被猶大玩弄,便在司祭正獻日常祭時,闖進莊嚴的聖殿,命他們交出瑪加伯來。 31But he finding himself notably prevented by the man, came to the great and holy temple: and commanded the priests that were offering the accustomed sacrifices, to deliver him the man.
32他們就起誓說不知道他找的人在那裏。 32And when they swore unto him, that they knew not where the man was whom he sought, he stretched out his hand to the temple,
33他就向聖殿伸出右手發誓道:「你們若不將猶大逮捕交給我,我要將天主的這座殿宇夷為平地,將祭壇拆毀,並在這裏給彫尼索建築一座壯麗的廟宇。」 33And swore, saying: Unless you deliver Judas prisoner to me, I will lay this temple of God even with the ground, and will beat down the altar, and I will dedicate this temple to Bacchus.
34說完這話就走了。司祭們舉手向天,呼求那常為自己的民族作戰者說: 34And when he had spoken thus he departed. But the priests stretching forth their hands to heaven, called upon him that was ever the defender of their nation, saying in this manner:
35「萬有的上主!你一無所缺,但是你卻樂意在我們中有一座聖殿作你的住所。 35Thou, O Lord of all things, who wantest nothing, wast pleased that the temple of thy habitation should be amongst us.
36那麼,至聖的上主!求你保護這座纔潔淨的聖殿,使它永遠不再受褻瀆!」 36Therefore now, O Lord the holy of all holies, keep this house for ever undefiled which was lately cleansed.
37在耶路撒冷有長老,名叫辣齊斯,被人在尼加諾爾跟前控告了;他原是熱心愛國,極負盛名的人,因為為人慈祥,人都稱他為猶太人之父。 37Now Razias, one of the ancients of Jerusalem, was accused to Nicanor, a man that was a lover of the city, and of good report, who for his affection was called the father of the Jews.
38他在與外邦人絕交的初期,也曾因猶太教而被控告;他已決意為猶太教犧牲自身和性命。 38This man, for a long time, had held fast his purpose of keeping himself pure in the Jews' religion, and was ready to expose his body and life, that he might persevere therein.
39尼加諾爾為發洩自己對猶太人所懷的仇恨,便派了五百多人去捉拿他, 39So Nicanor being willing to declare the hatred that he bore the Jews, sent five hundred soldiers to take him.
40認為逮捕這個人,一定能給猶太人一個極大的打擊。 40For he thought by insnaring him to hurt the Jews very much.
41當軍隊正要佔據堡壘,撞開庭院大門,下令放火燒門時,辣齊斯見四面受敵,便伏劍自刎, 41Now as the multitude sought to rush into his house, and to break open the door, and to set fire to it, when he was ready to be taken, he struck himself with his sword:
42寧願壯烈犧牲不願陷在惡人手中,使自己的身份遭受不堪的凌辱。 42Choosing to die nobly rather than to fall into the hands of the wicked, and to suffer abuses unbecoming his noble birth.
43但因伏劍過急,沒有刺中要害,那時敵人已闖進門內,他便奮身跑到牆上,毅然跳到人群中。 43But whereas through haste he missed of giving himself a sure wound, and the crowd was breaking into the doors, he ran boldly to the wall, and manfully threw himself down to the crowd:
44眾人都急忙後退,讓出一塊空地,他便落在空地上。 44But they quickly making room for his fall, he came upon the midst of the neck.
45這時他還活着,於是怒火如焚的爬起來,雖然血流如注,傷勢甚重,還跑着穿過人群,屹立在一塊巖石上; 45And as he had yet breath in him, being inflamed in mind he arose: and while his blood ran down with a great stream, and he was grievously wounded, he ran through the crowd:
46血快要流盡的時候,又將五臟扯出來,雙手捧着,向人群拋去,懇求那掌管生命及靈魂的主宰,把這一切再還給他;他就這樣死了。 46And standing upon a steep rock, when he was now almost without blood, grasping his bowels with both hands, he cast them upon the throng, calling upon the Lord of life and spirit, to restore these to him again: and so he departed this life.




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