1 Maccabees:Chapter 7
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瑪加伯(上) | 1 Maccabees |
1一百五十一年,色婁苛的的兒子德默特琉,逃離羅馬,帶着少數幾個人,在沿海的一座城登陸,在那裏稱王。 | 1In the year one hundred and fifty-one, Demetrius the son of Seleucus escaped from Rome. He sailed with a few men to a port of the kingdom where he arrived and proclaimed himself king. |
2當他要進入祖先王宮時,他的軍隊將安提約古和里息雅逮捕了,要給他解來。 | 2As soon as he entered the kingdom of his fathers, the army arrested Antiochus and Lysias to hand them over to him. |
3但他一聽說這事,就說:「你們不要讓我見他們的面。」 | 3When Demetrius heard this, he said: "I do not want to see their faces." |
4軍隊便將他們殺了;德默特琉於是坐上了本國的王位。 | 4So the army executed them and Demetrius took the throne. |
5那時,一總無法無天的以色列人,以想作大司祭的阿耳基慕為首,竟來到王跟前, | 5At once all the Israelites without law or religion came to him. They were led by Alcimus, a man who sought the office of chief priest for himself. |
6控告自己的百姓說:「猶大和他的兄弟們,殺害了你所有的朋友,也使我們離開本國。 | 6And they began accusing their own people before the king, "Judas and his brothers have murdered all your friends and have driven us away from our land. |
7現在,請派遣你信賴的人,去看看他們加於我們及王國的一切破壞情形,然後對他們和他們的助手處以懲罰。」 | 7Send one of your trustworthy Friends, to see the havoc they have caused us and our province which belongs to the king. Let him punish all who support them." |
8王便從自己的朋友中選了巴基德;他原是河西的總督,國家的一位要人,且忠於君王。 | 8The king chose Bacchides, one of his Friends and a distinguished man of the kingdom, the governor of the western province of the Euphrates. |
9王派他與惡棍阿耳基慕同去,且委任阿耳基慕為大司祭,叫他向以色列子民復仇。 | 9He also sent with him Alcimus whom he had appointed chief priest, and ordered them to punish the Israelites. |
10他們帶着大軍動身到了猶太地,就打發使者,向猶大及其兄弟們和談,欺騙他們; | 10They set out with a large army. On reaching Judea, they sent messengers to Judas and his brothers with treacherous proposals of peace. |
11不過他們並不理會那些人的話,因為已看出他們帶着大軍而來的用意。 | 11But the Jews who knew that they came with a powerful army, did not trust them. |
12無如,經師團竟集體去見阿耳基慕和巴基德,要求公正調解。 | 12However, a commission of teachers of the Law met with Alcimus and Bacchides to seek a satisfactory solution. |
13其次,在以色列平民中,首先是哈息待人來向他們求和, | 13These men from the group of the Hasideans, the first to seek peace in Israel, |
14因為他們想:「來者是位亞郎後裔的司祭,他雖然帶着軍隊,但決不會加害我們。」 | 14reasoned like this: "A man in the line of Aaron has come with the army, he will surely deal with us in fairness." |
15阿耳基慕遂向他們說了一些親善的話,還發誓說:「我們決不謀害你們及你們的朋友!」 | 15Bacchides, moreover, sent them a friendly message and assured them under oath: "We do not wish any harm to you and your friends." |
16他們便信了他的話。那料想阿耳基慕竟捕去他們六十人,在一天之內將他們都殺死,應驗了經上這句話: | 16They believed him. But he arrested sixty of them and executed them the same day, according to the word of the Scripture: |
17「在耶路撒冷四周,他們分散了你聖者的肉體,傾流了他們的血,無人埋葬。」 | 17Around Jerusalem, they have scattered the dead bodies of your saints; they have shed their blood, and there was no one to bury them. |
18於是,恐怖戰慄籠罩着整個百姓;遂說:「這些人沒有真理,沒有正義,違犯了盟約,背棄了發過的誓言。」 | 18All the people were terrified and feared them. They said, "There is no justice or truth in these people who have violated the agreement they made with an oath." |
19那時,巴基德從耶路撒冷出發,在貝特齋特安營,打發人將許多逃來跟從他的人,和一些平民拘捕殺害,投在大坑裏。 | 19Bacchides left Jerusalem and encamped at Beth-zur. From there, he ordered the arrest of many prominent men who had deserted to him as well as some of the people. And he had them thrown into a deep pit. |
20然後把這地委託給阿耳基慕管理,又給他留下軍隊協助他;巴基德就回到王那裏去了。 | 20Then he placed the province in the hands of Alcimus, leaving him with an army to help him and he returned to the king. |
21阿耳基慕仍為作大司祭而活動; | 21Alcimus struggled to have the Israelites recognize him as chief priest, |
22那些擾亂自己百姓的人,都同他聯合,佔據了猶太地,在以色列中釀成大禍。 | 22and all who disturbed the peace of the people joined him. They became masters of the land of Judea and did great harm to the Israelites. |
23猶大見阿耳基慕及跟從他的人,對以色列子民所行的一切,比異民還壞, | 23Judas saw that Alcimus and his men were an even greater menace to Israel than the pagans had been. |
24便出巡猶太四境,對叛徒採取報復,阻止他們到鄉間去。 | 24So he went throughout the territory of Judea to do justice to those traitors and to prevent them from going about the country. |
