1 Kings:Chapter 17
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列王紀(上) | 1 Kings |
1基肋阿得提市貝出身的提市貝人厄里亞對阿哈布說:「我指着我所服侍的永生上主、以色列的天主起誓:這幾年如果沒有我的命令,天決不降露或落雨!」 | 1Now Elijah, the prophet from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, "As Yahweh, the God of Israel whom I serve lives, neither dew shall drop nor rain fall except at my command." |
2有上主的話傳於厄里亞說: | 2Then the word of Yahweh came to Elijah, |
3「你離開這裏,轉向東方,隱居在約但河東的革黎特小河旁。 | 3"Leave this place and go eastward. Hide yourself by the brook Cherith, east of the Jordan. |
4你要喝那小河裏的水,我已經吩咐烏鴉在那裏供給你食物。」 | 4You shall drink from the brook and, for your food, I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." |
5厄里亞就依照上主的話去做,去住在約但河東的革黎特小河旁。 | 5So Elijah obeyed the word of Yahweh and went to live by the brook Cherith, east of the Jordan. |
6烏鴉早晨給他送餅和肉來,晚上也給他送餅和肉來;渴了,就喝那小河裏的水。 | 6There the ravens brought him bread in the morning and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook. |
7不幾天以後,那地方沒有落雨,小河也乾涸了。 | 7After a while, the brook dried up because no rain had fallen in the land. |
8有上主的話傳於厄里亞說: | 8Then Yahweh spoke to Elijah, |
9「你起身往漆冬匝爾法特去,住在那裏;我已吩咐那裏的一個寡婦供養你。」 | 9"Go to Zarephath of the Sidonites and stay there. I have given word to a widow there to give you food." |
10他就起身往匝爾法特去了,來到城門時,看見一個寡婦在那裏拾木柴。厄里亞喚她說:「請你用器皿取點水來給我喝!」 | 10So Elijah went to Zarephath. On reaching the gate of the town, he saw a widow gathering sticks. He called to her and said, "Bring me a little water in a vessel that I may drink." |
11她正要去取水的時候,厄里亞又叫住她說:「請你也順便給我拿點餅來!」 | 11As she was going to bring it, he called after her and said, "Bring me also a piece of bread." |
12那寡婦說:「我指着永生上主你的天主起誓:我沒有餅,缸裏只有一把麵,罐裏還有一點油。你看,我正要拾兩根木柴,回去為我和我的兒子做點東西,吃了等死。」 | 12But she answered, "As Yahweh your God lives, I have no bread left but only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am just now gathering some sticks so that I may go in and prepare something for myself and my son to eat - and die." |
13厄里亞對她說:「你不用害怕,儘管照你所說的去做;只是先為我做一個小餅,給我拿來!然後,再為你和你的兒子做, | 13Elijah then said to her, "Do not be afraid. Go and do as you have said, but first make me a little cake of it and bring it to me; then make some for yourself and your son. |
14因為上主以色列的天主這樣說:直到上主使雨落在這地上的那一天,缸裏的麵,決不會用完;罐裏的油,也決不會缺少。」 | 14For this is the word of Yahweh, the God of Israel, 'The jar of meal shall not be emptied nor shall the jug of oil fail, until the day when Yahweh sends rain to the earth." |
15那個寡婦就照厄里亞的話去做了;她和厄里亞並她的孩子吃了許多日子; | 15So she went and did as Elijah told her; and she had food for herself, Elijah and her son from that day on. |
16缸裏的麵,果然沒有用完,罐裏的油,也沒有減少,正如上主藉厄里亞所說的話。 | 16The jar of flour was not emptied nor did the jug of oil fail, in accordance with what Yahweh had said through Elijah. |
17這事以後,那婦人,即那家的主母的兒子病了,病得很重,就斷了氣。 | 17After this, the son of this housewife became ill. And such was his illness that he stopped breathing. |
18婦人於是對厄里亞說:「天主的人,我與你有什麼關係?你到我這裏來,竟叫上主記起我的罪惡,殺死了我的兒子!」 | 18She then said to Elijah, "What did you do, O man of God? Have you come to uncover past sins and cause my son's death?" |
19厄里亞對婦人說:「把你的兒子交給我!」於是厄里亞從她懷裏接過孩子來,抱到他住的樓上,放在自己的床上, | 19He answered, "Give me your son." Taking him from her lap, he carried him up to the upper room where he was staying and laid him on his own bed. |
20呼求上主說:「上主,我的天主!我寄居在這寡婦家中,難道你也忍心加害於她,殺死她的兒子嗎?」 | 20Then he called on Yahweh, "O Yahweh, my God, will you afflict even the widow with whom I am residing by letting her son die?" |
21厄里亞三次伏在孩子身上,呼求上主說:「上主,我的天主,求你使這孩子的靈魂再回到他身上!」 | 21Then he stretched himself on the child three times and called on Yahweh, "O Yahweh, my God, let this child's breath return to him." |
22上主聽了厄里亞的呼求,孩子的靈魂又回到他身上,孩子就又活了。 | 22Yahweh listened to the pleading of Elijah and the child's breath returned to him, and he lived. |
23厄里亞將孩子從樓上抱下來,到房間內,把孩子交給他母親說:「看,你兒子活了!」 | 23Elijah then took the child and brought him down from the upper room. He gave him to his mother and said, "See, your son is alive." |
24那婦人對厄里亞說:「現在我知道你是天主的人,上主藉你的口所說的話,確是真理。」 | 24Then the woman said to Elijah, "Now I am certain that you are a man of God, and that your words really came from Yahweh." |
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