1 Maccabees:Chapter 6
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瑪加伯(上) | 1 Maccabees |
1安提約古王出巡高原時,聽說在波斯有一座城,名叫厄里買,以富有金銀着名; | 1When King Antiochus was making his way through the upper regions of Persia, he received news about Elymais, a city renowned for its wealth in silver and gold. |
2城中的廟宇很富,並且還有金盾鎧甲和武器,都是馬其頓王斐理伯之子希臘首任國王亞歷山大遺留下的。 | 2They kept in the wealthy temple of their city golden armor, breastplates and weapons left there by the Macedonian king, Alexander the son of Philip, the first sovereign of the Greeks. |
3他便來到那裏,想攻佔那城,但沒有成功,因為城裏的人早已知道他的來意, | 3So Antiochus went there but the inhabitants came out armed against him when they learned of his intention, so his attempt to take the city failed. |
4竟起來與他交戰,他臨陣逃走,狼狽地離開那裏,回到巴比倫。 | 4He had to turn back, and he returned much embittered to Babylon. |
5有人來到波斯給他報告說:「那開往猶太地的軍隊已經敗退; | 5While he was still in Persia, it was reported to him that the armies sent to Judea had been defeated. They told him |
6帶勁旅去前線的里息雅,一見猶太人就退卻了;猶太人卻奪得敗軍的兵器及大批物資,力量大增。 | 6that although Lysias had gone with a strong army, he had to flee before the Jews who had been strengthened with the weapons and the abundant booty taken from the neighboring armies. |
7他們又拆毀王在耶路撒冷的祭壇上建立的可憎之物,將聖所及貝特族爾王寨用高牆圍起來,恢復了舊觀。」 | 7He heard too that the Jews had destroyed the abominable idol he had erected on the altar in Jerusalem, and had rebuilt the temple walls to the same height as before, and had also fortified the city of Beth-zur. |
8王聽了這些話,驚慌失措,倒在床上,憂鬱成疾,因為事情沒有符合他的理想。 | 8When he received this news, he was terrified and deeply upset. He fell sick and became greatly depressed because things had not turned out the way he had planned. |
9在那裏一連多日,憂鬱日漸加重,知道死期近了, | 9So he remained overcome by this terrible anguish for many days. He felt that he was dying, |
10便將他的諸位朋友叫來,對他們說:「睡眠離開了我眼睛,愁思齊集在我的心頭。 | 10so he called his friends and said to them, "Sleep has fled from my eyes and I am greatly crushed by my anxieties. |
11我心裏想,從前我得勢的時候,多麼高興,多麼受人愛戴;如今遭受的是什麼災難,遇到的是什麼巨浪啊! | 11And I keep on asking why such grief has come upon me - I who was generous and well-loved when in power - and now I am so discouraged. |
12現在回想起我在耶路撒冷所作的惡事:我掠去城中的一切金器銀器,無緣無故遣人去消滅猶太的居民。 | 12Now I remember the evils I did in Jerusalem, the vessels of gold and silver that I stole, the inhabitants of Judea I ordered to be killed for no reason at all. |
13如今我明白了,我遭遇這些凶禍,正是為了這個緣故,看,我將在異鄉憂鬱而死!」 | 13I now know that because of this, these misfortunes have come upon me, and I am dying of grief in a strange land." |
14他將自己的一個朋友斐理伯叫來,立他為全國的元首; | 14The king then summoned Philip, one of his friends, and appointed him administrator of his whole kingdom. |
15然後將自己的冠冕、長袍和權戒交給他,叫他輔導自己的兒子安提約古,撫養他繼承王位。 | 15When he had entrusted him with the crown, robe and signet ring, with the charge of educating his son Antiochus and preparing him for the throne, |
16安提約古王就死在那裏,時在一百四十九年。 | 16Antiochus died there in the year one hundred and forty-nine (163 B.C.). |
17里息雅知道王已去世,遂立太子安提約古為王,因為他自幼撫養過他,就給他起名叫歐帕托爾。 | 17As soon as Lysias learned of the king's death, he proclaimed his son Antiochus as his successor, for he himself had trained him from childhood and had named him Eupator. |
18那時,那些住在堡壘裏的人,常包圍聖所,困擾以色列人,不斷加害百姓,而支持異民。 | 18The men from the Citadel were blockading the Israelites around the temple and did not let an opportunity pass of harming them on behalf of the pagans. |
19猶大決意剷除他們,便召集全體百姓,向他們圍攻。 | 19Judas decided to wipe them out, |
20一百五十年,以色列人齊來圍攻堡壘,同時還造了戰樓與軍械。 | 20so he gathered together all the people to besiege them. The troops assembled and laid siege to the Citadel in the year one hundred and fifty, building firing platforms and siege engines. |
