1 Kings:Chapter 6
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列王紀(上) | 1 Kings |
1以色列子民出離埃及地後四百八十年,撒羅滿作以色列王第四年「齊夫」月,【即二月】,開始建造上主的殿。 | 1In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites left the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second month, Solomon began to build the temple of Yahweh. |
2撒羅滿王為上主所建立的殿,長六十肘,寬二十肘,高三十肘。 | 2The House which King Solomon built for Yahweh was sixty cubits long, twenty wide, and thirty high. |
3殿堂前的門廊長二十肘,寬與殿的寬度相等,共十肘,在殿堂之前。 | 3The vestibule fronting the Sanctuary was twenty cubits long from side to side, the width of the temple, and ten cubits deep in front of the House. |
4又為殿作了窗戶,有窗框和窗櫺。 | 4He made windows with recessed frames for the House. |
5緊靠殿牆,即圍著外殿和內殿的牆,周圍建造了分層廂房: | 5Solomon had a structure built adjoining the walls all around the House and enclosing both Sanctuary and Inner Sanctuary. He also made lateral rooms all around. |
6下層寬五肘,中層寬六肘,第三層寬七肘;使殿周圍對面的牆突出,免得樑木插入殿牆內。 | 6The lowest story was five cubits wide; the middle, six cubits wide; and the third, seven cubits wide. Around the exterior of the temple, he made offsets on the wall so that the supporting beams need not be inserted into walls of the temple. |
7建造殿宇時,始終是採用鑿好了的石頭,所以在建殿時,全聽不到槌子、斧子及任何鐵器的響聲。 | 7The House was built with stones prepared at the quarry so that no hammer, or axe, or any iron implement was heard in the temple during the construction. |
8廂房最下層的門,設在殿的右邊,人可從螺旋梯上到中層,由中層上到第三層。 | 8The entrance to the lowest story was on the right side of the House. A staircase led up to the middle story; and from the middle story, to the third. |
9殿造完了以後,又用香柏木樑和木板,蓋上了殿頂。 | 9So, Solomon built the House and finished it, making the ceiling of the House from cedar beams and planks. |
10殿的四週建立了廂房,每層高五肘,用香柏木樑使之與殿牆相連接。 | 10Each story of the structure which he built surrounding the House was five cubits high joined to the House with cedar timber. |
11有上主的話傳於撒羅滿說: | 11The word of Yahweh was directed to Solomon, |
12「關於你正在進行建造的這殿······如果你履行我的法律,遵守我的規例,按照我的一切命令行事,我必對你實踐我向你父親達味所說的話, | 12"If you observe my statutes, obey my ordinances, keep all my commands and follow them, I will fulfill everything I said to David your father regarding this House. |
13必常住在以色列子民中,永不拋棄我的百姓以色列!」 | 13There I will be in the midst of the Israelites and not forsake my people Israel." |
14撒羅滿建殿,終於完成。 | 14So, Solomon built the House and finished it. |
15殿內的牆壁全舖上香柏木板,從殿的地面到天花板的椽、樑,全蓋上木板;殿內地面都舖上柏木板。 | 15He covered the interior walls of the temple with cedar boards; so that in the interior from the floor of the House to the rafters of the ceiling only wood could be seen. The floor also was covered with cypress boards. |
16內殿即至聖所,長二十肘,從地板到天花板都蓋上香柏木板。 | 16Solomon covered twenty cubits of the rear of the House with cedar boards from floor to rafter to serve as an inner sanctuary - the Most Holy Place. |
17至聖所前的外殿,長四十肘。 | 17The front of the house, that is the Sanctuary, was forty cubits long. |
18殿內的香柏木板上,都刻有匏瓜和初開的花:全部都是香柏木,看不到一塊石頭。 | 18In all the interior of the House, the cedar was carved in the form of gourds and open flowers; all was of cedar and no stone was to be seen. |
