Philippians:Chapter 1


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斐理伯書 Philippians
1基督耶穌的僕人保祿和弟茂德,致書給斐理伯的眾位在基督耶穌內的聖徒、監督及執事: 1Paul and Timothy, the servants of Jesus Christ; to all the saints in Christ Jesus, who are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons.
2願恩寵與平安由天主我們的父和主耶穌基督賜與你們! 2Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
3我一想起你們,就感謝我的天主; 3I give thanks to my God in every remembrance of you,
4我每次祈禱,總懷着喜悅為你們眾位祈禱, 4Always in all my prayers making supplication for you all, with joy;
5因為你們從最初的一天直到現在,就協助了宣傳福音的工作; 5For your communication in the gospel of Christ from the first day until now.
6我深信,在你們內開始這美好工作的那位,必予以完成,直到耶穌基督的日子。 6Being confident of this very thing, that he, who hath begun a good work in you, will perfect it unto the day of Christ Jesus.
7我這樣想念你們眾人,是理當的,因為我在心內常懷念你們,不論我帶鎖鏈,或辯護或確證福音時,你們常參與了我受的恩寵。 7As it is meet for me to think this for you all, for that I have you in my heart; and that in my bands, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers of my joy.
8天主為我作證:我是怎樣以基督耶穌的情懷愛你們眾人。 8For God is my witness, how I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.
9我所祈求的是:願你們的愛德日漸增長,滿渥真知識和各種識見, 9And this I pray, that your charity may more and more abound in knowledge, and in all understanding:
10使你們能辨別卓絕之事,為叫你們直到基督的日子,常是潔淨無瑕的, 10That you may approve the better things, that you may be sincere and without offence unto the day of Christ,
11賴耶穌基督滿結義德的果實,為光榮讚美天主。 11Filled with the fruit of justice, through Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.
12弟兄們!我願意告訴你們,我的環境對於福音的進展,反而更有了益處, 12Now, brethren, I desire you should know, that the things which have happened to me, have fallen out rather to the furtherance of the gospel:
13以致御營全軍和其餘眾人都明明知道,我帶鎖鏈是為基督的緣故; 13So that my bands are made manifest in Christ, in all the court, and in all other places;
14並且大多數的弟兄,因見我帶鎖鏈,就依靠主,更敢講論天主的道理,一點也不害怕。 14And many of the brethren in the Lord, growing confident by my bands, are much more bold to speak the word of God without fear.
15有些人宣講基督,固然是出於嫉妒和競爭,有些人卻是出於善意; 15Some indeed, even out of envy and contention; but some also for good will preach Christ.
16這些出於愛的人,知道我是被立為護衛福音的; 16Some out of charity, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.
17那些出於私見宣傳基督的人,目的不純正,想要給我的鎖鏈更增添煩惱。 17And some out of contention preach Christ not sincerely: supposing that they raise affliction to my bands.
18那有什麼妨礙呢?無論如何,或是假意,或是誠心,終究是宣傳了基督。為此如今我喜歡,將來我仍然要喜歡, 18But what then? So that by all means, whether by occasion, or by truth, Christ be preached: in this also I rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.
19因為我知道,賴你們的祈禱和耶穌基督的聖神的輔助,這事必有利於我的得救。 19For I know that this shall fall out to me unto salvation, through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
20按照我所熱切期待希望的,我在任何事上必不會蒙羞,所以現在和從前一樣,我反而放心大膽,我或生或死,總要叫基督在我身上受頌揚。 20According to my expectation and hope; that in nothing I shall be confounded, but with all confidence, as always, so now also shall Christ be magnified in my body, wither it be by life, or by death.
21因為在我看來,生活原是基督,死亡乃是利益。 21For to me, to live is Christ; and to die is gain.
22但如果生活在肉身內,我還能獲得工作的效果:我現在選擇那一樣,我自己也不知道。 22And if to live in the flesh, this is to me the fruit of labour, and what I shall choose I know not.
23我正夾在兩者之間:我渴望求解脫而與基督同在一起:這實在是再好沒有了; 23But I am straitened between two: having a desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ, a thing by far the better.
24但存留在肉身內,對你們卻十分重要。 24But to abide still in the flesh, is needful for you.
25我確信不疑:我知道我必要存留,且必要為你們眾人存留於世,為使你們在信德上,得到進展和喜樂, 25And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide, and continue with you all, for your furtherance and joy of faith:
26並使你們因着我再來到你們中,同我在基督耶穌內更加歡躍。 26That your rejoicing may abound in Christ Jesus for me, by my coming to you again.
27你們生活度日只應合乎基督的福音,好叫我或來看望你們,或不在時,聽到關於你們的事,而知道你們仍保持同一的精神,一心一意為福音的信仰共同奮鬥, 27Only let your conversation be worthy of the gospel of Christ: that, whether I come and see you, or, being absent, may hear of you, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind labouring together for the faith of the gospel.
28一點也不為敵人所嚇住:這樣証明了他們必將喪亡,你們必將得救,因為這是出於天主, 28And in nothing be ye terrified by the adversaries: which to them is a cause of perdition, but to you of salvation, and this from God:
29因為,為了基督的緣故,賜給你們的恩賜,不但是為相信他,而且也是為為他受苦: 29For unto you it is given for Christ, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him.
30就是要遭受你們曾在我身上所見的,及如今由我所聽到的同樣的決鬥。 30Having the same conflict as that which you have seen in me, and now have heard of me.




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