2 Corinthians:Chapter 6


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格林多後書 2 Corinthians
1我們與天主合作的人,也勸你們不要白受天主的恩寵── 1Being God's helpers we beg you: let it not be in vain that you received this grace of God.
2因為經上說:「在悅納的時候,我俯允了你;在救恩的時日,我幫助了你。」看!如今正是悅納的時候;看!如今正是救恩的時日── 2Scripture says: At the favorable time I listened to you, on the day of salvation I helped you. This is the favorable time, this is the day of salvation.
3我們在任何事上,為避免這職務受詆毀,不但沒有給任何人趺倒的因由, 3We are concerned not to give anyone an occasion to stumble or criticize our mission.
4反而處處表現我們自己,有如天主的僕役,就是以持久的堅忍,在艱難、貧乏、困苦之中, 4Instead we prove we are true ministers of God in every way by our endurance in so many trials, in hardships, afflictions,
5在拷打、監禁、暴亂之中,在勞苦、不寢、不食之中, 5floggings, imprisonment, riots, fatigue, sleepless nights and days of hunger.
6以清廉,以明智,以容忍,以慈惠,以聖神,以無偽的愛情, 6People can notice in our upright life, knowledge, patience and kindness, action of the Holy Spirit, sincere love,
7以真理的言辭,以天主的德能,以左右兩手中正義的武器, 7words of truth and power of God. So we fight with the weapons of justice, to attack as well as to defend.
8歷經光榮和凌辱,惡名和美名;像是迷惑人的,卻是真誠的; 8Sometimes we are honored, at other times insulted; we receive criticism as well as praise. We are regarded as liars although we speak the truth;
9像是人所不知的,卻是人所共知的;像是待死的,看!我們卻活着;像是受懲罰的,卻沒有被置於死地; 9as unknown though we are well known; as dead and yet we live. Punishments come upon us but we have not, as yet, been put to death.
10像是憂苦的,卻常常喜樂;像是貧困的,卻使許多人富足;像是一無所有的,卻無所不有。 10We appear to be afflicted, yet always joyful; we seem to be poor, but we enrich many; we have nothing, but we possess everything!
11格林多人啊!我們的口向你們張開了,我們的心也敞開了。 11Corinthians! I have spoken to you frankly and I have uncovered my inner thought.
12你們在我們心內並不窄狹,而是你們的心腸窄狹。 12My heart is wide open to you, but you feel uneasy because of your closed heart:
13為了以報還報,如今我對你們猶如對自己的孩子說:你們也敞開你們的心罷! 13repay us with the same measure - I speak to you as to my children - open your hearts wide also.
14你們不要與不信的人共負一軛,因為正義與不法之間,那能有什麼相通?或者,光明之於黑暗,那能有什麼聯繫? 14Do not make unsuitable covenants with those who do not believe: can justice walk with wickedness? Or can light coexist with darkness,
15基督之於貝里雅耳,那能有什麼協和?或者,信者與不信者,那能有什麼股分? 15and can there be harmony between Christ and Satan? What union can there be between one who believes and one who does not believe?
16天主的殿與偶像,那能有什麼相合?的確,我們就是生活的天主的殿,正如天主所說的:「我要在他們內居住,我要在他們中徘徊;我要做他們的天主,他們要做我的百姓。」 16God's temple must have no room for idols, and we are the temple of the living God. As Scripture says; I will dwell and live in their midst, I will be their God and they shall be my people.
17為此,「你們應當從他們中間出來,離開他們──這是上主說的──你們不可觸摸不潔之物,我要收納你們, 17Therefore: Come out from their midst and separate from them, says the Lord. Do not touch anything unclean
18我要做你們的父親,你們要做我的子女:這是全能的上主說的。」 18and I will be gracious to you. I will be a father to you, that you may become my sons and daughters, says the all-powerful God.




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