2 Kings:Chapter 10


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列王紀(下) 2 Kings
1阿哈布在撒瑪黎雅尚有七十個子孫,為此,耶胡寫信給撒瑪黎雅城中的首領、長老和阿哈布子孫的師保,說: 1The seventy sons of Ahab lived in Samaria. So Jehu wrote letters and sent them to Samaria, to the leaders of the city, to the judges and to those who took care of the sons of Ahab, saying,
2「你們主上的子孫,既然都同你們在一起,又有車馬、堅城和武器;那麼,這信一到你們手中, 2"As soon as this letter comes to you who have the king's sons, chariots of war and horses, fortified cities and weapons,
3你們就在你們主上的子孫中,選出一位最好最能幹的,坐上他父親的寶座,來為你們主上的家作戰。」 3select the best and most fit of your master's sons and make him sit on his father's throne; then prepare to defend the family of your lord."
4但是,他們都很害怕說:「哎!兩位君王尚且不能抵抗他,我們又怎能抵抗?」 4They were in great fear, and they said, "If the two kings were not able to stand up to him, how then can we resist him?"
5因此,家臣、市長、長老和師保,便派人去見耶胡說:「我們是你的僕人,凡你吩咐的,我們都必照辦。我們不選立任何人作王;你看着怎樣好,就怎樣辦罷!」 5The palace chamberlain, the military commissioner of the city, the judges and the tutors sent this response to Jehu: "We are your servants, and we will do whatever you say. We will not proclaim anyone king; do whatever seems best to you."
6耶胡又給他們寫了第二封信:「如果你們擁護我,願聽從我的號令;那麼,明天這個時候,你們就帶着你們主上的子孫的頭,到依次勒耳來見我。」君王的七十個子孫,其時都教養在城中的官紳家中。 6Then he sent them a second letter which said, "If you are on my side and among those who obey me, take the heads of the sons of the king, your lord, and come to talk to me tomorrow at this time in Jezreel." The king's sons were seventy and they were growing up in the houses of prominent families of the city.
7這封信一到,他們便將君王的七十個子孫全都殺了,把他們的頭放在籃子裏,送到依次勒耳耶胡那裏。 7As soon as this letter reached them, they seized the sons of the king, beheaded seventy of them and placed their heads in large baskets which they sent to Jezreel.
8有使者來報告耶胡說:「他們將君王子孫的頭送來了。」耶胡即下令說:「將頭分成兩堆,放在城門口,直到明天早晨。」 8The messenger came to where Jehu was and said to him, "Here they send you the heads of the king's sons." He answered, "Lay them in two heaps at the entrance of the gate of Jezreel until tomorrow."
9第二天早晨,耶胡出來,站着對全民眾說:「你們都沒有罪。看,我背叛了我的主上,且殺了他,但是,這些人是誰殺的呢? 9In the morning, Jehu went out and said to all the people, "Be fair, tell me: if I have conspired against my king and have killed him, who then has beheaded all these?
10你們也知道上主的話,即上主論及阿哈布家所說的話,一句也沒有落空;上主藉他僕人厄里亞所說的話,都實現了。」 10Know then that none of the words Yahweh has spoken against the family of Ahab shall be without effect. Everything he said through the mouth of his servant Elijah has been fulfilled."
11然後,耶胡把阿哈布家在依次勒耳所剩下的人,所有的親屬、友人和司祭,全都殺了,一個也沒有留下。 11Jehu then killed all who remained loyal to Ahab in Jezreel - all his ministers, relatives, priests - without sparing anyone.
12以後,耶胡起程往撒瑪黎雅去了。途中經過牧人聚集地貝特厄刻得時, 12Then he left for Samaria, and in Beth-eked of the Shepherds,
13遇見猶大王阿哈齊雅的兄弟,就問他們說:「你們是誰?」他們回答說:「我們是阿哈齊雅的兄弟,現在下去向君王和太后的兒子請安。」 13he met the brothers of Ahaziah, king of Judah. He asked them, "Who are you?" They answered, "We are the brothers of Ahaziah, and we go to greet the sons of the king and the sons of the queen."
14耶胡遂下令說:「將他們活活捉住!」隨從就將他們活活捉住,在貝特厄刻得井旁把他們殺了,共計四十二人,一個也沒有留下。 14Jehu said, "Take them alive." They took them alive and beheaded them all by the well of Beth-eked. They were forty-two men, and none was left alive.
