Job:Chapter 41


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約伯傳 Job
1看,人的希望落了空,並且一見牠就嚇壞了。 1I will not stir him up, like one that is cruel: for who can resist my countenance?
2沒有一個勇敢的人敢觸犯牠,有誰還敢站立在牠前面呢? 2Who hath given me before that I should repay him? All things that are under heaven are mine.
3誰攻擊牠,而能安全無恙?普天之下沒有一人! 3I will not spare him, nor his mighty words, and framed to make supplication.
4論牠的四體百肢,我不能緘默;論牠的力量,我要說:沒有可與牠相比的。 4Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can go into the midst of his mouth?
5誰能揭開牠的外衣,誰能穿透牠雙層的鱗甲? 5Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.
6誰敢啟開牠的口?牠四周的牙齒,令人戰慄。 6His body is like molten shields, shut close up with scales pressing upon one another.
7牠的脊背有如盾甲,好像為石印所密封。 7One is joined to another, and not so much as any air can come between them:
8鱗甲片片相連,氣也透不進去; 8They stick one to another and they hold one another fast, and shall not be separated.
9互相聯結,黏在一起不可分離。 9His sneezing is like the shining of fire, and his eyes like the eyelids of the morning.
10牠的噴嚏發出白光,眼睛像旭日閃動。 10Out of his mouth go forth lamps, like torches of lighted fire.
11火把從牠口中噴出,火花四射。 11Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, like that of a pot heated and boiling.
12煙從牠鼻孔冒出,宛如燃燒沸騰的鍋鑪。 12His breath kindleth coals, and a flame cometh forth out of his mouth.
13牠的氣息可點燃煤炭,火燄由牠口中射出。 13In his neck strength shall dwell, and want goeth before his face.
14牠的力量集中在牠的頸上,在牠面前,沒有不恐怖的。 14The members of his flesh cleave one to another: he shall send lightnings against him, and they shall not be carried to another place.
15牠的肌肉互相連結,緊貼牠身,堅不可動。 15His heart shall be as hard as a stone, and as firm as a smith's anvil.
16牠的心堅如石塊,堅硬有如磨磐。 16When he shall raise him up, the angels shall fear, and being affrighted shall purify themselves.
17牠一起立,壯士戰慄,驚慌失措。 17When a sword shall lay at him, it shall not be able to hold, nor a spear, nor a breastplate.
18人若想捕捉牠,刀、槍、箭、戟都是徒然。 18For he shall esteem iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood.
19牠視鐵如草芥,視銅若朽木。 19The archer shall not put him to flight, the stones of the sling are to him like stubble.
20弓矢不能使牠遁逃;機石打在牠身上好似碎稭。 20As stubble will he esteem the hammer, and he will laugh him to scorn who shaketh the spear.
21牠視棍棒像麥稭,對射來的箭矢冷笑。 21The beams of the sun shall be under him, and he shall strew gold under him like mire.
22牠腹下似尖瓦,牠行過之地,有如打禾機碾過。 22He shall make the deep sea to boil like a pot, and shall make it as when ointments boil.
23牠使深淵沸騰有如沸鼎,使海洋沸騰有如油鍋。 23A path shall shine after him, he shall esteem the deep as growing old.
24牠游過之路發出銀光,令人以為海洋飄揚白髮。 24There is no power upon earth that can be compared with him who was made to fear no one.
25世上沒有可與牠相比的,牠一無所懼。 25He beholdeth every high thing, he is king over all the children of pride.
26牠卑視所有的巨獸,牠在猛獸中稱王。 26




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