2 Timothy:Chapter 3
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弟茂德後書 | 2 Timothy |
1你應知道:在末日,困難的時期必要來臨, | 1Know also this, that, in the last days, shall come dangerous times. |
2因為那時人只愛自己、愛錢、矜誇、驕傲、謾罵、不孝順父母、忘恩、負義、不虔敬、 | 2Men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, |
3無慈愛、難和解、善誹謗、無節制、無仁心、不樂善、 | 3Without affection, without peace, slanderers, incontinent, unmerciful, without kindness, |
4背信、鹵莽、自大、愛快樂勝過愛天主; | 4Traitors, stubborn, puffed up, and lovers of pleasures more than of God: |
5他們雖有虔敬的外貌,卻背棄了虔敬的實質;這等人,你務要躲避。 | 5Having an appearance indeed of godliness, but denying the power thereof. Now these avoid. |
6因為他們中,有的潛入人家中,獵取那些滿身罪惡,及被各種邪慾吸引的婦女; | 6For of these sort are they who creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, who are led away with divers desires: |
7這些婦女雖時常學習,但總達不到明白真理的地步。 | 7Ever learning, and never attaining to the knowledge of the truth. |
8就如從前雅乃斯和楊布勒反抗梅瑟,照樣這等人也反抗了真理。他們的心術敗壞了,在信德上是不可靠的。 | 8Now as Jannes and Mambres resisted Moses, so these also resist the truth, men corrupted in mind, reprobate concerning the faith. |
9但他們不能再有所成就,因為他們的愚昧將要暴露在眾人前,如同那兩個人一樣。 | 9But they shall proceed no farther; for their folly shall be manifest to all men, as theirs also was. |
10至於你,你卻追隨了我的教訓、我度日的態度、志向、信心、堅忍、愛心、容忍、 | 10But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, patience, |
11我受的迫害和苦難,即我在安提約基雅、依科尼雍、呂斯特辣所遭遇的事;那時我受了何等的迫害,主卻從這一切迫害中救出了我。 | 11Persecutions, afflictions: such as came upon me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra: what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord delivered me. |
12凡是願意在基督耶穌內熱心生活的人,都必要遭受迫害。 | 12And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution. |
13但是惡人和行詐術的人卻越來越壞,他們迷惑人,也必受人迷惑。 | 13But evil men and seducers shall grow worse and worse: erring, and driving into error. |
14然而你要堅持你所學和所信的事,你知道你是由誰學來的。 | 14But continue thou in those things which thou hast learned, and which have been committed to thee: knowing of whom thou hast learned them; |
15你自幼便通曉了聖經,這聖經能使你憑着那在基督耶穌內的信德,獲得得救的智慧。 | 15And because from thy infancy thou hast known the holy scriptures, which can instruct thee to salvation, by the faith which is in Christ Jesus. |
16凡受天主默感所寫的聖經,為教訓、為督責、為矯正、為教導人學正義,都是有益的, | 16All scripture, inspired of God, is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in justice, |
17好使天主的人成全,適於行各種善工。 | 17That the man of God may be perfect, furnished to every good work. |
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