2 Chronicles:Chapter 20


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編年紀(下) 2 Chronicles
1此後,摩阿布人、阿孟人,還有一些瑪紅人前來攻打約沙法特。 1After this the Moabites and Ammonites with some of the Meunites started to make war on Jehoshaphat.
2有人來告訴約沙法特說:「由海那邊,由厄東有一支大軍前來攻擊你;他們現已到達哈匝宗塔瑪爾,即恩革狄。」 2Jehoshaphat received the following message, "A large army is advancing against you from Edom, from the other side of the sea; they are already at Hazaaon-tamar, that is, Engedi."
3約沙法特害了怕,一面懇求上主,一面宣佈全猶大禁食。 3Jehoshaphat was frightened and prayed to Yahweh for guidance. Then he ordered that a fast be observed throughout the country.
4猶大人遂集會,求上主援助;猶大各城的人也前來祈求上主。 4Judah assembled to seek help from Yahweh; they came seeking Yahweh's guidance from every single town in Judah.
5約沙法特在猶大和耶路撒冷的會眾中,站在上主殿宇的新院前, 5Then Jehoshaphat stood before this assembly of the people of Judah and Jerusalem in Yahweh's House, before the new court
6說「上主,我們祖先的天主!你不是天上的天主嗎?你不是治理萬國萬民的麼?你手中有能力和權威,沒有誰能抵抗你。 6and said, "Yahweh, God of our ancestors, are you not the God who dwells in heaven? Do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the world? Such power and might are in your hands that no one can oppose you.
7我們的天主!不是你將這地方的居民,在你百姓以色列面前趕走,將這地方永遠賜給了你友人亞巴郎的後代嗎? 7Are you not our God, you who drove out the people who were living here before your people Israel and gave the land to the descendants of your friend Abraham forever?
8他們現在住在這地方,並在這地方為你的名建造了聖殿說: 8They have settled in it and built a sanctuary in it for your name,
9如果我們遭遇了禍患,刀兵災害,或瘟疫饑饉,我們站在這殿前和你面前,在災難中向你呼籲,你必予以垂聽,施行拯救,因為你的名在這殿內。 9saying, 'Should disaster strike us, or war, punishment, epidemic, or famine, then we shall stand before this house and before you, for your Name rests on this house. From the depths of our distress we shall cry to you, and you will hear and save us.'
10現在你看,阿孟人、摩阿布人以及色依爾山中的人,這些人是以色列出離埃及時,你曾禁止以色列侵犯,以色列便繞道遠離,未加消滅的人。 10Here now are the Ammonites and Moab and the folk of Seir. When Israel came out of the land of Egypt you would not let Israel invade them; instead, Israel turned away from them and did not destroy them,
11你看他們如何報復我們,要來驅逐我們離開你賜予我們為基業的地方。 11and this is how they reward us, by coming to drive us out of the possessions you have given us as our inheritance.
12我們的天主,你不懲罰他們麼?我們實在沒有力量抵抗來攻擊我們的這支龐大的軍隊,我們也不知道該作什麼,我們的眼睛惟有仰望你。」 12Will you, our God, not punish them, since we are helpless in the face of this large army that attacks us? We ourselves do not know what to do; but we look to you."
13當時全猶大民眾,連他們全家妻子兒女,都立在上主面前。 13All the men of Judah, even down to their youngest children and their wives, stood there at the House.
14上主的神在會眾中臨於肋未人阿撒夫的後裔,瑪塔尼雅的玄孫,耶依耳的曾孫,貝納雅的孫子,則加黎雅的兒子雅哈齊耳身上, 14In the middle of the assembly the spirit of Yahweh came on Jahaziel son of Zechariah, son of Benaiah, son of Jeiel, son of Mattaniah the Levite, one of the sons of Asaph.
15他遂說:「全猶大人,耶路撒冷的居民以及約沙法特王,都要靜聽!上主這樣對你們說:你們不要為這支龐大軍隊害怕,因為戰爭不在乎你們,而在乎天主。 15And he cried, "Listen all you men of Judah and you who live in Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Yahweh says this to you: You must not be discouraged or afraid to face this large army; this battle is not yours but God's.
16明天你們要下去迎敵,他們要由漆茲山坡上來,你們要在耶魯耳曠野前的谷口遇到他們。 16March out against them tomorrow; they are coming up by the Slope of Ziz and you will come on them in the Valley of Soph, near the wilderness of Jeruel.
17這次你們無須交戰,只須佈陣以待,觀看上主為你們所行的救援。猶大和耶路撒冷,不必畏懼,不必害怕!明天你們只管出去迎敵,因為上主與你們同在。」 17You will not need to fight there, but only take up your position, stand firm, and see what salvation Yahweh has in store for you. Judah and Jerusalem, be fearless, be dauntless; go out to battle tomorrow and Yahweh will be with you."
18約沙法特遂俯首至地,猶大民眾和耶路撒冷居民也都俯伏在上主面前,朝拜上主。 18Jehoshaphat bent his head, his face to the ground, and all Judah with those who lived in Jerusalem fell down before Yahweh, worshiping him.
19刻哈特子孫和科辣黑子孫中的肋未人起立,引吭高歌,讚頌上主以色列的天主。 19Then the Levites - Kohathites and Korahites - began praising Yahweh the God of Israel at the top of their voices.
