2 Chronicles:Chapter 17


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編年紀(下) 2 Chronicles
1阿撒的兒子約沙法特繼位為王,發奮圖強對抗以色列, 1His son Jehoshaphat succeeded him and strengthened his position against Israel.
2在猶大各堅城內派駐了大軍,在猶大地內和他父親阿撒所克服的厄弗辣因各城裏,也派上了守軍。 2He put troops in all the fortified towns in Judah, and appointed governors in the land of Judah and in all the towns of Ephraim captured by his father Asa.
3上主與約沙法特同在,因為他遵行了他父親最初所行的道路,沒有尋求過巴耳神, 3Yahweh blessed Jehoshaphat because he followed the example of David his father and did not worship Baal;
4只尋求他父親的天主,履行他的誡命,不照以色列的作風行事。 4he served the God of his father, following his commandments and not following the example of Israel.
5因此,上主鞏固了他統治的王國,全猶大人都給約沙法特獻禮,所以他財產很富,尊榮很大。 5So Yahweh made the kingship secure in his hands; all the people of Judah brought gifts to Jehoshaphat, and ample riches and honor were his.
6他一心在上主的道路上向上邁進,剷除了猶大境內的高丘和木偶。 6He took pride in serving Yahweh and destroyed all the High places and Asherah's trunks in Judah.
7他為王第三年上,派遣了他的官員本海耳、敖巴狄雅、則加黎雅、乃塔乃耳和米加雅,往猶大各城去教訓百姓。 7In the third year of his reign he sent his officers: Benhail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel and Micaiah, to give instruction in the towns of Judah.
8隨從他們的有肋未人舍瑪雅、乃塔尼雅、則巴狄雅、阿撒耳、舍米辣摩特、約納堂、阿多尼雅和多彼雅:這些都是肋未人;還有司祭厄里沙瑪和約蘭。 8With them went the Levites: Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asaherel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah and Tobijah, the Levites, together with the priests, Elishama and Jehoram.
9他們隨身帶着上主的法律書,在猶大施教,走遍了猶大各城,教訓百姓。 9They gave instruction in Judah, having with them the book of the Law of Yahweh, and went around all the towns of Judah instructing the people.
10上主威震猶大四周所有的國家,因此都不敢與約沙法特作戰。 10The fear of Yahweh came upon all the kingdoms surrounding Judah, so that they did not war against Jehoshaphat.
11有些培肋舍特人向約沙法特進貢獻銀,阿剌伯人給他呈獻家畜,即公綿羊七千七百隻,公山羊七千七百隻。 11Some of the Philistines brought him gifts and silver in tribute; the Arabs themselves brought him, in small stock, seven thousand seven hundred rams and seven thousand seven hundred he-goats.
12約沙法特的勢力日漸強大,達到頂峰:在猶大建造了一些堡壘和貯貨城, 12Jehoshaphat became more and more powerful. Throughout Judah he built fortresses and towns with storage places.
13在猶大各城又做了堅固的工事,在耶路撒冷駐有英勇的部隊。 13He had many workers in the towns of Judah and a garrison of outstanding officers in Jerusalem.
14他們的人數,按照家族記錄如下:猶大的軍長,首為阿德納軍長,率領三十萬勇士, 14This was their disposition by families: for Judah, commanders of thousands; Adnah, the commanding officer, with three hundred thousand outstanding officers under his command,
15次為約哈南軍長,率領二十八萬人, 15Jehohanan with two hundred and eighty thousand;
16其次為齊革黎的兒子阿瑪息雅,他甘願獻身於上主,率領二十萬勇士; 16Amasiah son of Zichri, who had volunteered for Yahweh's service, with two hundred thousand valiant warriors.
17屬本雅明的有勇士厄肋雅達,他率領二十萬挽弓和持盾的人; 17From Benjamin: the valiant warrior Eliada with two hundred thousand, armed with bow and shield:
18其次為約匝巴得,率領十八萬常備軍人。 18under his command, Jehozabad with a hundred and eighty thousand equipped for war.
19這些都是服侍君王的人,王在全猶大各堅城所派駐的人,尚未計算在內。 19These were the men who served the king, not counting those the king had put in the fortified towns throughout Judah.




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