25阿耳基慕一見猶大和他的同伴力量強大,自知不能抵抗,就回到王前,控告他們許多罪行。 | 25Alcimus realized that Judas and his men were of greater strength and that he could not resist them, so he returned to the king and accused them of serious crimes. |
26王的一位名將尼加諾爾,很仇恨以色列人,王就派遣他,命他去殲滅這百姓。 | 26The king then sent Nicanor, one of his more illustrious generals and a known enemy of Israel, with the mission to utterly destroy this people. |
27尼加諾爾率領大軍,一來到耶路撒冷,便派人去見猶大和他的兄弟們,詐言和談說: | 27Nicanor reached Jerusalem with a large army; he sent Judas and his brothers false messages of friendship saying to them, |
28「願你我之間,沒有戰爭。我願同少數人來,與你們和平會面。」 | 28"Let us not begin as enemies once more; I will come with a few men to meet you face to face in friendship." |
29於是尼加諾爾去見猶大,彼此和氣地請了安;可是敵人已準備好要劫持猶大。 | 29He inded came to Judas and they greeted each other peaceably, but the enemy was prepared to seize him. |
30猶大一知他來意不善,就非常害怕,不願再見他的面。 | 30Judas was told that Nicanor had come to him treacherously, so he withdrew from Nicanor, and would not see him again. |
31尼加諾爾知道自己的計謀已被識破,就出去,在加法撒拉瑪對面,和猶大交戰。 | 31When Nicanor saw that his plans had been discovered, he went out to look for Judas, and this time to fight him. He found him near Capharsalama. |
32這次尼加諾爾的軍隊死的,約有五百人,其餘的人都逃到達味城裏。 | 32About five hundred of Nicanor's men fell and the rest fled to the city of David. |
33這些事過後,尼加諾爾上了熙雍山。有幾位司祭和幾位民間長老,從聖所裏出來,和顏悅色地向他請安,並將為君王所獻的全燔祭品,指給他看。 | 33After these events, Nicanor went up to Mount Zion and some of the priests and elders came out of the temple to greet him peacefully and show him the sacrifice they offered for the king. |
34但他對那些人卻加以輕慢、嘲笑、褻瀆,還說了一些傲慢的話。 | 34But he mocked them, he scorned and insulted them |
35且又忿怒地發誓說:「猶大和他的軍隊,若不立即交在我手裏,當我平安回來時,必要將這殿宇燒毀。」以後氣憤地出去了。 | 35and angrily swore this oath: "If you do not deliver Judas into my hands immediately, as soon as I have destroyed him, I will return and burn this temple." And he went away furious. |
36司祭便進去,站在祭壇及聖殿前哭泣說: | 36The priests entered the temple, and they stood weeping before the altar and the sanctuary. They said, |
37「主啊!是你選擇了這地方,使它因你的名而得名,作為你百姓祈禱呼籲的殿宇。 | 37"You, Lord, chose this House that your name may be invoked in it, that it may be a house of prayer and petition for your people. |
38求你在這人和他的軍隊身上復仇,使他們死在刀劍下!你要記住他們的褻瀆,不容他們存在!」 | 38Take vengeance on this man and on his army; let them die by the sword. Remember their insults and do not delay in punishing them." |
39尼加諾爾撤出耶路撒冷,在貝特曷龍安營,在那裏有一支敘利亞的軍隊與他會合。 | 39Nicanor left Jerusalem and encamped in Beth-horon where the Syrian army joined him. |
40猶大率領三千人,在阿達撒安營。猶大祈禱說: | 40Meanwhile, Judas encamped in Adasa with three thousand men and prayed: |
41「主啊!當亞述君王的兵士說褻瀆話時,你的天使出來,殺死了他們十八萬五千。 | 41"Lord, when the messengers of the king of Assyria insulted you, your angel came and killed one hundred and eighty-five thousand of his men. |
42今天,你也在我們面前,同樣殲滅這支軍隊罷!使其餘的人知道,他曾咒罵過你的聖所。請按他的惡行處罰他!」 | 42So now, crush this army before us, so that all the rest may know that this Nicanor has blasphemed against your temple. Judge him according to his wickedness." |
43「阿達爾」月十三日,雙方軍隊交戰,尼加諾爾的軍隊潰敗,他自己首先陣亡了。 | 43The two armies met in battle on the thirteenth of the month Adar. Nicanor's army was defeated and he himself was one of the first to fall in the battle. |
44尼加諾爾的軍隊一見他死了,就棄甲逃走。 | 44When his troops saw that he was dead, they threw down their weapons and fled. |
45猶太人追趕他們有一天的路程,從阿達撒一直追到革則爾,還在他們後邊吹角為號, | 45The Jews pursued them a day's journey from Adasa to the entrance of Gazara, sounding the trumpets as they followed them. |
46使四周的猶太人,都從各村鎮出來,包圍他們。於是敵軍互相踐踏,都喪身刀下,一個也沒有留下。 | 46The people came out from all the neighboring villages of Judea and surrounded the fugitives, forcing them to return to defend their lives. So all fell by the sword, not even one of them was left. |
47猶太人得了戰利品和贓物,砍下尼加諾爾的頭,和他傲慢伸過的右手,帶回來,懸在耶路撒冷附近。 | 47Then the Jews seized the plunder and booty; they cut off Nicanor's head and the right hand he had so arrogantly stretched out, and they displayed them at the entrance to Jerusalem within sight of all. |
48百姓非常歡喜,慶祝那一天,有如喜慶的節日。 | 48The people were elated and |
49於是規定每年「阿達爾」月十三日為慶日。 | 49celebrated their victory annually on the thirteenth of the month Adar. |
50猶太地遂平安了一個時期。 | 50The land of Judah enjoyed peace for a short time. |
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