Joshua:Chapter 23


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若蘇厄書 Joshua
1以後上主使以色列人同四周敵人平安無事,這樣過了很長的時間,若蘇厄已老,上了年紀, 1And when a long time was passed, after that the Lord had given peace to Israel, all the nations round about being subdued, and Josue being now old, and far advanced in years:
2便將全以色列人,他們的長老、首領、判官和官長召來,對他們說:「我已年老,上了年紀。 2Josue called for all Israel, and for the elders, and for the princes, and for the judges, and for the masters, and said to them: I am old, and far advanced in years:
3你們都親眼見了上主你們的天主,為了你們對所有的民族所作的一切;因為是上主你們的天主在替你們作戰。 3And you see all that the Lord your God hath done to all the nations round about, how he himself hath fought for you:
4你們看,我已用抽籤方式,將由約但河起,直至日落之處的大海之間,所消滅和所剩下的各民族的土地,按照你們各支派,都分給了你們作產業。 4And now since he hath divided to you by lot all the land, from the east of the Jordan unto the great sea, and many nations yet remain:
5上主你們的天主必將他們由你們面前趕走,使他們離開你們,叫你們承受他們的土地,一如上主你們的天主向你們所應許的。 5The Lord your God will destroy them, and take them away from before your face, and you shall possess the land as he hath promised you.
6因此,你們要更忠實謹守奉行梅瑟法律書上所記載的一切,不可偏左偏右, 6Only take courage, and be careful to observe all things that are written in the book of the law of Moses: and turn not aside from them neither to the right hand nor to the left:
7不可與你們中間所餘的異族往來,不可提起他們的神名,不可指着他們起誓,不可事奉那些神,也不可在他們面前跪拜。 7Lest after that you are come in among the Gentiles, who will remain among you, you should swear by the name of their gods, and serve them, and adore them:
8反之,你們應按照你們一直到今天所行的,依附上主你們的天主, 8But cleave ye unto the Lord your God: as you have done until this day.
9因為是上主從你們面前趕走了那些強大的異族,直到今天,沒有人能抵抗你們。 9And then the Lord God will take away before your eyes nations that are great and very strong, and no man shall be able to resist you.
10你們一人能趕走千人,是因為上主你們的天主,照他所應許的,親自為你們作戰。 10One of you shall chase a thousand men of the enemies: because the Lord your God himself will fight for you, as he hath promised.
11你們要盡心盡力,愛慕上主你們的天主。 11This only take care of with all diligence, that you love the Lord your God.
12如果你們背棄上主,依戀你們中間所剩餘的異族,同他們結婚,互相往來, 12But if you will embrace the errors of these nations that dwell among you, and make marriages with them, and join friendships:
13你們就當知道,上主你們的天主必不再從你們面前,趕走這些異族,他們必將成為你們的羅網和陷阱、打你們腰的鞭子、扎你們眼的芒刺,直到你們從上主你們天主所賜給你們的這福地上,全被消滅。 13Know ye for a certainty that the Lord your God will not destroy them before your face, but they shall be a pit and a snare in your way, and a stumblingblock at your side, and stakes in your eyes, till he take you away and destroy you from off this excellent land, which he hath given you.
14看我今天就要走世人必走的路,你們要一心一意地承認,上主你們的天主應許賜福給你們的話,沒有一句落空,都已應驗在你們身上,一句也沒有落空。 14Behold this day I am going into the way of all the earth, and you shall know with all your mind that of all the words which the Lord promised to perform for you, not one hath failed.
15上主你們的天主對你們所應許的一切幸福,怎樣實現在你們身上,上主對你們所提出的災禍,也要怎樣臨於你們身上,直到將你們從上主你們天主所賜予你們的這福地上消滅。 15Therefore as he hath fulfilled in deed, what he promised, and all things prosperous have come: so Will he bring upon you all the evils he hath threatened, till he take you away and destroy you from off this excellent land, which he hath given you,
16如果你們違犯上主你們的天主與你們訂立的盟約,去事奉敬拜其他的神,上主必向你們大發忿怒,使你們迅速從他所賜予你們的福地上消滅。」 16When you shall have transgressed the covenant of the Lord your God, which he hath made with you, and shall have served strange gods, and adored them: then shall the indignation of the Lord rise up quickly and speedily against you, and you shall be taken away from this excellent land, which he hath delivered to you.




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