1 Timothy:Chapter 2


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弟茂德前書 1 Timothy
1首先我勸導眾人,要為一切人懇求、祈禱、轉求和謝恩, 1First of all I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone,
2並為眾君王和一切有權位的人,為叫我們能以全心的虔敬和端莊,度寧靜平安的生活。 2for rulers of states and all in authority, that we may enjoy a quiet and peaceful life in godliness and respect.
3這原是美好的,並在我們的救主天主面前是蒙受悅納的。 3This is good and pleases God.
4因為他願意所有的人都得救,並得以認識真理, 4For he wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.
5因為天主只有一個,在天主與人之間的中保也只有一個,就是降生成人的基督耶穌, 5As there is one God, there is one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human,
6他奉獻了自己,為眾人作贖價:這事在所規定的時期已被證實, 6who gave his life for the redemption of all. This is the testimony, given in its proper time,
7而我也是為了這事,被立為宣道者和宗徒──我說的是實話,並非說謊──在信仰和真理上,做了外邦人的教師。 7and of this, God has made me apostle and herald. I am not lying, I am telling the truth: He made me teacher of the nations regarding faith and truth.
8我願意男人們在各地舉起聖潔的手祈禱,不應發怒和爭吵; 8I want the men in every place to lift pure hands in prayer to heaven without anger and dissension.
9又願意女人們服裝端正,以廉恥和莊重裝飾自己,不要用鬈髮和金飾,或珍珠和極奢華的服裝, 9Let women dress with simplicity and modesty, not adorned with fancy hairstyles, gold, jewels and expensive clothes,
10而要以善行裝飾自己,這纔合乎稱為虔敬天主的女人。 10but with good works, as is fitting for women serving God.
11女人要在沉靜中受教,事事服從。 11Let a woman quietly receive instruction and be submissive.
12我不准許女人施教,也不准許她管轄男人,但要她安於沉靜, 12I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men. Let them be quiet.
13因為亞當是先受造的,以後纔是厄娃。 13For Adam was created first and then Eve.
14亞當沒有受騙,受騙陷於背命之罪的是女人。 14Adam was not deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and fell into sin.
15但她若持守信德、愛德、聖德和莊重,藉着生育,必能獲救。 15But she will be saved through motherhood, provided that her life be orderly and holy, in faith and love.




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