Genesis:Chapter 39
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創世紀 | Genesis |
1若瑟被人帶到埃及,有個埃及人普提法爾,是法郎的內臣兼衛隊長,從帶若瑟來的依市瑪耳人手裏買了他。 | 1And Joseph was brought into Egypt, and Putiphar an eunuch of Pharao, chief captain of the army, an Egyptian, bought him of the Ismaelites, by whom he was brought. |
2上主與若瑟同在,他便事事順利,住在他埃及主人家裏。 | 2And the Lord was with him, and he was a prosperous man in all things: and he dwelt in his master's house, |
3他主人見上主與若瑟同在,又見上主使他手中所做的事,無不順利; | 3Who knew very well that the Lord was with him, and made all that he did to prosper in his hand. |
4為此若瑟在他主人眼中得了寵,令他服事自己,託他管理自己的家務,將所有的一切,都交在他手中。 | 4And Joseph found favour in the sight of his master, and ministered to him: and being set over all by him, he governed the house committed to him, and all things that were delivered to him: |
5自從主人託他管理家務和所有的一切以來,上主為若瑟的原故,祝福了這埃及人的家庭,他家內和田間所有的一切,都蒙受了上主的祝福。 | 5And the Lord blessed the house of the Egyptian for Joseph's sake, and multiplied all his substance, both at home, and in the fields. |
6普提法爾將自己所有的一切,都交在若瑟的手裏;只要有他在,除自己所吃的食物外,其餘一概不管。若瑟生來體態秀雅,容貌俊美。 | 6Neither knew he any other thing, but the bread which he ate. And Joseph was of a beautiful countenance, and comely to behold. |
7這些事以後,有一回,主人的妻子向若瑟以目傳情,並且說:「你與我同睡罷!」 | 7And after many days his mistress cast her eyes on Joseph, and said: Lie with me. |
8他立即拒絕,對主人的妻子說:「你看,有我在,家中的事,我主人什麼都不管;凡他所有的一切,都交在我手中。 | 8But he, in no wise consenting to that wicked act, said to her: Behold, my master hath delivered all things to me, and knoweth not what he hath in his own house: |
9在這一家內,他並不比我更有權勢,因為他沒有留下一樣不交給我;只有你除外,因為你是他的妻子。我怎能做這極惡的事,得罪天主呢?」 | 9Neither is there any thing which is not in my power, or that he hath not delivered to me, but thee, who art his wife: how then can I do this wicked thing, and sin against my God? |
10她雖然天天這樣對若瑟說,若瑟總不聽從與她同睡,與她結合。 | 10With such words as these day by day, both the woman was importunate with the young man, and he refused the adultery. |
11有這麼一天,若瑟走進屋內辦事,家人都沒有在屋裏, | 11Now it happened on a certain day, that Joseph went into the house, and was doing some business without any, man with him: |
12她便抓住若瑟的衣服說:「與我同睡罷!」若瑟把自己的外衣,捨在她手中,就跑到外面去了。 | 12And she catching the skirt of his garment, said: Lie with me. But he leaving the garment in her hand, fled, and went out. |
13她一見若瑟把自己的外衣捨在她手中,跑到外面去了。 | 13And when the woman saw the garment in her hands, and herself disregarded, |
14就召喚她的家人來,對他們說:「你們看!他給我們帶來的希伯來人竟敢調戲我啊!他來到我這裏,要與我同睡,我就大聲呼喊。 | 14She called to her the men of her house, and said to them: See, he hath brought in a Hebrew, to abuse us: he came in to me, to lie with me: and when I cried out, |
15他一聽見我高聲呼喊,把他的衣服捨在我身邊,就跑到外面去了。」 | 15And he heard my voice, he left the garment that I held, and got him out. |
16她便將若瑟的衣服留在身邊,等他的主人回家, | 16For a proof therefore of her fidelity, she kept the garment, and shewed it to her husband when he returned home: |
17她又用同樣的話給他講述說:「你給我們帶來的那個希伯來僕人,竟到這裏來調戲我。 | 17And said: The Hebrew servant, whom thou hast brought, came to me to abuse me. |
18我一高聲呼喊,他就把他的衣服捨在我身邊,跑到外面去了。」 | 18And when he heard me cry, he left the garment which I held, and fled out. |
19主人一聽見他妻子對他所說:「你的僕人如此如此對待我的話」,便大發憤怒。 | 19His master hearing these things, and giving too much credit to his wife's words, was very angry. |
20若瑟的主人遂捉住若瑟放在監裏,即囚禁君王囚犯人的地方。他雖在那裏坐監, | 20And cast Joseph into the prison, where the king's prisoners were kept, and he was there shut up. |
21上主仍與他同在,對他施恩,使他在獄長眼中得寵; | 21But the Lord was with Joseph and having mercy upon him gave him favour in the sight of the chief keeper of the prison: |
22因此獄長將監中所有的囚犯都交在若瑟手中;凡獄中應辦的事,都由他辦理。 | 22Who delivered into his hand all the prisoners that were kept in custody: and whatsoever was done was under him. |
23凡交在若瑟手中的事,獄長一概不聞不問,因為上主與他同在,凡他所做的,上主無不使之順遂。 | 23Neither did he himself know any thing, having committed all things to him: for the Lord was with him, and made all that he did to prosper. |
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