Leviticus:Chapter 11


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肋未紀 Leviticus
1上主訓示梅瑟和亞郎說: 1And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:
2「你們應告訴以色列子民說:地上的一切走獸中,你們可吃的獸類如下: 2Say to the children of Israel: These are the animals which you are to eat of all the living things of the earth.
3凡走獸中有偶蹄,有趾及反芻的,你們都可以吃。 3Whatsoever hath the hoof divided, and cheweth the cud among the beasts, you shall eat.
4但在反芻或有偶蹄的走獸中,你們不可吃的是駱駝,因為駱駝雖反芻,但偶蹄無趾,對你們仍是不潔的; 4But whatsoever cheweth indeed the cud, and hath a hoof, but divideth it not, as the camel, and others, that you shall not eat, but shall reckon it among the unclean.
5岩貍,牠雖反芻,但偶蹄無趾,對你們仍是不潔的; 5The cherogrillus which cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof, is unclean.
6兔子雖反芻,偶蹄無趾,對你們仍是不潔的; 6The hare also: for that too cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof.
7豬,牠雖有偶蹄,蹄雖有趾,卻不反芻,對你們仍是不潔的。 7And the swine, which, though it divideth the hoof, cheweth not the cud.
8這些走獸的肉,你們不可吃;牠們的屍體,也不可觸摸,因為對你們都是不潔的。 8The flesh of these you shall not eat, nor shall you touch their carcasses, because they are unclean to you.
9水族中你們可吃的如下:凡是水中有鰭有鱗的,不論是海裏的,或河裏的,都可以吃; 9These are the things that breed in the waters, and which it is lawful to eat. All that hath fins, and scales, as well in the sea, as in the rivers, and the pools, you shall eat.
10但凡在水中蠕動,和在水中生存的生物,若沒有鰭和鱗,不論是海裏,或河裏的,都是你們所當憎惡的。 10But whatsoever hath not fins and scales, of those things that move and live in the waters, shall be an abomination to you,
11這些水族,都是你們所當憎惡的:牠們的肉不可吃;牠們的屍體,你們當視為可憎惡之物。 11And detestable: their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall avoid.
12水族中凡沒有鰭和鱗的,都是你們所當憎惡的。 12All that have not fins and scales, in the waters, shall be unclean.
13飛禽中,你們應視為可憎而不可吃,應視為可憎之物的是:鷹、鶚、鷲、 13Of birds these are they which you must not eat, and which are to be avoided by you: The eagle, and the griffon, and the osprey,
14鳶及隼之類; 14And the kite, and the vulture, according to their kind,
15凡烏鴉之類; 15And all that is of the raven kind, according to their likeness.
16駝鳥、夜鷹、海鷗和蒼鷹之類; 16The ostrich, and the owl, and the larus, and the hawk according to its kind.
17小梟、鸕鶿和鴟鵂, 17The screech owl, and the cormorant, and the ibis,
18白鷺、塘鵝和白鷲, 18And the swan, and the bittern, and the porphyrion,
19鸛鷺類、戴勝和蝙蝠。 19The heron, and the charadrion according to its kind, the houp also, and the bat.
20凡是有翅,四足爬行的昆蟲,都是你們所當憎惡的; 20Of things that fly, whatsoever goeth upon four feet, shall be abominable to you.
21但在有翅,四足爬行的昆蟲中,凡有腳以外,還有大腿,在地上能跳的,你們可以吃。 21But whatsoever walketh upon four feet, but hath the legs behind longer, wherewith it hoppeth upon the earth,
22你們可吃的是:飛蝗之類,蚱蜢之類,蟋蟀之類和螽斯之類; 22That you shall eat, as the bruchus in its kind, the attacus, and ophiomachus, and the locust, every one according to their kind.
23其他凡有翅,四足爬行的昆蟲,都是你們所當憎惡的。 23But of dying things whatsoever hath four feet only, shall be an abomination to you:
24遇到以下的光景也能使你們不潔:凡觸摸這些昆蟲屍體的人,直到晚上不潔; 24And whosoever shall touch the carcasses of them, shall be defiled, and shall be unclean until the evening:
25凡移動牠們屍體的人,應洗滌自己的衣服,直到晚上是不潔的。 25And if it be necessary that he carry any of these things when they are dead, he shall wash his clothes, and shall be unclean until the sun set.
26凡有偶蹄而無趾的,或不反芻的走獸,為你們都是不潔的;誰觸摸了就染上不潔。 26Every beast that hath a hoof, but divideth it not, nor cheweth the cud, shall be unclean: and he that toucheth it, shall be defiled.
27一切四足動物中,凡用腳掌行走的,為你們都是不潔的;誰觸摸了牠們的屍體,直到晚上是不潔的; 27That which walketh upon hands of all animals which go on all four, shall be unclean: he that shall touch their carcasses shall be defiled until evening.
