1 Peter:Chapter 5


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伯多祿前書 1 Peter
1所以我這同為長老的,為基督苦難作證的,以及同享那將要顯示的光榮的人,勸勉你們中間的眾長老: 1I now address myself to those elders among you; I, too, am an elder and a witness to the sufferings of Christ, hoping to share the Glory which is to be revealed.
2你們務要牧放天主托付給你們的羊群;盡監督之職,不是出於不得已,而是出於甘心,隨天主的聖意;也不是出於貪卑鄙的利益,而是出於情願; 2Shepherd the flock which God has entrusted to you, guarding it not out of obligation but willingly for God's sake; not as one looking for a reward but with a generous heart;
3不是做托你們照管者的主宰,而是做群羊的模範: 3do not lord it over those in your care, rather be an example to your flock.
4這樣,當總司牧出現時,你們必領受那不朽的榮冠。 4Then, when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will be given a crown of unfading glory.
5同樣,你們青年人,應該服從長老;大家都該穿上謙卑作服裝,彼此侍候,因為「天主拒絕驕傲人,卻賞賜恩寵於謙遜人。」 5In the same way, let the younger ones among you respect the authority of the elders. All of you, be humble in your dealings with each other, because God opposes the proud but gives his grace to the humble.
6為此,你們該屈服在天主大能的手下,這樣在適當的時候,他必舉揚你們; 6Bow down, then, before the power of God so that he will raise you up at the appointed time.
7將你們的一切掛慮都託給他,因為他必關照你們。 7Place all your worries on him since he takes care of you.
8你們要節制,要醒寤,因為,你們的仇敵魔鬼,如同咆哮的獅子巡遊,尋找可吞食的人; 8Be sober and alert because your enemy the devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.
9應以堅固的信德抵抗他,也該知道:你們在世上的眾弟兄,都遭受同樣的苦痛。 9Stand your ground, firm in your faith, knowing that our brothers and sisters, scattered throughout the world, are confronting similar persecutions.
10那賜萬恩的天主,即在基督內召叫你們進入他永遠光榮的天主,在你們受少許苦痛之後,必要親自使你們更為成全、堅定、強健、穩固。 10God, the giver of all grace, has called you to share in Christ's eternal Glory and after you have suffered a little he will bring you to perfection: he will confirm, strengthen and establish you forever.
11願光榮與權能歸於他,至於無窮之世。阿們。 11Glory be to him forever and ever. Amen.
12我藉忠信的弟兄息耳瓦諾,給你們寫了這封我認為簡短的書信,為勸勉你們,並為證明這實在是天主的恩寵:在這恩寵上你們應該站穩。 12I have had these few lines of encouragement written to you by Silvanus, our brother, whom I know to be trustworthy. For I wanted to remind you of the kindness of God really present in all this. Hold on to it.
13與你們一同被選的巴比倫教會問候你們;我兒馬爾谷也問候你們。 13Greetings from the community in Babylon, gathered by God, and from my son, Mark.
14你們要以愛的親吻,彼此問候。願平安與在基督內的你們眾人同在。 14Greet one another with a friendly embrace. Peace to you all who are in Christ.




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