1 Chronicles:Chapter 23


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編年紀(上) 1 Chronicles
1達味年老,壽數將滿,遂立自己的兒子撒羅滿為以色列王。 1When David was very old, he made his son Solomon king over Israel.
2他召集了以色列所有的領袖、司祭和肋未人。 2He then gathered all the Israelite leaders together, with the priests and Levites.
3肋未人自三十歲以上者,所有的男子都一一統計了,人數共計三萬八千: 3A census was taken of those Levites thirty years old or older. The total was thirty-eight thousand;
4其中從事監督上主殿宇工作的有二萬四千;長官和判官有六千; 4twenty-four thousand of these were responsible for the services of the house of Yahweh; six thousand were scribes and judges;
5守衛的有四千;用達味所製的樂器讚頌上主的有四千。 5four thousand were keepers of the gate; four thousand praised Yahweh on the instruments David had made for that purpose.
6達味按照肋未的兒子革爾雄、刻哈特和默辣黎,將他們編成班次: 6Then David divided the Levites into three groups, according to their clans: Gershon, Kohath and Merari.
7屬革爾雄的:有拉當和史米。 7For the Gershonites: Ladan and Shimei.
8拉當的子孫:為首的是耶希耳,其次是則堂和約厄耳,共三人。 8Sons of Ladan: Jehiel first, Zetham, Joel; three in all.
9史米的子孫:舍羅米特、哈齊耳和哈郎,共三人。這些都是拉當家族的族長。 9Sons of Shimei: Shelomoth, Haziel, Haran; three in all. These are the heads of families of Ladan.
10史米的子孫:雅哈特、齊匝、耶烏士和貝黎雅。這四人都是史米的子孫, 10Sons of Shimei: Jahath, Zirah, Jeush, Beriah; these were the sons of Shimei; four in all.
11為首的是雅哈特,齊匝次之。耶烏士和貝黎雅子孫不多,所以算為一個家族,歸為一班。 11Jahath was the eldest, Zirah the second, then Jeush and Beriah, who had not many children and were counted as one family.
12刻哈特的子孫:阿默蘭、依茲哈爾、赫貝龍、和烏齊耳,共四人。 12Sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, Uzziel; four in all.
13阿默蘭的兒子:亞郎和梅瑟。亞郎與其子孫應分別出來,受祝聖為至聖潔的人,直到永遠;在天主面前焚香事奉他,以他的名為人祝福,直到永遠。 13Sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses. Aaron and his descendants were set apart to be in charge of the sacred objects forever, to burn incense in the presence of Yahweh, to serve him and to bless the people in his name forever.
14至於天主的人梅瑟,他的子孫歸於肋未支派。 14As for Moses, the man of God, his sons were included among the Levites.
15梅瑟的兒子:革爾熊和厄里厄則爾。 15Sons of Moses: Gershom and Eliezer.
16革爾熊的子孫,為首的是叔巴耳。 16Sons of Gershom: Shebuel, the first:
17厄里厄則爾的子孫,為首的是勒哈彼雅。厄里厄則爾沒有別的兒子,但勒哈彼雅兒子眾多。 17Eliezer had sons: Rehabiah, the first. Eliezer had no other sons, but the sons of Rehabiah were very numerous.
18依茲哈爾的子孫,為首的是舍羅米特。 18Sons of Izhar: Shelomith, the first.
19赫貝龍的子孫:為首的是耶黎雅,次為阿瑪黎雅,三為雅哈齊耳,四為雅刻默罕。 19Sons of Hebron: Jeriah first, Amariah second, Jahaziel third, Jekameam fourth.
20烏齊耳的子孫:為首的是米加,其次是依史雅。 20Sons of Uzziel: Micah first, Isshiah second.
21默辣黎的子孫:瑪赫里和慕史。瑪赫里的子孫:厄肋阿匝爾和克士。 21Sons of Merari: Mahli and Mushi. Sons of Mahli: Eleazar and Kish.
22厄肋阿匝爾死了,沒有兒子,只有女兒,因此克士的兒子,即她們的堂兄弟娶了她們為妻。 22Eleazar died leaving no sons but only daughters; their cousins, the sons of Kish, married these.
23慕史的子孫瑪赫里、厄德爾和耶黎摩特,共三人。 23Sons of Mushi: Mahli, Eder, Jeremoth; three in all.
24這些人按他們的家族,都是肋未的子孫,都是二十歲以上,一一報名登記,在上主殿內擔任職務的首領。 24These were the sons of Levi by their families, the heads of families, and those registered by name, individually; whoever was twenty years old or older had his duty in the service of the Temple of Yahweh.
25因為達味曾想:「上主以色列的天主既使自己的百姓獲得安寧,自己又永遠定居在耶路撒冷, 25For David had said, "Yahweh, the God of Israel, has given peace to his people, and he dwells in Jerusalem forever.
26肋未人就無須再抬會幕及其中應用的一切器具。」 26The Levites are no longer required to carry the Holy Tent or anything used in its service."
27為此,按達味最後的吩咐,肋未子孫應由二十歲開始登記。 27According to the last words of David, the Levites who had been registered were of twenty years and older.
28他們的任務是在上主殿內供職,輔助亞郎的子孫,管理庭院及廂房,洗淨所有的聖物,並擔任天主聖殿中的各種工作。 28Their duty is to assist the sons of Aaron with the service of the Temple of Yahweh, in the courts and chambers, to purify everything that is sacred; their duty is to serve the Temple of God.
29又管理供餅,素祭細麵,或用盤烤,或用油抹的無酵餅,以及各種度量衡; 29They are also responsible for the loaves set out in rows, and for the flour for the grain offering, the wafers of unleavened bread, the cakes baked on the griddle or mixed, and they are to weigh and measure the Temple offerings.
30每日早晚應前去稱謝讚頌上主; 30They have to be present every morning to give glory and praise to Yahweh, and also in the evening,
31每逢安息日、月朔及節日,向上主獻各種全燔祭時,應常按規定的數目到上主面前; 31and at every burnt offering to Yahweh on the sabbath, New Moon or solemn feast, in such numbers as are prescribed. They must always be present before Yahweh.
32應負責照顧會幕及聖所,並照顧他們在上主殿內供職的弟兄──亞郎的子孫。 32In serving the Temple of Yahweh they observe the ritual of the Tent of Meeting, the ritual of the sanctuary and the ritual of their brethren, the sons of Aaron.




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