2 Chronicles:Chapter 23


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編年紀(下) 2 Chronicles
1第七年,約雅達自告奮勇,將眾百夫長:耶洛罕的兒子阿匝黎雅,約哈南的兒子依市瑪耳,敖貝得的兒子阿匝黎雅,阿達雅的兒子瑪阿色雅和齊革黎的兒子厄里沙法特召來,與他們立約。 1After waiting six years Jehoiada the priest decided to take action. He sent for the commanders of hundreds: Azariah son of Jehoram, Ishmael son of Jehohanan, Azariah son of Obed, Maaseiah son of Adaiah and Elishaphat son of Zichri, and made a pact with them.
2他們走遍了猶大,召集猶大各城的肋未人,和以色列各族長一起來到耶路撒冷。 2They went through Judah, gathering the Levites from all the towns of Judah, and the heads of the Israelite families. They came to Jerusalem,
3全會眾在天主殿內與君王立了約。約雅達對他們說:「這就是太子。按照上主論及達味的子孫所說的話,他必須作王! 3and this whole assembly made a pact with the king in the house of God. Jehoiada told them, "Here is the son of the king, let him rule as king as Yahweh has promised regarding the descendants of David!
4你們要這樣行:你們中間,逢安息日來值班的司祭和肋未人,三分之一應把守各門, 4This is what you must do: one third of you, priests, Levites and keepers of the gate, must come in for the sabbath,
5三分之一應把守王宮,三分之一應把守馬門;所有的百姓都應在上主殿宇的庭院裏, 5one third must be at the royal palace, one third at the Gate of Foundation, and all the people will be in the court of Yahweh's House.
6除司祭和供職的肋未人外,任何人不得進入上主的殿,惟有他們可以進,因為他們是聖潔的;所有的百姓必須遵守上主的命令。 6No one is to enter Yahweh's House except the priests and the Levites on duty, since they are consecrated and may enter. The people must all obey Yahweh's instructions and stay outside.
7肋未人手裏各拿着武器,環繞君王;凡擅自進殿的,該將他殺死。君王出入時,你們要緊隨不離。」 7The Levites must surround the king, each with his weapons in his hand; anyone who tries to enter the Temple is to be put to death. Stay with the king wherever he goes."
8肋未人和猶大民眾,都按照大司祭約雅達所吩咐的一切遵行了,各自帶領在安息日值班的,和安息日下班的人,因為大司祭約雅達不准下班。 8The Levites and all Judah carried out all the orders of Jehoiada the priest. Every commander summoned both those who went off duty on the Sabbath, and those coming on duty, because Jehoiada did not except anyone.
9大司祭約雅達便將天主殿內,屬達味王的刀槍和大小盾牌,交給了眾百夫長, 9Then Jehoiada the priest provided the commanders of hundreds with King David's spears and large and small shields, which were in the house of God.
10指令民眾各持武器,由殿南邊直到殿北邊,面對祭壇和聖殿,環立在君王四周。 10He stationed the men from the west wing to the east wing, between the House and the altar, each with spear in hand, to protect the king.
11然後引出太子來,給他加冕,再將約書交給他,立他為王;約雅達和他的兒子們給他傅了油,眾人遂喊說:「君王萬歲!」 11Then they brought out the king's son, crowned him and put on him the ornaments, and they proclaimed him king. Jehoiada and his sons then anointed him and shouted, "Long live the king!"
12阿塔里雅聽見百姓奔走歌頌君王的歡呼聲,就進上主的殿,到了百姓前, 12Athaliah, on hearing the shouts of the people who were rushing to the king and acclaiming him, went to Yahweh's House where the people were.
13看見君王立在殿門旁的高台上,百夫長和吹號的侍立在君王左右,所有當地人民歡躍吹號,歌詠團用各種樂器領導人歌唱頌揚;阿塔里雅就撕裂了自己的衣服說:「反了!反了!」 13When she saw the king standing there at the entrance beside the pillar, with the captains and trumpeters at his side, and all the people from the countryside rejoicing and sounding trumpets, and the cantors with their musical instruments leading the hymns, Athaliah tore her clothes in distress and shouted, "Treason, treason!"
14大司祭約雅達吩咐領軍隊的眾百夫長,說:「將她由行列中趕出去,凡隨從她的人,都用刀殺死」。原來大司祭曾吩咐說:不可在上主的殿內殺她。 14Then Jehoiada the priest called out the military officers and ordered them, "Take her outside the Temple, and kill anyone who follows her." And he also said, "You must not put her to death in Yahweh's House."
15於是人捉住她,在她走到王宮馬門口時,在那裏將她殺了。 15They seized her, and when she had reached the palace at the entry to the Gate of the Horses, they put her to death there.
16此後,約雅達使人民和君王與上主立約,當作上主的人民。 16Jehoiada made a covenant between the king and all the people, by which they would be the people of Yahweh.
17然後全體人民到了巴耳廟,將廟拆毀,將祭壇和偶像打碎,又在祭壇前斬了巴耳的司祭瑪堂。 17All the people then went to the house of Baal and tore it down; they smashed his altars and his images and killed Mattan, priest of Baal, in front of the altars.
18約雅達將看守上主殿宇的職責,交在司祭和肋未人手內,因為他們原是達味早已分派在上主殿內,照梅瑟法律所載,向上主獻全燔祭,按照達味的定例,歡躍歌唱的。 18Jehoiada posted sentries to guard Yahweh's House under the authority of the levitical priests. David had appointed them in Yahweh's House to offer the burnt offerings of Yahweh according to the Law of Moses, and to sing joyfully the songs of David.
19又指派門丁看守上主殿宇的各門,無論在任何事上,凡是不潔淨的,都不准進。 19He stationed gatekeepers at the gates of the Temple of Yahweh so that no one who was in any way unclean might enter.
20最後率領百夫長、貴族、民間領袖和當地人民,接君王從上主的殿下來,經上門進入王宮,請君王坐在王位上。 20Then taking the commanders of hundreds, the notables, the ranking officials, and all the people from the countryside, he brought the king in procession from the House to the palace. They entered the royal palace through the main gate and seated the king on the royal throne.
21於是全國人民喜慶,京城也平靜了;至於阿塔里雅,已為刀所殺。 21All the people from the countryside were delighted, and the city was quiet. Athaliah was put to death.




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