Sirach:Chapter 5


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德訓篇 Sirach
1不要依恃不義的財物,也不要說:為我的生活已經夠了,因為在報復和災難時,這些都無用處。 1Set not thy heart upon unjust possessions, and say not: I have enough to live on: for it shall be of no service in the time of vengeance and darkness.
2不要順從你的偏情和你的能力,去滿足你心中的慾望。 2Follow not in thy strength the desires of thy heart:
3不要說:誰能宰制我?誰能因我的行為屈服我?因為上主必要報復。 3And say not: How mighty am I? and who shall bring me under for my deeds? for God will surely take revenge.
4不要說:我犯了罪,遭受了什麼災殃?因為上主是富於含忍的報復者。 4Say not: I have sinned, and what harm hath befallen me? for the most High is a patient rewarder.
5關於罪的赦免,應心懷恐懼之情,免得罪上加罪。 5Be not without fear about sin forgiven, and add not sin upon sin:
6不要說:他的仁慈寬大,我縱有許多罪過,必蒙赦免; 6And say not: The mercy of the Lord is great, he will have mercy on the multitude of my sins.
7因為,憐憫和義怒皆繫於他,他的憤怒將在罪人身上得以平息。 7For mercy and wrath quickly come from him, and his wrath looketh upon sinners.
8歸向上主,不要遲緩,不要一天一天地拖延; 8Delay not to be converted to the Lord, and defer it not from day to day.
9因為,上主的義怒忽然降來,他要在報復的日期,將你消滅。 9For his wrath shall come on a sudden, and in the time of vengeance he will destroy thee.
10不要依靠不義之財,因為在義怒的日子,它們於你毫無用處。 10Be not anxious for goods unjustly gotten: for they shall not profit thee in the day of calamity and revenge.
11不可任意隨風簸揚;不可見路就走,有如一口兩舌的罪人。 11Winnow not with every wind, and go not into every way: for so is every sinner proved by a double tongue.
12你當堅持你的主意;你的言語,應當前後一致。又當堅持你良心的真理和明智;如此,和平與正義的言語,便常與你相隨。 12Be steadfast in the way of the Lord, and in the truth of thy judgment, and in knowledge, and let the word of peace and justice keep with thee.
13聽話要快,答覆要慢。 13Be meek to hear the word, that thou mayst understand: and return a true answer with wisdom.
14你若有所知,就可答覆別人;否則,就應把手按在口上;這樣,你就不致說出冒失的話來,而自招羞辱。 14If thou have understanding, answer thy neighbour: but if not, let thy hand be upon thy mouth, lest thou be surprised in an unskillful word, and be confounded.
15光榮與羞辱,全在乎言語;人的唇舌,能使人招致喪亡。 15Honour and glory is in the word of the wise, but the tongue of the fool is his ruin.
16不要讓人說你是誹謗者,也不要用你的唇舌陷害人; 16Be not called a whisperer, and be not taken in thy tongue, and confounded.
17因為,做盜賊的,必受羞辱;一口兩舌的人,也必受極嚴厲的責斥。讒言者所得的,是憎嫌、仇視和恥辱。 17For confusion and repentance is upon a thief, and an evil mark of disgrace upon the double tongued, but to the whisperer hatred, and enmity, and reproach.
18大小事都不要疏忽;事無論大小,都要一律做得適當。 18Justify alike the small and the great.




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