1 Samuel:Chapter 22
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撒慕爾紀上 | 1 Samuel |
1達味離開那裏,逃到了阿杜藍山洞;他的兄弟和父親全家聽說這事,都來到他那裏。 | 1David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adulam where his brothers and his father's family came down to him. |
2凡受迫害、負債、心中憂苦的人,都投奔到他那裏,他便成了他們的首領;此時隨從他的約有四百人。 | 2Then those who had problems or debts or were embittered joined him there. Thus he became their chief; he had with him about four hundred men. |
3達味從那裏來到摩阿布的米茲帕,對摩阿布王說﹕「求你讓我父母來你們這裏,直到我明白天主對我有什麼計劃時為止。」 | 3From there, David went to Mispeh in Moab and asked the king of Moab to let his father and mother stay with him until he found out what God would do for him. |
4達味把他們留在摩阿布王那裏:達味在山寨裏住了多久,他們在他那裏也住了多久。 | 4So David left them with the king of Moab and they stayed there as long as David remained in the refuge. |
5加得先知對達味說:「你不要住在這山寨裏,你要到猶大地方去!」達味就去了,來到赫勒特樹林。 | 5The prophet Gad said to David, "Do not stay in the refuge; go to the land of Judah." So David left and entered the forest of Hereth. |
6一日,撒烏耳正坐在基貝亞高處的一棵檉柳下,手裏拿着槍,他的臣僕都侍立左右,聽說達味和跟隨他的人已聯合起來, | 6Saul heard that David and his men had been seen. Saul was in Gibeah at the time, sitting under the tamarisk tree on the high place, his spear in hand, while his servants were standing by. |
7遂對侍立他左右的臣僕說:「本雅明的子孫,你們聽:難道葉瑟的兒子也要賜給你們每人莊田和葡萄園,或把你們都立為千夫長或百夫長, | 7Saul addressed them, "Listen, men of Benjamin! Will the son of Jesse give every one of you fields of vineyards? Will he make each one of you a commander over a thousand or over a hundred men that you should all be conspiring against me? |
8好使你們都同謀來陷害我?我的兒子和葉瑟的兒子結盟,誰也沒有告訴我;我的兒子煽動我的臣僕來反對我,仇視我,像今日一樣,你們中沒有一個人憐恤我,來通知我!」 | 8Why, then, did no one tell me that my son made an agreement with the son of Jesse? No one among you had mercy on me and told me that my own son had stirred up my servant to conspire against me as is the case today." |
9作撒烏耳臣僕之長的厄東人多厄格就答說:「我看見葉瑟的兒子到過諾布,去見阿希突布的兒子阿希默肋客。 | 9At this, Doeg the Edomite, who was standing with the officers of Saul, spoke up, "I saw the son of Jesse come to Ahimelech, son of Ahitub, in Nob. |
10他為達味求問了上主,給了他食物,也把培肋舍特人哥肋雅的刀給了他。」 | 10Ahimelech consulted Yahweh for him, provided him with food and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine as well." |
11君王遂派人去叫阿希突布的兒子,大司祭阿希默肋客和他父親全家,即諾布所有的司祭;他們就都來到君王面前, | 11On hearing this, the king sent for Ahimelech the priest, son of Ahitub, and all his family who were priests in Nob. They all came to the king. |
12撒烏耳說:「阿希突布的兒子,你聽!」他答說:「是,我主!」 | 12Then Saul said, "Listen, son of Ahitub." He replied, "Yes, my lord." |
13撒烏耳對他說:「你為什麼和葉瑟的兒子同謀陷害我,給他食物和刀劍,為他求問天主,使他起來反對我,仇視我,像今日一樣?」 | 13Saul asked him, "Why did you conspire with the son of Jesse, giving him food and a sword and consulting Yahweh for him so that he could rebel against me as is the case today?" |
14阿希默肋客答覆君王說:「在你的臣僕中,有誰如達味那樣忠誠可靠呢?他是大王的女婿,又是護衛長,在你朝廷中是最受重視的人。 | 14Ahimelech answered the king, "Who among all your servants is as faithful as David, the king's son-in-law, captain of your bodyguard and honored in your house? |
15難道我是今天纔開始為他求問天主嗎?決不是!請大王不要加害自己的僕人和我父全家,因為你僕人一點也不知道這事。」 | 15Is today the first time that I have consulted Yahweh for him? By no means! Let not the king accuse me or any member of my family of such a thing for I knew nothing at all about the entire matter." |
16王說:「阿希默肋客,你和你父親全家都該死!」 | 16But the king said, "You and your entire family shall die, Ahimelech." |
17王遂吩咐立在他左右的侍衛說:「你們過去,殺死上主的司祭!因為他們與達味攜手,知道他逃跑,卻不來告訴我。」但是君王的臣僕不敢下手殺上主的司祭。 | 17And the king at once commanded the guards who were standing by, "Turn and kill the priests of Yahweh for having assisted David. They knew very well that David was a fugitive but they did not tell me anything at all." The king's servants, however, refused to lift their hands against the priests of Yahweh. |
18王遂對多厄格說:「你過去殺死司祭!」厄東人多厄格就過去殺死了司祭。那一天他殺了八十五位身穿細麻「厄弗得」的人。 | 18And so the king turned to Doeg and commanded him, "Come and stab the priests." And so Doeg the Edomite drew near and stabbed the priests. On that day he killed eighty-five persons who were wearing the linen ephod. |
19至於那座諾布司祭城,無論男女、幼童或乳兒,甚至連那裏的牛、驢、羊,都用利劍殺盡。 | 19After that, Saul put Nob, the city of priests, to the sword, killing men and women, children and infants, oxen, asses and sheep. |
20阿希突布之子阿希默肋客的一個兒子,名叫厄貝雅塔爾的,脫險跑到了達味那裏。 | 20A son of Ahimelech, son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped and fled to David. |
21厄貝雅塔爾告訴達味,撒烏耳殺了上主的司祭。 | 21Abiathar told David that Saul had killed the priests of Yahweh. |
22達味對厄貝雅塔爾說:「那一天我已知道,因為厄東人多厄格在那裏,他必要向撒烏耳報告,你父全家的性命,我全負責。 | 22David said to him, "I knew that day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would surely tell Saul. So I am responsible for the death of all your family. |
23你住在我這裏,不要害怕;誰想謀害你,就是想謀害我;你同我一起必得安全。」 | 23Stay with me and do not be afraid for he who wants to kill you must also kill me. You will be safe with me." |
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