21被包圍的人中,有幾個突圍而出,與一些以色列浪人勾結, | 21But some of the besieged broke through the blockade and together with renegade Israelites |
22去見王說:「你何時才實行正義,為我們的弟兄伸冤呢? | 22went to tell the king, "How much longer will you wait to do us justice and avenge our brothers? |
23我們很願意服事你的父親,遵行他的話,順從他的命令, | 23We took the side of your father, we obeyed his orders and observed his laws. |
24為這個緣故,我們的百姓纔包圍堡壘,仇視我們,遇見我們一個,便殺一個,還奪去了我們的產業。 | 24The result is that the Citadel is now besieged by our own people and we are treated as foreigners. All of us who were caught have been killed and they have seized our property. |
25他們不但伸手加害我們,而且還加害你的一切領域。 | 25And they are fighting not only against us but in the neighboring lands as well. |
26他們今天正紮營圍困耶路撒冷的堡壘,想要佔據;且防守聖所及貝特族爾。 | 26Right now, they are encamped against the Citadel in Jerusalem to capture it, and they have fortified the temple and the city of Beth-zur. |
27若不及早加以防範,必為後患,那你就不能制服他們了。 | 27If you do not take the lead now, they will do greater things and then you will not be able to control them." |
28王聽罷大怒,立即召集諸位朋友、軍官和騎兵將領, | 28The king was enraged when he heard this news, and he summoned all his friends, the generals of the army and the commanders of the cavalry. |
29也把從外國及海島招募來的軍隊,召到他前。 | 29From other kingdoms and islands of the sea, he recruited mercenary troops. |
30軍隊的數目:共計步兵十萬,騎兵兩萬,受過軍訓的象三十二頭。 | 30His forces numbered a hundred thousand infantry, twenty thousand horsemen and thirty-two elephants trained for battle. |
31他們由依杜默雅抵達後,便紮營圍困貝特族爾,攻打了多日,同時也造了軍械;但猶太人衝出來,用火燒了那些軍械,都奮勇作戰。 | 31They came through Idumea, besieged Beth-zur and attacked for days, using engines of war. But the besieged made a sortie and burned their engines and bravely kept up the resistance. |
32那時猶大撤離堡壘,移營到貝特匝加黎雅,與王營對峙。 | 32Then Judas ceased fighting at the Citadel and encamped at Beth-zechariah opposite the camp of the king. |
33王清晨起來,即移營向貝特匝加黎雅進軍,軍隊列隊上陣,響起號角。 | 33Early in the morning the king rose and his army boldly advanced along the road to Beth-zechariah. The troops prepared for battle and sounded the trumpets. |
34有人在象前,放上葡萄汁和桑葚汁,引誘牠們上陣作戰, | 34They showed juice of grapes and mulberries to the elephants to arouse them for battle, |
35把象分編成隊,每隻象旁站一千人,都身披鎧甲,頭戴鋼盔;又為每隻象派有精騎五百。 | 35and distributed them among the battalions: one thousand men in coat of mail and bronze helmet lined up at the side of each elephant. |
36這些騎兵從前常同這獸在一起,獸往那裏去,他們也隨着去,總不離開。 | 36A cavalry of five hundred picked horsemen went before each elephant and accompanied it with the order not to separate from it. |
37在每隻獸身上,繫着一座掩護堅固的木樓,裏面有四個作戰勇士,此外還有一個駕馭象的印度人。 | 37A strong wooden tower was fixed to each elephant by means of leather straps, and four warriors including the driver were on the tower. |
38又將其餘馬隊,分為軍中左右兩翼,為驚擾對方,也為掩護陣線。 | 38The rest of the cavalry were stationed on the right and left flanks of the army to harass the enemy and protect the battalions. |
39太陽照在金牌銅牌上,光耀反射在山上,閃爍有如火炬。 | 39When the sun shone on the shields of gold and bronze, the mountains glittered and gleamed like flames of fire. |
40王的軍隊一部分在高山上,一部分在平原裏,一起穩步前進。 | 40One part of the king's army was deployed up in the mountains and the other on the plain. All advanced confidently and in good order. |
41眾人的喧嘩聲,進軍的步伐聲,軍器的摩擦聲,凡聽了無不戰慄,因為王的軍隊實在強大。 | 41The Jews trembled when they heard the great noise of this vast multitude, the marching of that mass and the clanking of their weapons. It was indeed an army extremely numerous and powerful. |
42猶大和他的軍隊一臨陣,王的軍隊便陣亡了六百人。 | 42Nevertheless Judas and his army advanced to give battle; and about six hundred men of the king's army fell. |
43號稱奧郎的厄肋阿匝爾,見一隻獸披着王甲,比眾獸都高,便以為在上面的是王, | 43Eleazar, called Avaran, saw one of the beasts protected with armor which excelled all the others, so he supposed that it must be the king's. |