20次日,他們一早就起來,開往特科亞曠野;在出發時,約沙法特立起來說:「猶大和耶路撒冷的居民,請聽我的話;你們信賴上主你們的天主,必保生命;相信他的先知,必定勝利。」 20They rose early in the morning and left for the wilderness of Tekoa. As they were setting out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, "Listen to me Judah and all who live in Jeru-salem! Put your trust in Yahweh your God and you will stand your ground; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful."
21他與百姓商定之後,便派歌詠人員讚頌上主,身穿聖潔服裝,走在軍隊前面,歌頌說:「你們應讚頌上主,因為他的慈愛永遠常存!」 21Then, having held a conference with the people, he ordered some musicians to put on the robes they wore on sacred occasions and to march at the head of the army, to sing praises to him: "Give praise to Yahweh, for his love is everlasting."
22他們正歌頌讚美時,上主派出伏兵,襲擊了那些來攻擊猶大的阿孟人、摩阿布人和色依爾山地的居民;他們便被擊敗了。 22As they began to sing their joy and their praise, Yahweh threw the invading armies into a panic and completely destroyed them. The Moabites and the Ammonites struck the people of Seir and there was a disaster.
23阿孟人和摩阿布人起來攻擊色依爾山地的居民,決心將他們殺盡滅絕;殲滅了色依爾山地居民以後,他們又自相殘殺。 23For the Ammonites and Moabites turned on the mountain folk of Seir in savage fighting and after they had destroyed them, they began to kill one another.
24猶大人到了俯瞰曠野的高崗上,觀望大軍,見伏屍遍野,沒有一個逃脫的。 24When the men of Judah reached the spot that looks out on the wilderness and turned to face the enemy, they found only dead bodies lying on the ground; no one had escaped.
25約沙法特遂帶他的軍民去掠奪敵人的財物,見有大批的牲畜、財物、衣服和寶物;足足掠取了三天,奪得的財物多得不能攜帶,因為實在太多。 25Jehoshaphat came with his troops to plunder them, and found quantities of cattle, goods, clothing and valuables; they collected more than they could take away; the loot was so plentiful that they were three days gathering it.
26第四天,他們聚集在巴辣加谷,在那裡讚頌了上主,為此給那地起名叫巴辣加谷,直到今天。 26On the fourth day they assembled in the Valley of Beracah; and there they did indeed praise Yahweh for all he had done. Because of this, this Valley was named the Valley of Beracah which it is still called.
27此後,猶大和耶路撒冷所有的軍民,由約沙法特率領,凱旋回了耶路撒冷,因為上主使他們戰勝仇敵,因而異常歡樂, 27Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin, with Jehoshaphat at their head, went back joyfully to Jerusalem, for Yahweh had filled them with joy at the expense of their enemies.
28都彈着琴,鼓着瑟,吹着號,來到耶路撒冷,進了上主的殿。 28To the music of harp and lyre and trumpet they came to Jerusalem and to Yahweh's House.
29列國的民族一聽說上主擊敗了以色列的敵人,都對天主起了恐怖的心。 29When the kingdoms of foreign countries heard how Yahweh had defeated Israel's enemies, they were all terrified.
30約沙法特的王國於是獲享太平,因為天主賜他四境平安。 30In the meantime, the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was calm, and God granted him peace on every side.
31約沙法特為猶大王,即位時年三十五歲,在耶路撒冷為王凡二十五年;他的母親名叫阿組巴,是史肋希的女兒。 31Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah. He was thirty-five years old when he became king and he reigned for twenty-five years in Jerusalem. His mother was Azubah, daughter of Shilhi.
32約沙法特走了他父親阿撒的道路,未偏左右,行了上主視為正義的事; 32He followed the example of his father Asa without wavering, doing what is right in the eyes of Yahweh.
33只是丘壇沒有剷除,人民仍沒有全心全意歸向他們祖先的天主。 33The High places however, were not destroyed; the people had still not turned their hearts to the God of their ancestors.
34約沙法特前後其餘的事蹟,都記載在哈納尼之子耶胡的《言行錄》上;這《言行錄》收集在《以色列列王實錄》內。 34The rest of the history of Jehoshaphat, from first to last, is recorded in the Annals of Jehu son of Hanani which have been transcribed into the Book of the Kings of Israel.
35此後,猶大王約沙法特與作惡多端的以色列王阿哈齊雅聯盟, 35After this, Jehoshaphat king of Judah allied himself with Ahaziah king of Israel, who led him into evil ways.
36合夥製造船隻,開往塔爾史士去;他們合力在厄茲雍革貝爾製造了一些船。 36He combined with him to build big ships that would sail to Tarshish. These were built at Eziongeber.
37瑪勒沙人多達瓦的兒子厄里厄則爾講預言攻擊約沙法特說:「因為你與阿哈齊雅聯盟,上主必要破壞你所造的船隻。」後來那些船隻果然遭受破壞,未能開往塔爾史士。 37Eliezer, son of Dodavahu of Mareshah, then made a prophecy against Jehoshaphat, "Because you have allied yourself with Ahaziah, Yahweh has destroyed your plans." In fact the ships broke up and were never fit to sail to Tarshish.




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