28誰移動了牠們的屍體,應洗滌自己的衣服,直到晚上是不潔的。這些動物為你們都是不潔的。 28And he that shall carry such carcasses, shall wash his clothes, and shall be unclean until evening: because all these things are unclean to you.
29在地上爬行的動物中,為你們不潔的是:鼹鼠、老鼠和蜥蜴之類; 29These also shall be reckoned among unclean things, of all that move upon the earth, the weasel, and the mouse, and the crocodile, every one according to their kind:
30壁虎、避役、蛇舅母、烏龜和伶鼬。 30The shrew, and the chameleon, and the stello, and the lizard, and the mole:
31這些爬行的動物,為你們都是不潔的;牠們死後,誰觸摸了,直到晚上是不潔的。 31All these are unclean. He that toucheth their carcasses shall be unclean until the evening.
32其中死了的,掉在什麼物件上,不論是木器,或衣服,或皮具,或囊袋,凡能用的器具,即成為不潔,應放入水內,直到晚上是不潔的;以後,才算潔淨; 32And upon what thing soever any of their carcasses shall fall, it shall be defiled, whether it be a vessel of wood, or a garment, or skins or haircloths; or any thing in which work is done, they shall be dipped in water, and shall be unclean until the evening, and so afterwards shall be clean.
33一切陶器,如有牠們中一個掉在裏面,裏面所有的一切即成為不潔,陶器應該打破; 33But an earthen vessel, into which any of these shall fall, shall be defiled, and therefore is to be broken.
34如裏面的水滴在任何食物上,食物即成為不潔的;在這種陶器內裝了任何飲料,飲料也成為不潔的。 34Any meat which you eat, if water from such a vessel be poured upon it, shall be unclean; and every liquor that is drunk out of any such vessel, shall be unclean.
35牠們的屍體無論掉在什麼東西上,那東西即成為不潔的:不拘爐或灶都應打碎,因為是不潔的,你們也應視為不潔。 35And upon whatsoever thing any of these dead beasts shall fall, it shall be unclean: whether it be oven, or pots with feet, they shall be destroyed, and shall be unclean.
36水泉和蓄水池雖是潔淨的,但是那接觸屍體的,即成為不潔。 36But fountains and cisterns, and all gatherings together of waters shall be clean. He that toucheth their carcasses shall be defiled.
37如果他們中一個屍體掉在要播種的種籽上,種籽仍是潔淨的; 37If it fall upon seed corn, it shall not defile it.
38但若種籽已浸了水,而屍體掉在上面,這種籽對你們便成了不潔的。 38But if any man pour water upon the seed, and afterwards it be touched by the carcasses, it shall be forthwith defiled.
39若你們可吃的一隻走獸死了,誰觸摸了牠的屍體,直到晚上是不潔的; 39If any beast die, of which it is lawful for you to eat, he that toucheth the carcass thereof, shall be unclean until the evening:
40誰吃了這屍體的肉,應洗滌自己的衣服,並且直到晚上是不潔的;誰移動了這屍體,也應洗滌自己的衣服,而且直到晚上是不潔的。 40And he that eateth or carrieth any thing thereof, shall wash his clothes, and shall be unclean until the evening.
41凡地上的爬蟲,都是當憎惡的,都不可吃。 41All that creepeth upon the earth shall be abominable, neither shall it be taken for meat.
42不論是用腹部爬行的,或用四足爬行的,或多足的,凡是地上的爬蟲,你們都不可吃,因為都是可憎惡的。 42Whatsoever goeth upon the breast on four feet, or hath many feet, or traileth on the earth, you shall not eat, because it is abominable.
43你們不要因任何爬蟲而使你們成為可憎惡的;你們不要因牠們而成為不潔的,或染上不潔, 43Do not defile your souls, nor touch aught thereof, lest you be unclean,
44因為我上主是你們的天主:你們該表現為聖潔的,你們應是聖的,因為我是聖的。你們不要因地上的任何爬蟲,而使自己成為不潔的, 44For I am the Lord your God: be holy because I am holy. Defile not your souls by any creeping thing, that moveth upon the earth.
45因為是我上主領你們由埃及地上來,為作你們的天主:你們應是聖的,因為我是聖的。 45For I am the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that I might be your God.
46以上是有關走獸飛禽,一切水中游行和地上一切爬行動物的法律, 46You shall be holy, because I am holy. This is the law of beasts and fowls, and of every living creature that moveth in the waters, and creepeth on the earth:
47以便分別潔與不潔,可吃與不可吃的生物。」 47That you may know the differences of the clean, and unclean, and know what you ought to eat, and what to refuse.




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