Hosea:Chapter 9


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歐瑟亞 Hosea
1以色列!你不要高興,不要像異民一樣狂歡,因為你行了淫,離棄了你的天主,在所有的禾場上只是喜愛淫資。 1Rejoice not, O Israel: rejoice not as the nations do: for thou hast committed fornication against thy God, thou hast loved a reward upon every cornfloor.
2禾場與榨酒池不再認識他們,新酒也要拒絕他們。 2The floor and the winepress shall not feed them, and the wine shall deceive them.
3他們必不能在上主的地方居住;厄弗辣因必要回到埃及,且要在亞述吃不潔之物。 3They shall not dwell in the Lord's land: Ephraim is returned to Egypt, and hath eaten unclean things among the Assyrians.
4他們不能再向上主奠酒,也不能再向他奉獻自己的祭品;他們的餅好似喪餅,凡吃這餅的,必受玷污;因為他們的餅只可為他們自用,不能帶進上主的殿內。 4They shall not offer wine to the Lord, neither shall they please him: their sacrifices shall be like the bread of mourners: all that shall eat it shall be defiled: for their bread is life for their soul, it shall not enter into the house of the Lord.
5那麼,你們在盛會之日,在上主的節日,可作什麼呢? 5What will you do in the solemn day, in the day of the feast of the Lord?
6因為,看,他們由毀滅裏逃走,埃及要收集他們,摩夫要埋葬他們;他們珍貴的銀器將為蒺藜所承受,他們的帳幕將被荊棘所佔有。 6For behold they are gone because of destruction: Egypt shall gather them together, Memphis shall bury them: nettles shall inherit their beloved silver, the bur shall be in their tabernacles.
7懲罰的日子來了,報復的日子到了,以色列要喊說:先知是愚人,受靈感的人是瘋子!是,這是因為你的過犯繁多,因為你的罪惡重大。 7The days of visitation are come, the days of repaying are come: know ye, O Israel, that the prophet was foolish, the spiritual man was mad, for the multitude of thy iniquity, and the multitude of thy madness.
8厄弗辣因窺伺先知的帳幕,在他的路上處處佈下了羅網,在自己天主的殿內只有敵視。 8The watchman of Ephraim was with my God: the prophet is become a snare of ruin upon all his ways, madness is in the house of his God.
9他們窮凶極惡已達到極點,就如在基貝亞的時日一樣;上主必不忘他們的罪孽,必要懲罰他們的邪惡。 9They have sinned deeply, as in the days of Gabaa: he will remember their iniquity, and will visit their sin.
10我發見了以色列,就如曠野中發見了葡萄;看見了你們的祖先,就如在無花果樹上看見初熟的果實;但當他們來到了巴耳培敖爾時,便將自己獻給了可憎之物,使自己也成了可憎惡的,如他們所喜愛的邪神一樣。 10I found Israel like grapes in the desert, I saw their fathers like the firstfruits of the fig tree in the top thereof: but they went in to Beelphegor, and alienated themselves to that confusion, and became abominable, as those things were, which they loved.
11至於厄弗辣因,他們的光榮,就如飛鳥飛去,必不生產,不懷胎,不妊娠。 11As for Ephraim, their glory hath flown away like a bird from the birth, and from the womb, and from the conception.
12即使他們把自己的子女養大,我也必使他們喪亡,一個不留;幾時我捨棄他們,他們纔是有禍的。 12And though they should bring up their children, I will make them without children among men: yea, and woe to them, when I shall depart from them.
13厄弗辣因,一如我所見的,必使自己的子女成為獵物;厄弗辣因必把自己的子女交出屠殺。 13Ephraim, as I saw, was a Tyre founded in beauty: and Ephraim shall bring out his children to the murderer.
14上主,求你賜給他們……賜給他們什麼呢?要使他們胎荒,乳乾! 14Give them, O Lord. What wilt thou give them? Give them a womb without children, and dry breasts.
15他們所行的一切惡事,全在基耳加耳開始,因此,在那裏我就恨了他們;為了他們的惡行,我必將他們從我的家裏趕出去;我不再喜愛他們,他們的首領全是叛徒。 15All their wickedness is in Galgal, for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their devices I will cast them forth out of my house: I will love them no more, all their princes are revolters.
16厄弗辣因受了打擊,根子也乾枯了,再不能結果實;即使他們生產了孩子,我也必將他們的寧馨兒殺死。 16Ephraim is struck, their root is dried up, they shall yield no fruit. And if they should have issue, I will slay the best beloved fruit of their womb.
17我的天主必要拋棄他們,因為他們沒有聽從他;他們必要在各民族中飄流。 17My God will cast them away, because they hearkened not to him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations.




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