1 Maccabees:Chapter 1


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瑪加伯(上) 1 Maccabees
1馬其頓人、斐理伯的兒子亞歷山大由基廷地出擊,戰勝了波斯和瑪待國王達理阿以後,遂代之為王,成為第一位希臘王。 1Everything began with the conquests of Alexander the first, son of Philip, the Macedonian. Setting out from Greece, he killed Darius, king of the Persians and the Medes. Being already King of Greece, he took the throne of Darius.
2他身經百戰,攻佔了許多要塞,斬殺了各地的君王, 2After fighting many battles, conquering strongholds and putting to death the kings of those nations,
3踏遍了大地四極,據掠了許多民族的財物,以致大地在他面前都默然無言,因此他心高氣傲,妄自尊大。 3he reached the ends of the earth and plundered several nations. And when the world became quiet and subject to his power, he became proud.
4他招募了精銳的軍隊,征服各地、各族、各王,使他們向他納稅進貢。 4He gathered a strong army, ruled over provinces and nations, and rulers paid him taxes.
5此後,當他患病在床,自覺將要去世的時候, 5But he fell sick, and knowing he was going to die,
6召集了與他自幼長大成人,身為同僚的貴族,乘自己還活着的時候,把國家分給他們。 6he summoned his generals and the noblemen who had been brought up with him from his youth; and while still alive, he divided his kingdom among them.
7亞歷山大為王十二年去了世。 7Alexander had reigned for twelve years when he died.
8於是他的臣相各據一方, 8His generals assumed power, each one in the region assigned to him.
9他死後,各自加冕稱王,他們和繼位的子孫,以後多年之久,所做的惡事遍佈全國。 9And immediately after Alexander's death, they made themselves kings and their sons after them, filling the earth with evil for many years.
10從他們中產生了一條禍根,就是安提約古的兒子安提約古厄丕法乃,他曾在羅馬做質,於希臘帝國一三七年登極為王。 10From their descendants there came a godless offshoot, Antiochus Epiphanes, son of King Antiochus, who had been held as hostage in Rome. He became king in the one hundred and thirty-seventh year of the Greek era, (175 B.C.).
11那時,在以色列人中出現一些歹徒,煽惑民眾說:「我們去和我們四鄰的外方人立約,因為自從與他們絕交以來,就遭遇了許多患難。」 11It was then that some rebels emerged from Israel, who succeeded in winning over many people. They said, "Let us renew contact with the peoples around us for we have had endured many misfortunes since we separated from them."
12這種輿論很受當時人的歡迎; 12This proposal was well-received
13遂有一些人極為興奮,便去朝覲國王,國王就批准他們採用外邦的禮俗。 13and some eagerly went to the king. The king authorized them to adopt the customs of the pagan nations.
14他們便照外邦人的風俗,在耶路撒冷修建了一座體育場, 14With his permission, they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem in the pagan style.
15且彌補割損的痕跡,背離聖約,為服從外邦人的規律,自甘墮落。 15And as they wanted to be like the pagans in everything, they made artificial foreskins for themselves and abandoned the Holy Covenant, sinning as they pleased.
16安提約古見自己的王位業已鞏固,便企圖統治埃及,願作兩國的君王, 16When Antiochus felt confident of his power, he decided to seize Egypt and rule over the two nations.
17遂率領大軍、戰車、象隊、騎兵及龐大的艦隊進攻埃及, 17He entered Egypt with a strong army, with chariots of war, elephants, horses and a great fleet
18與埃及王仆托肋米交戰,仆托肋米竟臨陣而逃,士兵傷亡慘重。 18and attacked Ptolemy, king of Egypt. Ptolemy had to retreat and was defeated, and many of his men died.
19於是埃及國設防的各城全都陷落了,財產被搶掠一空。 19The victors seized the fortified cities of Egypt and plundered the land.
20安提約古征服埃及以後,於一四三年回國時,北上以色列,率領大軍直逼耶路撒冷。 20In the year one hundred and forty-three (169 B.C.), when Antiochus returned after defeating Egypt, he passed through Israel and went up to Jerusalem with a strong army.
