Psalms:Chapter 35







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聖詠集 Psalms
1達味作。上主,求你鬥爭那鬥爭我的人,求你攻擊那攻擊我的人; 1Unto the end, for the servant of God, David himself.
2求你手持籐牌盾櫓,振奮起來予我救助; 2The unjust hath said within himself, that he would sin: there is no fear of God before his eyes.
3揮舞長矛,阻止追逐我的人,願你向我說:「我是你的救星!」 3For in his sight he hath done deceitfully, that his iniquity may be found unto hatred.
4願謀害我生命的人蒙受恥辱,願企圖磨難我的人含羞退走! 4The words of his mouth are iniquity and guile: he would not understand that he might do well.
5願上主的天使迫他們逃跑,有如隨風飄零的糠粃禾草! 5He hath devised iniquity on his bed, he hath set himself on every way that is not good: but evil he hath not hated.
6當上主的天使追逐他們時,願他們的路,又漆黑又滑漓! 6O Lord, thy mercy is in heaven, and thy truth reacheth, even to the clouds.
7因為他們無故為我暗設網羅,他們無故為我挖掘坑窖。 7Thy justice is as the mountains of God, thy judgments are a great deep. Men and beasts thou wilt preserve, O Lord:
8願不可預料的滅亡突然降臨,使他們暗佈的網羅纏住他們,使他們挖掘的坑窖陷害他們。 8O how hast thou multiplied thy mercy, O God! But the children of men shall put their trust under the covert of thy wings.
9如此我的心靈要欣悅於上主,要因獲得上主的救助而歡舞。 9They shall be inebriated with the plenty of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the torrent of thy pleasure.
10我每根骨骸要說:「上主!誰能和你相比?是你拯救弱小於強權,挽救貧困於盜匪。」 10For with thee is the fountain of life; and in thy light we shall see light.
11蠻橫的證人紛紛立起,質問與我無關的事宜。 11Extend thy mercy to them that know thee, and thy justice to them that are right in heart.
12他們對我是以怨報德,這正是我心靈的創痍。 12Let not the foot of pride come to me, and let not the hand of the sinner move me.
13他們患病時,我身着苦衣,不斷虔心祈禱,守齋克己; 13There the workers of iniquity are fallen, they are cast out, and could not stand.
14我待他們,有如自己的親友骨肉,苦悶憂慮,有如哀悼自己的慈母。 14
15但我一遇難,他們即群集相慶,突然來攻擊欺凌我,肆虐不停。 15
16他們戲弄我,並向我狂喜,他們朝着我咬牙又切齒。 16
17上主,你坐視這一切要到何時?求你救我身免受他們的凌欺,求你救我命脫離少壯的猛獅; 17
18使我在盛大的集會中歌頌你,使我在眾多的民族中稱揚你。 18
19不要讓那無理敵對我的人沾沾自喜,不要讓那無故仇恨我的人揚眉吐氣。 19
20因為他們從不談論和平,捏造謊言欺壓地上良民。 20
21他們對我張開大口說:「哈哈!我們親眼看見了!」 21
22上主你看見了,不要緘口不言,上主,求你千萬不要離我太遠。 22
23我上主,求你醒來為我辯護;我天主,求你起身為我伸屈。 23
24上主,求你審斷我要照你的公義,我主,不要讓他們對我洋洋得意。 24
25不要讓他們心中想:「哈哈!這正是我們的意願!」也決不要讓他們說:「我們已經將他活活吞嚥。」 25
26願慶幸我遭難的人,都面紅慚愧,願高傲攻擊我的人,都蒙受羞恥! 26
27願愛護我正義的人,時常高興歡呼說:「願愛護自己僕人安寧的上主受讚美!」 27
28我的口舌將歌頌你的正義,我的唇舌必將終日讚美你。 28




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