Tobit:Chapter 4
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多俾亞傳 | Tobit |
1那日,托彼特想起了他在瑪待辣傑斯,存放在加貝羅那裏的銀子來, | 1Therefore when Tobias thought that his prayer was heard that he might die, he called to him Tobias his son, |
2便自言自語說:「哎:我已求了死,為什麼不把我的兒子多俾亞叫來,在我死前,給他說明這項銀子的事呢?」 | 2And said to him: Hear, my son, the words of my mouth, and lay them as a foundation in thy heart. |
3他遂叫他兒子多俾亞來到他跟前,對他說:「孩子!我若死了,你要好好安葬我;要孝敬你母親,在她一生的日子裏,不可離開她;要履行她喜歡的事,在一切事上不可使她傷心。 | 3When God shall take my soul, thou shalt bury my body: and thou shalt honour thy mother all the days of her life: |
4孩子!你要記住:你在母胎時,她為你經歷過種種危險;她死後,你要把她葬在我旁邊,與我埋在一個墳墓裏。 | 4For thou must be mindful what and how great perils she suffered for thee in her womb. |
5孩子!你要一生想念上主,不可隨意犯罪,違犯他的誡命;你要一生行義,不可走邪僻的路, | 5And when she also shall have ended the time of her life, bury her by me. |
6因為你若作正直的事,你的事業必順利成功。 | 6And all the days of thy life have God in thy mind: and take heed thou never consent to sin, nor transgress the commandments of the Lord our God. |
7你當用你的財產,救濟一切行義的人。施捨時,你的眼不可睥視;對一切窮人不要轉面不顧,這樣天主也總不會轉面不顧你。 | 7Give alms out of thy substance, and turn not away thy face from any poor person: for so it shall come to pass that the face of the Lord shall not be turned from thee. |
8若你多有,就該多施捨;若你少有,也不要怕少施捨。 | 8According to thy ability be merciful. |
9因為這樣作,是為你自己積蓄困厄時日的寶藏, | 9If thou have much give abundantly: if thou have a little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little. |
10因為施捨能救人脫免死亡,防止人陷於黑暗, | 10For thus thou storest up to thyself a good reward for the day of necessity. |
11因為,為一切施捨的人,施捨在至高者台前,是一項悅意的禮品。 | 11For alms deliver from all sin, and from death, and will not suffer the soul to go into darkness. |
12孩子!你應戒絕一切淫行,尤其應從你祖先的後裔中娶妻,不可娶那不是你宗祖支派的外邦女子為妻,因為我們是先知的後裔。孩子,記住!我們的祖先諾厄、亞巴郎、依撒格、雅各伯,一開始都是從自己兄弟中娶妻,因此他們在自己的兒女身上得了祝福,他們的後裔也將繼承福地。 | 12Alms shall be a great confidence before the most high God, to all them that give it. |
13孩子!現在你要愛你的兄弟,內心不可輕視你的兄弟和你同族的兒女,而不從他們中娶妻,因為驕傲必使人敗壞不睦,好閒必使人窮困破產,因為好閒是饑餓之母。 | 13Take heed to keep thyself, my son, from all fornication, and beside thy wife never endure to know a crime. |
14一切勞工者的工資,不可在你那裏過夜,要立即付清。你若侍奉天主,他必報答你。孩子!在一切的事情上要謹慎,在一切的舉止上,要表示你受過好教育。 | 14Never suffer pride to reign in thy mind, or in thy words: for from it all perdition took its beginning. |
15你厭惡的事,不可對別人做;喝酒不要喝醉;醉酒不可在你的路上與你同行。 | 15If any man hath done any work for thee, immediately pay him his hire, and let not the wages of thy hired servant stay with thee at all. |
16該把你的食物施與饑餓的人,把你的衣服分給裸體的人。凡是富餘的,都要用來施行哀矜;在行哀矜的時候,你的眼不可睥視。 | 16See thou never do to another what thou wouldst hate to have done to thee by another. |
17把你的酒和食物倒在義人的墳墓上,也不可施與惡人。 | 17Eat thy bread with the hungry and the needy, and with thy garments cover the naked. |
18應向一切有智慧的人求教,不要輕視任何有益的忠告。 | 18Lay out thy bread, and thy wine upon the burial of a just man, and do not eat and drink thereof with the wicked. |
19你該時時讚美上主天主,求他使你的道路正直,使你的前途與計劃順遂,因為一切的人都沒有善意,惟有上主能賞賜各種恩惠;他願舉揚的就舉揚,他願壓伏的就把他壓伏到陰府的底層。孩子!現今,你要牢記這些勸言,總不可在你心中消失。 | 19Seek counsel always of a wise man. |
20孩子!現在我還要告訴你:我曾把十『塔冷通』銀子,寄存在住在瑪待辣傑斯城的加彼黎的兒子加貝羅那裏。 | 20Bless God at all times: and desire of him to direct thy ways, and that all thy counsels may abide in him. |
21孩子!不要害怕我們貧窮;如果你敬畏天主,遠避一切罪惡,在你的上主天主前行善,你必能富有。」 | 21I tell thee also, my son, that I lent ten talents of silver, while thou wast yet a child, to Gabelus, in Rages a city of the Medes, and I have a note of his hand with me: |
22 | 22Now therefore inquire how thou mayst go to him, and receive of him the foresaid sum of money, and restore to him the note of his hand. |
23 | 23Fear not, my son: we lead indeed a poor life, but we shall have many good things if we fear God, and depart from all sin, and do that which is good. |
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