21他不管不顧地進入了聖所,搬走了金祭壇、燈台及所有器皿。 21He arrogantly broke into the sanctuary and removed the golden altar, the lampstand for the light with all its accessories,
22供餅的供桌、奠酒器、杯盤、金香爐、帳幔和冠冕,連聖殿正面的金飾,都洗劫得一乾二淨; 22the table for the bread of offering, the libation vessels, the cups, the golden censers, the curtains and the crowns, and stripped away all the decorations, the golden moldings that used to cover the Temple entrance.
23還拿去了金銀和貴重的器皿,凡尋到的珍藏寶物,都帶走了。 23He also took possession of the silver, gold, valuable objects and all the hidden treasures he could find.
24而且帶着這些東西回國的時候,肆意屠殺,還說了狂傲的大話; 24He took everything with him and left for his country, after shedding much blood and making arrogant statements.
25因此在以色列人中,哀聲遍野, 25There was great mourning throughout the land of Israel:
26首領長老無不哀聲長歎,處女處男全都消瘦,婦女的花容失色, 26The leaders and the elders groaned, young men and maidens lost courage, and women grew pale;
27新郎吟出悲調,坐在洞房裏的新娘,飲泣啼哭, 27bridegrooms sang lamentations, and the young bride wept in her marriage-bed.
28大地為其居民的命運而搖撼,雅各伯的全家都蒙羞受辱。 28The earth quaked, in sorrow for its inhabitants, and all the people of Jacob were humiliated.
29過了兩年,王派遣一位貢物總管走遍猶太各城。他率領大軍,來到耶路撒冷, 29After two years, the king sent to the cities of Judah the chief tax collector and he came to Jerusalem with a strong army.
30假意向居民發表一些和平的言論,人都相信了他;但是他乘人不備,攻入城內,大加屠殺,死了很多以色列人; 30He spoke to the people with words of peace in order to deceive them. But when he had gained their confidence, he suddenly fell on the city and dealt it a terrible blow, killing many Israelites.
31又洗劫全城,放火焚燒,拆壞了民房和四周的垣墻, 31He plundered the city, burning and destroying the palaces and the surrounding walls.
32俘擄了婦女幼童,搶走了牲畜, 32He took women and children captive and seized the livestock.
33又在達味城設防,築起高大的垣墻,修築堅固碉堡,作為他們的堡壘; 33Then they rebuilt the city of David with a high and solid wall protected by strong towers, and this became their fortress.
34在那裏派了罪惡滔天的外邦人和無法無天的人為軍人,以加強他們的兵力; 34There they set evil men and apostates who defended it.
35又儲蓄了武器和給養,把從耶路撒冷掠來的物資,貯藏在裏面;因此這堡壘成了極危險的陷阱, 35They stored up weapons and provisions, and everything they looted in the city, posing a constant threat.
36為聖殿常是一種威脅,為以色列人民常是一個惡敵。 36It became an ambush for the sanctuary, a grave and constant threat to Israel.
37他們常在聖殿的周圍殺害無辜,玷污聖殿。 37They shed innocent blood around the sanctuary and defiled the sanctuary itself.
38為了他們的緣故,耶路撒冷的居民各處逃亡,聖城成了異民的居所,為本城的子女卻變成了異鄉,城中子女都離棄了故土。 38The inhabitants of Jerusalem fled because of them. She became a colony of strangers, and was a stranger to her children who abandoned her.
39聖殿被棄有如曠野,喜慶節日變為悲痛哀傷,安息日變譏諷,尊榮成了恥辱。 39Her sanctuary became empty as the desert, her feasts became days of mourning, her Sabbaths were ridiculed, and her fame became an object of contempt.
40從前有多少光榮,今日就有多少恥辱;尊榮竟轉為愁腸! 40As her glory had been great, so now was her dishonor, for her greatness was turned into grief.
41王隨後諭令全國,使各國民族合成一個民族, 41Antiochus issued a decree to his whole kingdom.
