Joshua:Chapter 24


Previous Joshua:Chapter 24  
若蘇厄書 Joshua
1若蘇厄又聚集以色列眾支派來到舍根,也召集了以色列的長老、首領、判官和官長,叫他們立在天主面前, 1And Josue gathered together all the tribes of Israel in Sichem, and called for the ancients, and the princes, and the judges, and the masters: and they stood in the sight of the Lord:
2若蘇厄對全民眾說:「上主以色列的天主這樣說:從前你們的祖先亞巴郎和納曷爾的父親特辣黑,住在大河那邊,事奉別的神明。 2And he spoke thus to the people: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Your fathers dwelt of old on the other side of the river, Thare the father of Abraham, and Nachor: and they served strange gods.
3我將你們的祖先亞巴郎從大河那邊召來,領他走遍客納罕全地,使他的後裔繁多,賜給了他依撒格。 3And I took your father Abraham from the borders of Mesopotamia: and brought him into the land of Chanaan: and I multiplied his seed,
4我又將雅各伯和厄撒烏,賜給了依撒格;將色依爾山區賜給了厄撒烏作產業;雅各伯卻和他的兒子下到了埃及。 4And gave him Isaac: and to him again I gave Jacob and Esau. And I gave to Esau mount Seir for his possession: but Jacob and his children went down into Egypt.
5以後,我派了梅瑟和亞郎,在埃及行奇跡,打擊了埃及,然後將你們領了出來。 5And I sent Moses and Aaron, and I struck Egypt with many signs and wonders.
6當我領你們的祖先離開埃及來到海邊時,埃及人率領車輛兵馬,追趕你們的祖先直到紅海。 6And I brought you and your fathers out of Egypt, and you came to the sea: and the Egyptians pursued your fathers with chariots and horsemen, as far as the Red Sea.
7當他們呼求上主時,上主便在你們與埃及人之間突降濃霧,使海水流回淹沒了他們。我在埃及所行的,你們都親眼見過。以後,你們在曠野住了很久。 7And the children of Israel cried to the Lord: and he put darkness between you and the Egyptians, and brought the sea upon them, and covered them. Your eyes saw all that I did in Egypt, and you dwelt in the wilderness a long time:
8當我領你們到了住在約但河東阿摩黎人的地域時,他們曾攻擊過你們,但我將他們交在你們手中,使你們佔領了他們的地方,由你們面前消滅了他們。 8And I brought you into the land of the Amorrhite, who dwelt beyond the Jordan. And when they fought against you, I delivered them into your hands, and you possessed their land, and slew them.
9那時,摩阿布王,漆頗爾的兒子巴拉克起來攻擊以色列,並派人叫貝敖爾的兒子巴郎來詛咒你們。 9And Balac son of Sephor king of Moab arose and fought against Israel. And he sent and called for Balaam son of Beor, to curse you:
10但是我不想俯聽巴郎,他反而祝福了你們。這樣,我從他手中救了你們。 10And I would not hear him, but on the contrary I blessed you by him, and I delivered you out of his hand.
11此後你們渡過約但河,來到耶里哥,耶里哥的居民同你們作戰,以後有阿摩黎人、培黎齊人、客納罕人、赫特人、基爾加士人、希威人和耶步斯人,都同你們作過戰,但我將他們都交在你們手中。 11And you passed over the Jordan, and you came to Jericho. And the men of that city fought against you, the Amorrhite, and the Pherezite, and the Chanaanite, and the Hethite, and the Gergesite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite: and I delivered them into your hands.
12我並派黃蜂在你們前,將阿摩黎人的兩個王子,從你們面前趕走,並未用你們的劍,也未用你們的弓。 12And I sent before you hornets: and I drove them out from their places, the two kings of the Amorrhites, not with thy sword nor with thy bow.
13這樣,我把未經你們開墾的地,賜給了你們;把未經你們建築的城,賜給了你們居住;將未經你們種植的萄葡園和橄欖樹林,賜給了你們作食物。 13And I gave you a land, in which you had not laboured, and cities to dwell in which you built not, vineyards and oliveyards, which you planted not.
14所以你們應該敬畏上主,誠心敬意地事奉他,拋棄你們祖先在大河那邊和埃及所事奉的神,惟獨事奉上主。 14Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him with a perfect and most sincere heart: and put away the gods which your fathers served in Mesopotamia and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.
15若是你們不樂意事奉上主,那麼今天就選擇你們所願事奉的,或是你們祖先在大河那邊事奉的神,或是你們現住地的阿摩黎人的神;至於我和我的家族,我們一定要事奉上主。」 15But if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord, you have your choice: choose this day that which pleaseth you, whom you would rather serve, whether the gods which your fathers served in Mesopotamia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
16百姓回答說:「我們絕對不願背棄上主,去事奉其他的神! 16And the people answered, and said: God forbid we should leave the Lord, and serve strange gods.