44為了拯救百姓,為自己永遠成名,他就決意犧牲自己。 | 44He then sacrificed himself to save his people and win eternal renown for himself. |
45於是勇往直前,衝入陣中,左右亂殺,敵軍居然被他隨處衝散; | 45He boldly charged towards the animal right into the midst of the battalion, killing men right and left, scattering the enemy before him on both sides. |
46他跑到象下,伏身將牠刺殺了,象跌倒在地,壓在他身上,他就死在那裏。 | 46He reached the elephant, darted in under it, and stabbed it in the belly. The elephant collapsed on top of him and he died on the spot. |
47猶太人見王的軍力強盛,軍隊攻擊得又兇猛,就從他們前退卻了。 | 47The Jews, however, aware of the tremendous force of the king's army and their bravery, retreated before them. |
48王的軍隊直開往耶路撒冷,攻打他們,王便面對猶太和熙雍山安營。 | 48The king's troops went up to Jerusalem to overtake them, and the king encamped in Judea and around Mount Zion. |
49王與貝特族爾人講了和,他們就出了城,是因為城被包圍已沒有存糧,又因為那一年正是田地的安息年。 | 49He made peace with the people of Beth-zur who evacuated the city since they had no food to continue the resistance, for that year was a year of rest for the land. |
50王便佔據了貝特族爾,在那裏派軍隊把守。 | 50The king seized Beth-zur and stationed a garrison there to guard it. |
51王在聖所對面安營多日,且在那裏建立了戰樓,製造軍械,火箭機,拋石機和蝎子機,為發箭拋石。 | 51He encamped before the temple for a long time and set up firing platforms, crossbows, engines, fire-throwers, catapults, scorpions to discharge arrows, and slingers. |
52猶太人為抵抗敵人武器,自己也製造了利器,雙方酣戰多日。 | 52The defenders also constructed engines as their attackers had done and they fought for a long time. |
53只是倉中沒有糧食,因為這年正是安息年,又因為從外方被救回猶太地的人民,將存糧都吃光了, | 53But they had no food in storage, as it was the seventh year and because the Israelites who came to Judea from the pagan lands had consumed the last of their reserves. |
54所以在聖所裏只留下少數人,因為飢餓逼人,各自四散回本鄉去了。 | 54So, few men were left in the temple because of the famine; the others had dispersed. |
55里息雅聽說:當先王還活着的時候,派定撫養自己的兒子安提約古,並輔佐他為王的斐理伯, | 55Meanwhile Philip, to whom King Antiochus during his life had entrusted the education of his son Antiochus to prepare him for the throne, |
56和與王一起出征的軍隊,從波斯及瑪待回來,企圖奪取政權。 | 56had returned from Persia and Media with the army that had accompanied the king to those regions, and was planning to seize power. |
57里息雅一聽說,就決意急速撤兵,便向王與軍官及眾人說:「我們一天比一天衰弱,又缺少食糧,圍困的地方又牢不可破,況且國家的大事都壓在我們身上, | 57This is why Lysias hastily gave orders to depart, saying to the king, the generals of the army and the soldiers, "We are losing strength every day, we are short of food and the place we are besieging is well fortified; we are moreover diverting our attention from the affairs of the kingdom. |
58所以現在,我們不如先同這些人攜手,與他們及他們的百姓講和, | 58Let us, then, offer the hand of friendship to these men, and make peace with them and with their nation. |
59使他們按自己的法律生活,如同先前一樣,因為他們正是為了我們廢棄他們法律的緣故,纔大發盛怒,作出這一切事。」 | 59Let us permit them to live according to their customs as before, since all this came to be because we suppressed their laws, and they have risen in defense of them." |
60王和各將領都滿意這話,便打發使者到猶太人那裏去講和,猶太人也予以接受。 | 60These words pleased the king and the generals, |
61王和各將領也對他們發了誓,因此,他們纔從堡壘裏出來。 | 61so the king sent messengers to make peace with the Jews, and the Jews accepted it. When the king and the generals had committed themselves with an oath, the Jews came out of the fortress. |
62可是,當王到了熙雍山,見了這地方的堡壘,便立時背棄誓約,命人將四周的圍牆拆毀。 | 62The king went up to Mount Zion and when he saw the defenses, he broke his oath and ordered the surrounding wall to be demolished. |
63然後,急速起程,回到安提約基雅,見斐理伯已在城內掌權,就與他作戰,用武力將城奪回。 | 63Then he hurriedly left and returned to Antioch where he found Philip already in control of the city. So he fought him and took the city by force. |
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