42全族棄本國固有的禮俗。於是各外邦民族都表示服從君王的諭令, 42All the peoples of his empire had to renounce their particular customs and become one people.
43也有許多以色列人甘心接受了他的宗教,向偶像獻祭,褻瀆安息日。 43All the pagan nations obeyed and respected the king's decree, and even in Israel many accepted the imposed cult. They offered sacrifices to idols and no longer respected the Sabbath.
44王又派遣使臣帶着詔書到耶路撒冷及猶太各城去,令人隨從外邦的禮俗, 44The King sent messengers to Jerusalem and the cities of Judea to carry the decree which imposed strange customs.
45廢止聖殿內舉行的全燔祭、和平祭與奠祭,禁止遵守安息日和慶節, 45In accordance with it, burnt offerings, sacrifices and other offerings in the sanctuary were suppressed. It also ordered that Sabbaths and sacred feasts be like ordinary days.
46污辱聖殿和神職人員, 46The sanctuary and its ministers were no longer to be regarded sacred,
47且修築祭壇、殿宇和寺廟,供奉偶像,宰殺豬和不潔的牲畜作祭獻, 47instead, altars, sacred enclosures and temples were to be dedicated to idols. They were to offer pigs and unclean animals in sacrifice,
48不准給孩子行割損,且行各樣不潔和褻瀆的事,自陷罪污, 48and not perform on their sons the rite of circumcision. To sum up, they were to defile themselves by all kinds of impurity and profanity
49使人忘卻法律,廢除禮規。 49in order to forget the Law and change all their customs.
50凡不遵從王命的人,死無赦。 50The decree finally declared: "Anyone who does not fulfill the king's order shall die."
51王便按照上邊的話向全國寫了諭文,也給所有百姓派了監察員,走遍猶太各城,督催人民祭獻。 51The king published this obligation throughout the province and inspectors appointed by him went around the land of Judea. They saw to it that sacrifices were offered in all cities.
52百姓中有許多背教的人附和他們,在國內犯罪作惡, 52Many Israelites joined them, abandoned the Law and committed countless evils
53因此迫使一些以色列人逃難,去了能避難的隱秘地方。 53obliging the true Israelites to find places of refuge to hide themselves.
54一四五年「基色婁」月十五日,王在祭壇上立了一個可憎惡的邪物,同時在猶太各城修築了祭壇, 54On the fifteenth day of the month of Chislev, in the year one hundred and forty-five, Antiochus erected the "abominable idol of the invaders" on the altar of the temple. Pagan altars were built throughout the whole land of Judea;
55在各家門前及街市上焚香; 55incense was offered at the doors of their houses and in the squares.
56凡找到的法律書都撕毀焚燒, 56There wicked men tore up the books of the Law they found and burned them.
57凡搜出存有約書或恪守法律者,不論是誰,都應按諭令處死。 57They killed anyone they caught in possession of the book of the Covenant and who fulfilled the precepts of the Law, as the royal decree had ordered.
58有人在各城內每月搜查,發見違命的以色列人,就用暴力處置; 58And being men in power, they pursued the Israelite rebels they found month after month in the cities.
59每月二十五日,在建於全燔祭壇上的祭壇上獻祭; 59On the twenty-fifth day of every month, they offered their sacrifices on the new altar they had built upon the altar of the Temple.
60那些給孩子行割損的婦女,他們都按諭令, 60The women who, in defiance of the decree, had the rite of circumcision performed on their children, were put to death with their babies hung around their necks.
61把孩子懸在她們脖子上,一同處死;甚至她們的家屬,及執行割損者,亦應處死。 61Their families and all who had taken part in the circumcision were also put to death.
62雖然如此,仍有許多以色列人堅持不變,決不喫不潔之物, 62But in spite of all this, many Israelites still remained firm and determined not to eat unclean food.
63寧願拾生,而不願因吃禁食而自污,更不願褻瀆聖約;因此他們被判處死刑。 63They preferred to die rather than to make themselves unclean with those foods (prohibited by the Law) that violated the Holy Covenant.
64這實在是天主向以色列人發的盛怒。 64And Israel suffered a very great trial.




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