1 Maccabees:Chapter 4


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瑪加伯(上) 1 Maccabees
1哥爾基雅率領五千步兵,一千精騎,乘夜進軍, 1Gorgias took with him five thousand infantry and a thousand picked cavalry, and moved out by night
2偷襲猶太人營幕,乘虛突擊;堡壘裏的人給他作嚮導。 2to fall upon the Jews and take them by surprise. He had asked men from the Citadel to guide his troops.
3猶大一聽這消息,便與軍隊起程,去突擊駐紮厄瑪烏王軍; 3But Judas learned of this, so he went out with his men to attack the king's army in Emmaus
4這時王軍還散在營外。 4while the enemy troops were still dispersed outside the camp.
5哥爾基雅夜間來到猶大營裏,不見一人,遂在山中搜尋說:「這些人避開我們逃走了。」 5Gorgias arrived at the camp of the Jews by night but found no one there. He then began to search for them in the mountains, for he thought: "They are running away from us."
6天已亮時,猶大領着三千士兵,出現在平原之上,但沒有佩帶所需要的甲胄和刀劍。 6But at daybreak, Judas appeared in the plain with three thousand men who had not the armor or swords they would have liked.
7他們看見異民的軍營防守堅固,又有馬隊巡邏,都是受過軍訓的士兵。 7They saw the camp of the pagans with its strong fortifications and the calvary surrounding it - all trained men in war.
8猶大便對同人說:「你們不必害怕他們人數眾多,也不要畏懼他們的攻擊。 8Judas said to his men: "Do not fear the number of the enemy or be afraid of their attack.
9你們要回憶,當我們的祖先被法郎的軍隊追趕的時候,他們怎樣在紅海裏獲救。 9Remember how our ancestors were saved at the Red Sea when Pharaoh's army pursued them.
10現在我們要呼籲上天,希望他憐憫我們,記憶他與我們祖先立的盟約,今天在我們前粉碎這支軍隊, 10Cry out to God, for if he so wishes he will remember his Covenant and destroy that army before us this very day.
11使萬民知道,有一位解救以色列的。」 11And all the nations will know that Someone saves and liberates Israel."
12外方人舉目一望,見猶太人從對面來了, 12The pagans looked up and saw the Jews coming down against them,
13便出營作戰;猶大的同志們於是吹起號角。 13so they came out of their camp to face them in battle. Judas had the trumpets sounded
14雙方交鋒,異民不支潰敗,向平原逃去。 14and his men attacked. The pagans were defeated and fled to the plain,
15落後的敵軍,全喪身刀下。猶太人追擊他們,直到革則爾,直到依杜默雅、阿左托及雅木尼雅平原。敵方陣亡的約三千人。 15but all the rear guard fell by the sword. They pursued them to Gazara, to the plains of Idumea, of Azot and Jamnia and killed about three thousand of the enemy.
16猶大和他的軍隊追趕敵人回來, 16When Judas and his army stopped chasing them,
17對軍隊說:「你們不要貪戀戰利品,因為前面還有戰爭: 17he said to the men with him: "Do not think of the booty now, for another battle awaits us.
18哥爾基雅和他的軍隊還在山中,離我們不遠。現今要在敵人前堅定不移,與他們作戰,然後纔可安心拾取戰利品。」 18Gorgias with his army is in the hills close by. Remain ready to fight them, and afterwards you can gather the plunder with nothing to worry about."
19猶大還在說話時,發現有一部分敵人從山上窺望, 19He had barely finished speaking when an army detachment appeared on the hillside.
20這些人一見自己的軍隊已敗退,兵營亦被焚燒,又見煙柱四起,即知發生了事故。 20These men saw that their own troops had fled and their camp had been destroyed, for the smoke that rose up from the camp was enough to tell them this.
21他們一見如此,非常震驚;又見猶大的軍隊在平原擺好作戰的陣勢, 21So they were terrified. And when they saw the army of Judas drawn up on the plain ready for battle,
22於是全都逃往培肋舍特人的地方去了。 22they fled to the land of the Philistines.