19殿堂內部設有內殿,為安放上主的約櫃。 | 19The inner sanctuary in the innermost part of the building had been destined to house the ark of the covenant of Yahweh. |
20內殿長二十肘,寬二十肘,高二十肘,全都貼上純金;他又用香柏木做了一個祭壇, | 20It was twenty cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and twenty cubits high, overlaid with pure gold. He also made an altar of cedar. |
21放在內殿前,全都包上金。 | 21Solomon overlaid the interior of the House with pure gold. He closed the inner sanctuary with golden chains and overlaid it with gold. |
22整個殿宇都貼上金,貼滿了整個殿宇。 | 22Solomon overlaid the entire House with gold. He also overlaid with gold the whole altar in the inner sanctuary. |
23內殿裡又用橄欖木作了兩個革魯賓,每個高十肘。 | 23In the inner sanctuary, Solomon made two cherubim of olive wood, each ten cubits high. |
24革魯賓的一個翅膀長五肘,革魯賓的另一個翅膀也長五肘,從一個翅膀尖到另一個翅膀尖,共十肘。 | 24The length of the wings of each cherub was five cubits each, hence, ten cubits from tip to tip. |
25另一個革魯賓也是十肘;兩個革魯賓,有一樣的尺寸,有一樣的形狀。 | 25Both cherubim had the same measurement and the same form, |
26一個革魯賓高十肘,另一個革魯賓也是如此。 | 26both being ten cubits high. |
27兩個革魯賓都安放在內殿,革魯賓的翅膀是伸開的:這個革魯賓的一個翅膀靠著這邊的牆,那個革魯賓的一個翅膀靠著那邊的牆,裡面的兩個翅膀,在殿中央相接。 | 27When the cherubim were put in the innermost part of the House their wings were so spread out that a wing of one touched one wall, while a wing of the other touched the other wall. Their other wings touched each other at the center of the House. |
28兩個革魯賓全包上金。 | 28The cherubim were also overlaid with gold. |
29內殿和外殿四周牆壁,都刻有革魯賓、棕樹和花朵初開的形像。 | 29Solomon had all the surrounding walls of the House carved with figures of cherubim, palm trees and open flowers both in the interior and exterior rooms. |
30內殿和外殿的地板,都鋪上金。 | 30He also had the floor of the House, in both the interior and exterior rooms, overlaid with gold. |
31內殿的門,是用橄欖木作的,門柱和門框,為五角形。 | 31Solomon had doors made of olive wood for the entrance to the inner sanctuary of which the lintel and doorposts formed the fifth part. |
32橄欖木的兩門扇上,刻有革魯賓、棕樹和花朵初開的形像。花上包金,革魯賓和棕樹上貼金。 | 32He covered the two olive wood doors with carvings of cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. He then overlaid them with gold and spread gold on the cherubim and the palm trees. |
33外殿的門和門柱也是橄欖木作的,為四角形; | 33He did the same for the olive wood doorposts at the entrance to the sanctuary, which formed the fourth part of the door. |
34兩扇門都是用柏木作的:這一扇有兩葉可以摺疊,那一扇也有兩葉可以摺疊。 | 34Both the right and left side of the door had two folding panels of cypress wood. |
35門上刻有革魯賓、棕樹和花朵初開的形像,彫刻以後,全貼上金。 | 35He had cherubim, palm trees and open flowers carved on them and overlaid the carvings with gold evenly applied. |
36內院的牆,三層是用好的石頭,一層是用香柏木建造的。 | 36As for the interior court, Solomon had it built with three courses of hewn stone and one course of cedar beams. |
37第四年,「齊夫」月,奠定了上主殿宇的基礎; | 37In the month of Ziv of the fourth year, the foundation of Yahweh's House was laid. |
38第十一年,「步耳」月【即八月】,上主的殿各部分全依照計劃完成;建殿的工作共費時七年。 | 38In the month of Bul, the eighth month of the eleventh year, the House was finished, complete and according to all specifications. It took Solomon seven years to build it. |
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