17因為上主是我們的天主,是他領我們和我們的祖先出離了埃及地,為奴之家,在我們眼前行了那些絕大的神蹟,在我們所走的一切路上,在我們所經過的一切民族中,始終保護了我們。 17The Lord our God he brought us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage: and did very great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way by which we journeyed, and among all the people through whom we passed.
18上主更從我們面前,趕走了所有的異族,和住在這地的阿摩黎人。為此,我們必要事奉上主,因為他是我們的天主。」 18And he hath cast out all the nations, the Amorrhite the inhabitant of the land into which we are come. Therefore we will serve the Lord, for he is our God.
19若蘇厄對百姓說:「你們不能事奉上主,因為他是神聖不可侵犯的天主,是忌邪的天主,他決不寬赦你們的過犯和罪惡, 19And Josue said to the people: You will not be able to serve the Lord: for he is a holy God, and mighty and jealous, and will not forgive your wickedness and sins.
20如果你們背棄上主,去事奉外邦的神,在他恩待你們之後,他必轉而向你們降禍,消滅你們。」 20If you leave the Lord, and serve strange gods, he will turn, and will afflict you, and will destroy you after all the good he hath done you.
21百姓答覆若蘇厄說:「決不!我們一定要事奉上主!」 21And the people said to Josue: No, it shall not be so as thou sayest, but we will serve the Lord.
22若蘇厄對百姓說:「這是你們對自己作證,要選擇事奉上主!」他們答說:「我們自己作證。」 22And Josue said to the people: You are witnesses, that you yourselves have chosen you the Lord to serve him. And they answered: We are witnesses.
23「那麼,你們應除掉你們中間的外邦神,一心歸向上主,以色列的天主。」 23Now therefore, said he, put away strange gods from among you, and incline your hearts to the Lord the God of Israel.
24百姓答覆若蘇厄說:「我們必定事奉上主,我們的天主,必聽從他的聲音。」 24And the people said to Josue: We will serve the Lord our God, and we will be obedient to his commandments.
25當天,若蘇厄便與百姓立約,在舍根為他們立定了誡命和典章。 25Josue therefore on that day made a covenant, and set before the people commandments and judgments in Sichem.
26若蘇厄將這些話都寫在天主的法律書上;又取了一塊大石,立在上主聖所旁邊的篤耨香樹下。 26And he wrote all these things in the volume of the law of the Lord: and he took a great stone, and set it under the oak that was in the sanctuary of the Lord.
27若蘇厄對全民眾說:「看!這塊石頭將作我們的見證,因為這塊石頭聽見了上主對我們所說的一切話。這塊石頭也將作你們的見證,以免你們背棄你們的天主。」 27And he said to all the people: Behold this stone shall be a testimony unto you, that it hath heard all the words of the Lord, which he hath spoken to you: lest perhaps hereafter you will deny it, and lie to the Lord your God.
28此後,若蘇厄便打發百姓各自回到自己的地業去了。 28And he sent the people away every one to their own possession.
29這些事以後,上主的僕人,農的兒子若蘇厄便去了世,享年一百一十歲。 29And after these things Josue the son of Null the servant of the Lord died, being a hundred and ten years old:
30人將他埋葬在加阿士山北,厄弗辣因山區的提默納特色辣黑自己的產業內。 30And they buried him in the border of his possession in Thamnathsare, which is situate in mount Ephraim, on the north side of mount Gaas.
31若蘇厄在世時以及在他死後,那些知道上主為以色列所行的一切事蹟的長老們在世時,以色列人常事奉了上主。 31And Israel served the Lord all the days of Josue, and of the ancients that lived a long time after Josue, and that had known all the works of the Lord which he had done in Israel.
32以色列子民也將從埃及抬回來的若瑟的遺骸,埋葬在舍根的田裏。那塊田是雅各伯用一百銀錢,由舍根的父親,哈摩爾的子孫手中買來的;這塊田便成了若瑟子孫的產業。 32And the bones of Joseph which the children of Israel had taken out of Egypt, they buried in Sichem, in that part of the field which Jacob had bought of the sons of Hemor the father of Sichem, for a hundred young ewes, and it was in the possession of the sons of Joseph.
33亞郎的兒子厄肋阿匝爾也死了。人將他埋葬在基貝亞,即他的兒子丕乃哈斯在厄弗辣因山地分得的城內。 33Eleazar also the son of Aaron died: and they buried him in Gabaath that belongeth to Phinees his son, which was given him in mount Ephraim.




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