23猶大回來拾取軍營的戰利品,得了很多金銀、紫紅和珍貴的朱紅色衣服,還有大量的財物。 23So Judas and his men returned to plunder the camp. They carried off valuable booty.
24他們回來的時候,唱歌讚美上天,「因為他是美善的,他的仁慈永遠常存。」 24And on their return, they sang and praised heaven: For he is good, and his mercy is eternal.
25這一天以色列得了大勝利。 25That day was a great victory for Israel.
26逃生的外方人來到里息雅那裏,向他報告一切經過。 26The pagans who had escaped went to Lysias and told him what had happened.
27他一聽說這事,張皇失惜,因為在以色列竟發生這事,大出他意料之外,與國王所囑託的大不相同。 27When he heard this, he was dismayed and depressed because things in Israel had not gone as expected, and he had not carried out the king's command.
28次年,他調集六萬精兵,五千騎兵,來攻打猶太人。 28The following year, he organized an army of sixty thousand men and five thousand cavalry to confront the Jews.
29大軍來到依杜默雅,在貝特族爾紮了營。猶大帶領一萬人迎戰; 29They advanced into Idumea and encamped at Bethzur. Judas came out with ten thousand men to meet them in battle.
30他一見敵軍強大,便祈禱說:「以色列的救主,你是可讚美的!從前你藉着你僕人達味的手,粉碎了巨人強力的襲擊,你曾把外方人的軍營,交在撒烏耳之子約納堂,和他執戟者的手中; 30When he saw their military strength, he prayed, "Blessed are you, Savior of Israel, who broke the warrior's strength by the hand of your servant David, and handed over the camp of the Philistines to the power of Jonathan, son of Saul, and to his armor-bearer.
31請你將這支軍隊,困在你百姓以色列的手中罷!使他們的兵馬都蒙受羞辱。 31In the same way, give this army into the hands of your people Israel, and let the confidence they place in their power and in their horses be destroyed.
32請你使他們恐怖,消散他們逞強的勇氣,使他們因潰敗而顫慄。 32Fill them with fear; shatter their confidence in their own strength. May they be defeated and recover no more.
33請你使他們喪身在愛你之人的刀下,使那些認識你名的人,用詩歌來讚頌你。」 33Deliver them to the sword of your faithful people so that all who know you may praise your name."
34隨後雙方交鋒,里息雅的軍隊,約有五千人為猶太人所殺。 34Both sides attacked, and five thousand men from the army of Lysias fell dead.
35里息雅見自己的陣容已亂,而猶大的士氣正盛,且已準備作殊死戰;他一見如此便退回安提約基雅,招募客軍,加強陣容,預備再攻猶太地。 35Lysias saw that his army was disheartened, while Judas and his men grew bolder and were ready to live or to die nobly. So he retreated to Antioch, where he recruited mercenaries to strengthen his army, for he planned to return to Judea.
36猶大和他的兄弟們說:「看,我們的敵人業已粉碎,我們要上去清潔聖所,再行祝聖禮。」 36Then Judas and his brothers said: "Our enemies are defeated, so let us go up and purify the Holy Place and consecrate it again."
37於是全體軍隊集合,齊上熙雍山。 37And all the army assembled and went up to Mount Zion.
38當他們看見聖所荒蕪,祭壇被玷污,門戶被焚毀,庭院生滿小樹,像在樹林或山上生長的一般,廂房都已倒塌, 38There they found the sanctuary abandoned, the altar profaned, the gates burned, bushes growing in the courtyard as in a forest or on a mountain, and the rooms destroyed.
39便撕裂了衣服,大聲哀哭,頭上撒灰, 39They tore their garments and wept bitterly. Some sprinkled ashes on their heads,
40俯首在地;號角一響,他們便向天哀號。 40while others prostrated themselves on the ground. They sounded the trumpets and cried aloud to Heaven.
41那時猶大派人去攻打那些住在堡壘裏的人,直到聖所清潔了為止。 41Then Judas chose men to fight against the defenders of the Citadel until he had purified the temple.
