2 Chronicles:Chapter 1
2 Chronicles:Chapter 1 | Next |
編年紀(下) | 2 Chronicles |
1達味的兒子撒羅滿漸漸鞏固了自己的王位,上主,他的天主常與他同在,使他非常偉大。 | 1Solomon, son of David, took firm control of the Kingdom of Israel. Yahweh, his God, was with him and exalted him greatly. |
2撒羅滿命令全以色列,即千夫長、百夫長、判官,以及全以色列的首領和族長集合, | 2Solomon then spoke to all Israel, to commanders of thousands and of hundreds, to the judges, and to all the princes of Israel, the heads of families. |
3然後同全會眾往基貝紅高丘去,因為那裏有上主的僕人梅瑟,在曠野裏所做的天主的會幕。 | 3Then Solomon, and with him the whole assembly, went to the High place at Gibeon, where God's Tent of Meeting was, which Moses, the servant of God, had made in the wilderness; |
4但是,天主的約櫃,達味已由克黎雅特耶阿陵運到所預備的地方,因為他在耶路撒冷為約櫃搭了一個帳幕。 | 4David, however, had brought the ark of God from Kiriath-jearim to the place he had prepared for it, having set up a tent for it in Jerusalem. |
5胡爾的孫子,烏黎的兒子貝匝肋耳所製的銅壇也在那裏,即上主的會幕前。撒羅滿與會眾便去求問上主。 | 5The bronze altar that Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, had made stood there in front of the Holy Tent of Yahweh; Solomon, with the assembly, came to this altar, looking for Yahweh's presence. |
6撒羅滿上到會幕前的銅壇上,在上主面前,獻了一千犧牲,作為全燔祭。 | 6Solomon went up to the bronze altar that was by the Tent of Meeting, and offered a thousand burnt offerings on it. |
7那天夜裏天主顯示給撒羅滿,對他說:「你不拘求甚麼,我必給你!」 | 7That night, God appeared to Solomon and said, "Ask what you would like me to give you." |
8撒羅滿對天主說:「你曾對我父達味大施仁慈,使我繼他為王。 | 8Solomon replied to God, "You showed great kindness to David my father; and you have made me king in his place. |
9上主,天主!現在唯願你向我父達味應許的話得以實現,因為你已立了我為王,治理一個多如地上塵沙的民族。 | 9Yahweh God, the promise you made to David my father has now been fulfilled, since you have made me king over a people who are so many that they cannot be counted. |
10現在,求你賜我智慧和聰明,好使我能在這民族面前出入,因為誰能統治你這樣大的一個民族?」 | 10Therefore now give me wisdom and knowledge to act as leader of this people, for who could govern a people so great as yours?" |
11天主對撒羅滿說:「你既有此心願,沒有求富貴、財寶、光榮,也沒有要求你敵人的性命,也沒有要求長壽,只為自己求智慧和聰明,好能治理我的民族,即我使你為王所管理的民族; | 11God said to Solomon, "Since that is what you want, you have asked, not for riches, treasure, honor, the lives of your enemies, or even for a long life, but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people of whom I have made you king; |
12為此,智慧和聰明已賜予了你,但我還願將富貴財寶和光榮賜予你,是你以前的君王從沒有過,你以後也不會再有的。」 | 12therefore wisdom and knowledge are granted you. I give you riches too, and treasures, and honor such as none of the kings had that were before you, nor shall any have that come after you." |
13以後撒羅滿由基貝紅高丘,由會幕前回了耶路撒冷,治理以色列。 | 13Solomon left the High place and the Tent of Meeting at Gibeon and returned to Jerusalem. |
14撒羅滿調集了戰車和騎兵,計戰車一千四百輛,騎兵一萬二千名,使他們駐守屯車城,或在耶路撒冷君王左右。 | 14Solomon built up a force of chariots and horses; he had one thousand four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horses; these he stationed in the chariot towns and with the king in Jerusalem. |
15君王在耶路撒冷積存的金銀多如石塊,香柏木多如平原的桑樹。 | 15During his reign, silver and gold became as common in Jerusalem as stone, while cedar wood was as plentiful as the ordinary sycamore trees in the foothills of Judah. |
16撒羅滿所養的馬,都是來自慕茲黎和科厄,是君王的商人依照定價由科厄買來的。 | 16Solomon's horses were imported from Cilicia; the king's agents took delivery of them from Cilicia at a fixed rate. |
17他們由慕茲黎運來的車,每輛值銀六百「協刻耳」;馬,每匹值銀一百五十「協刻耳」。同樣,赫特諸王和阿蘭諸王所有的車馬,也都是經這些商人的手運來的。 | 17They imported chariots from Egypt for 600 pieces of silver each, and horses for 150 each. These men acted in the same way for all the kings of the Hittites and the kings of Aram. |
18撒羅滿決定為上主的名建造聖殿,為自己修築王宮。 | 18Solomon decided to build a house for Yahweh's Name and a palace for himself. |
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