1 John:Chapter 5


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若望一書 1 John
1凡信耶穌為默西亞的,是由天主所生的;凡愛生他之父的,也必愛那由他所生的。 1All those who believe that Jesus is the Anointed, are born of God; if you love the Father you also love all those born of him.
2幾時我們愛天主,又遵行他的誡命,由此知道我們真愛天主的子女。 2How may we know that we love the children of God? If we love God and fulfill his commands,
3原來愛天主,就是遵行他的誡命,而他的誡命並不沉重, 3for God's love requires us to keep his commands. In fact, his commandments are not a burden
4因為凡是由天主所生的,必得勝世界;得勝世界的勝利武器,就是我們的信德。 4because all those born of God overcome the world. And the victory which overcomes the world is our faith.
5誰是得勝世界的呢?不是那信耶穌為天主子的人嗎? 5Who has overcome the world? The one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
6這位就是經過水及血而來的耶穌基督,他不但以水,而且也是以水及血而來的;並且有聖神作證,因為聖神是真理。 6Jesus Christ was acknowledged through water, but also through blood. Not only water but water and blood. And the Spirit, too, witnesses to him for the Spirit is truth.
7原來作證的有三個: 7There are then three testimonies:
8就是聖神,水及血,而這三個是一致的。 8the Spirit, the water and the blood, and these three witnesses agree.
9人的證據,我們既然接受,但天主的證據更大,因為天主的證據就是他為自己的子作證。 9If we accept human testimony, with greater reason must we accept that of God, given in favor of his Son.
10那信天主子的,在自己內就懷有這證據;那不信天主的,就是以天主為撒謊者,因為他不信天主為自己的子所作的證。 10If you believe in the Son of God, you have God's testimony in you. But those who do not believe make God a liar, since they do not believe his words when he witnesses to his Son.
11這證據就是天主將永遠的生命賜給了我們,而這生命是在自己的子內。 11What has God said? That he has granted us eternal life and this life is in his Son.
12那有子的,就有生命;那沒有天主子的,就沒有生命。結論信友的崇高地位 12The one who has the Son has life, the one who do not have the Son of God do not have life.
13我給你們這些信天主子名字的人,寫了這些事,是為叫你們知道:你們已獲有永遠的生命。 13I write you, then, all these things that you may know that you have eternal life, all you who believe in the Name of the Son of God.
14我們對天主所懷的依恃之心就是:如果我們按他的旨意求什麼,他必俯聽我們。 14Through him we are fully confident that whatever we ask, according to his will, he will grant us.
15我們既然知道:我們不拘向他祈求什麼,他會俯聽我們,我們也知道向他所祈求的,必要得到。 15If we know that he hears us whenever we ask, we know that we already have what we asked of him.
16誰若看見自己的弟兄犯了不至於死的罪,就應當祈求,天主必賞賜他生命:這是為那些犯不至於死的罪人而說的;然而有的罪卻是至於死的罪,為這樣的罪,我不說要人祈求。 16If you see your brother committing sin, a sin which does not lead to death, pray for him, and God will give life to your brother. I speak, of course, of the sin which does not lead to death. There is also a sin that leads to death; I do not speak of praying about this.
17任何的不義都是罪過,但也有不至於死的罪過。 17Every kind of wrongdoing is sin, but not all sin leads to death.
18我們知道:凡由天主生的,就不犯罪過;而且由天主生的那一位必保全他,那惡者不能侵犯他。 18We know that those born of God do not sin, for what has been born of God takes care of them, and the Evil One can do nothing against them.
19我們知道我們屬於天主,而全世界卻屈服於惡者。 19We know that we belong to God, while the whole world lies in evil.
20我們也知道天主子來了,賜給了我們理智,叫我們認識那真實者;我們確實是在那真實者內,即在他的子耶穌基督內,他即是真實的天主和永遠的生命。 20We know that the Son of God has come and has given us power to know the truth. We are in him who is true, his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
21孩子們,你們要謹慎,遠避偶像! 21My dear children, keep yourselves from idols.




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