42然後又選定了聖潔和熱愛法律的司祭; 42He chose blameless priests who showed great zeal for the Law
43這些司祭便清潔聖殿,將被玷污的石頭,拋到污穢的地方。 43and had them purify the temple and bring the stones of the abominable altar of the pagans to an unclean place.
44他們商議,該怎樣處理被玷污的全燔祭壇; 44They held a council to decide on what should be done with the altar of the holocausts which had been defiled.
45終於想出了一個好主意,就是將祭壇毀壞,免得常存着為異民玷污的恥辱。於是就將祭壇拆毀了, 45And they decided to destroy it, so that shame brought about by the pagans might not remain with it.
46將那些石頭安放在聖殿山上一個適當的地方,直到一位先知來到,再另行安排。 46They deposited the stones of the said altar in a convenient place on the temple hill until a prophet should appear to settle the matter.
47他們按法律用整塊石頭,照原先的樣式,另修了一座新祭壇。 47Then they took uncut stones as the Law prescribed, and built a new altar like the former one.
48將聖所及聖殿內部都修飾好,也祝聖了庭院, 48They repaired the sanctuary, and the interior of the house, and consecrated the courts.
49又製造了新的聖器,將燈台、香壇、供桌,搬進聖殿。 49They made new sacred vessels and brought in the lampstand, the altar of incense and the table.
50在香壇上獻香,又點着了燈台上的燈,在殿裏放光。 50They burned incense on the altar, and lit the lamps on the lampstand, and these began to shine in the temple.
51在供桌上放上餅,將帳幔掛起來;他們應作的一切工作,於是完成。 51They placed the bread on the table and hung up the curtains - bringing to completion all that had been decided.
52一四八年九月,即「基色婁」月,二十五日清晨,他們起來, 52On the twenty-fifth day of the month of Chislev, in the year one hundred and forty-eight (164 B.C.)
53按照法律,在新建的全燔祭壇上獻祭。 53they arose at dawn and offered the sacrifice prescribed by the Law on the new altar of holocausts which they had built.
54即在異民玷污祭壇的同月同日,於唱歌、彈琴、鼓瑟和鳴鈸中,祝聖了祭壇。 54It was precisely at that same time and date that the pagans had profaned it before; but now they consecrated it with songs accompanied by zithers, harps and cymbals.
55全體百姓都俯首至地,欽崇讚美那使他們成功的上天。 55All the people fell prostrate and blessed Heaven that had given them happiness and success.
56八日之久,舉行祭壇的祝聖典禮,都歡樂地獻了全燔祭、和平祭及感恩祭。 56They celebrated the consecration of the altar for eight days, joyfully offering holocausts and celebrating sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise.
57他們又用金冠銅牌,裝飾聖殿正面,又重修大門和廂房,安上門戶。 57The front of the temple was adorned with crowns of gold and shields; the gates and the rooms had been restored and fitted with doors.
58民眾皆大喜歡,因為異民所加於他們的恥辱,現在全除去了。 58There was no end to the celebration among the people, and so the profanation of the temple by the pagans was forgotten.
59猶大和他的兄弟們,以及以色列全會眾,規定年年在這節期,慶祝重新祝聖祭壇節,即由「基色婁」月二十五日起,一連八天歡樂慶祝, 59Finally, Judas, his brothers and the whole assembly of Israel agreed to celebrate the anniversary of the consecration of the altar annually for eight days, from the twenty-fifth of the month of Chislev, in high festivity.
60那時他們也重修熙雍山,在周圍建起高牆和鞏固的碉樓,免得異民再來,像從前一樣蹂躪。 60At that time, they built around Mount Zion high walls and strong towers to prevent the pagans from coming in to occupy it as they had done before.
61猶大又派軍隊在那裏護守;並在貝特族爾設防,使人民對依杜默雅有所保障。 61Judas stationed a garrison there to defend it. He also fortified Bethzur so that the people might have a fortress against Idumea.




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