1 John:Chapter 2
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若望一書 | 1 John |
1我的孩子們,我給你們寫這些事,是為叫你們不犯罪;但是,誰若犯了罪,我們在父那裏有正義的耶穌基督作護衛者。 | 1My little children, I write to you that you may not sin. But if anyone sins, we have an intercessor with the Father, Jesus Christ, the Just One. |
2他自己就是贖罪祭,贖我們的罪過,不但贖我們的,而且也贖全世界的罪過。 | 2He is the sacrificial victim for our sins and the sins of the whole world. |
3如果我們遵守他的命令,由此便知道我們認識他。 | 3How can we know that we know him? If we fulfill his commands. |
4那說「我認識他」,而不遵守他命令的,是撒謊的人,在他內沒有真理。 | 4If you say, "I know him," but do not fulfill his commands, you are a liar and the truth is not in you. |
5但是,誰若遵守他的話,天主的愛在他內纔得以圓滿;由此我們也知道,我們是在他內。 | 5But if you keep his word, God's love is made complete in you. This is how we know that we are in him: |
6那說自己住在他內的,就應當照那一位所行的去行。 | 6he who claims to live in him must live as he lived. |
7可愛的諸位,我給你們寫的,不是一條新命令,而是你們從起初領受的舊命令:這舊命令就是你們所聽的道理。 | 7My dear friends, I am not writing you a new commandment, but reminding you of an old one, one you had from the beginning. This old commandment is the word you have heard. |
8另一方面說,我給你們寫的也是一條新命令──就是在他和你們身上成為事實的──因為黑暗正在消逝,真光已在照耀。 | 8But, in a way, I give it as a new commandment for it was indeed new in Jesus Christ and must be so in you as well, because the darkness is passing away and the true light already shines. |
9誰說自己在光中,而惱恨自己的弟兄,他至今仍是在黑暗中。 | 9If you claim to be in the light but hate your brother, you are still in darkness. |
10凡愛自己弟兄的,就是存留在光中,對於他就沒有任何絆腳石; | 10If you love your brothers and sisters, you remain in the light and nothing in you will make you fall. |
11但是惱恨自己弟兄的,就是在黑暗中,且在黑暗中行走,不知道自己往那裏去,因為黑暗弄瞎了他的眼睛。 | 11But if you hate your brother you are in the dark and walk in darkness without knowing where you go, for the darkness has blinded you. |
12孩子們,我給你們寫說:因他的名字,你們的罪已獲得赦免。 | 12My dear children, I write this to you: you have already received the forgiveness of your sins through the Name of Jesus. |
13父老們,我給你們寫說:你們已認識了從起初就有的那一位。青年們,我給你們寫說:你們已得勝了那惡者。 | 13Fathers, I write this to you: you know him who is from the beginning. Young men, I write this to you: you have overcome the Evil One. My dear children, I write to you because you already know the Father. |
14小孩子們,我給你們寫過:你們已認識了父。父老們,我給你們寫過:你們已認識了從起初就有的那一位。青年們,我給你們寫過:你們是強壯的,天主的話存留在你們內,你們也得勝了那惡者。 | 14Fathers, I write to you because you know him who is from the beginning. Young men, I write to you because you are strong and the Word of God lives in you who have indeed overcome the Evil One. |
15你們不要愛世界,也不要愛世界上的事;誰若愛世界,天父的愛就不在他內。 | 15Do not love the world or what is in it. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. |
16原來世界上的一切:肉身的貪慾,眼目的貪慾,以及人生的驕奢,都不是出於父,而是出於世界。 | 16For everything in the world - the craving of the flesh, the greed of eyes and people boasting of their superiority - all this belongs to the world, not to the Father. |
17這世界和它的貪慾都要過去;但那履行天主旨意的,卻永遠存在。 | 17The world passes away with all its craving but those who do the will of God remain for ever. |
18小孩子們,現在是最末的時期了!就如你們聽說過假基督要來,如今已經出了許多假基督,由此我們就知道現在是最末的時期了。 | 18My dear children, it is the last hour. You were told that an antichrist would come; but several antichrists have already come, by which we know that it is now the last hour. |
19他們是出於我們中的,但不是屬於我們的,因為,如果是屬於我們的,必存留在我們中;但這是為顯示他們都不是屬於我們。 | 19They went out from us though they did not really belong to us. Had they belonged to us, they would have remained with us. So it became clear that not all of us were really ours. |
20至於你們,你們由聖者領受了傅油,並且你們都曉得。 | 20But you have the anointing from the Holy One, so that all of you have true wisdom. |
21我給你們寫信,不是你們不明白真理,而是因為你們明白真理,並明白各種謊言不是出於真理。 | 21I write to you, not because you lack knowledge of the truth, but because you already know it, and lies have nothing in common with the truth. |
22誰是撒謊的呢?豈不是那否認耶穌為默西亞的嗎?那否認父和子的,這人便是假基督。 | 22Who is the liar? The one who denies that Jesus is the Christ. This is an antichrist, who denies both the Father and the Son. |
23凡否認子的,也否認父;那明認子的,也有父。 | 23The one who denies the Son is without the Father, and those who acknowledge the Son also have the Father. |
24至於你們,應把從起初所聽見的,存留在你們內;如果你們從起初所聽見的,存留在你們內,你們必存留在子和父內。 | 24Let what you heard from the beginning remain in you. If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, you, too, will remain in the Son and in the Father. |
25這就是他給我們所預許的恩惠:即永遠的生命。 | 25And this is the promise he himself gave us: eternal life. |
26這些就是我關於迷惑你們的人,給你們所寫的。 | 26I write this to you thinking of those who try to lead you astray. |
27至於你們,你們由他所領受的傅油,常存在你們內,你們就不需要誰教訓你們,而是有他的傅油教訓你們一切。這傅油是真實的,決不虛假,所以這傅油怎樣教訓你們,你們就怎樣存留在他內。 | 27You received from him an anointing, and it remains in you, so you do not need someone to teach you. His anointing teaches you all things, it speaks the truth and does not lie to you; so remain in him, and keep what he has taught you. |
28現在,孩子們,你們常存在他內罷!為的是當他顯現時,我們可以放心大膽,在他來臨時,不至於在他面前蒙羞。 | 28And now, my children, live in him, so that when he appears in his glory, we may be confident and not ashamed before him when he comes. |
29你們既然知道他是正義的,就該知道凡履行正義的,都是由他而生的。 | 29You know that he is the Just One: know then that anyone living justly is born of God. |
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