15耶胡從那裏起身前行,又遇見勒加布的兒子約納達布前來迎接他;耶胡向他請安,問他說:「你對我的心是否如同我對你的心,那樣誠實?」約納達布答說:「是的。」耶胡說:「如果是這樣,請你伸出手來。」他就向耶胡伸過手去;耶胡就拉他上車,坐在自己身旁, 15Setting out from there, he met Jehonadab, son of Rechab, who came out to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, "Would you be faithful to me as I am to you?" Jehonadab answered, "Yes." So Jehu said to him, "Give me your hand." He gave him his hand, and Jehu took him up with him into his chariot, and said,
16對他說:「你跟我來,看看我對天主是怎樣的熱誠。」於是叫他坐上自己的車。 16"Come with me and see my zeal for Yahweh." And he had him ride in his chariot.
17到了撒瑪黎雅,就照上主對厄里亞所說的話,將阿哈布家在撒瑪黎雅剩下的人,全都殺了。 17When Jehu came to Samaria, he killed all the survivors loyal to Ahab in that city, and he did not spare anyone. So the word Yahweh had said through the mouth of Elijah was fulfilled.
18耶胡召集了全國人民,對他們說:「阿哈布事奉巴耳不夠熱心,我耶胡要更熱心事奉他。 18Jehu gathered together all the inhabitants and said, "Ahab served Baal, but I will serve him still better."
19所以現在,你們去召集所有巴耳的先知,所有敬拜巴耳的人,和所有的司祭,都到我這裏來,一個也不要缺席,因為我要向巴耳奉獻大祭;誰缺席,誰就不能生存。」這原是耶胡運用的詭計,想消滅所有敬拜巴耳的人。 19And he added, "Summon all the prophets of Baal, all his faithful followers and priests.
20耶胡下令說:「你們要為巴耳召開一個聖會!」他們就宣佈召開。 20Let no one be missing at the solemn sacrifice I will offer to Baal. Whoever is absent shall die." Jehu did this with cunning, for he was determined to kill all who were faithful to Baal. They themselves proclaimed the sacred solemnity that Jehu had commanded. And Jehu, for his part,
21耶胡派人走遍全以色列;凡敬拜巴耳的人都來了,沒有一個缺席不來的;他們都進了巴耳廟,巴耳廟內全擠滿了人。 21sent messengers throughout Israel for all the faithful of Baal to come without any exception. When they entered the temple of Baal, they were so many that they hardly touched the ground.
22耶胡對管祭衣的人說:「為所有敬拜巴耳的人,拿出衣服來!」那人就給他們拿出衣服來。 22Then Jehu ordered those in charge of the vestments to bring out the sacred vestments reserved for the faithful of Baal and to distribute these to them.
23耶胡和勒加布的兒子約納達布進了巴耳廟,對敬拜巴耳的人說:「你們要搜查看看,這裏不要有事奉雅威的人同你們在一起,只准敬拜巴耳的人。」 23Jehu who was accompanied by Jehonadab, the son of Rechab, said insistently to the faithful of Baal, "Make sure that none of the faithful of Yahweh has entered with you, that there is no one here except all the true servants of Baal."
24他們於是進去奉獻犧牲和全燔祭。耶胡預先在外已派定八十人,對他們說:「誰若讓我交於你們手中的一個人逃走,就要他以命抵命。」 24Then they entered to prepare the sacrifice. But Jehu had stationed eighty men outside, and said to them, "Whoever of you lets anyone escape of those who must die shall pay with his own life."
25全燔祭奉獻完畢,耶胡吩咐衛兵和軍官說:「你們進去擊殺,一個也不可叫他逃走!」衛兵和軍官便用刀擊殺了他們,把他們的屍體拋出,然後進入巴耳廟的內堂, 25And when the sacrifice was finished, Jehu gave this order to the soldiers and officers, "Go in and kill all of them, let none of them escape." So, they went in and put everyone to the sword, going as far as the sanctuary of the House of Baal.
26把巴耳廟內的神柱搬出來燒了, 26They pulled out the sacred pillar of the House of Baal and burned it.
27推倒了巴耳偶像,拆毀了巴耳廟,使之成為一個廁所,直到今日。 27They destroyed the altar and pulled down the temple, which remains a garbage dump to this very day.
28這樣耶胡將巴耳從以色列中剷除了; 28This was how Jehu wiped out the name of Baal from Israel.
29但他仍沒有離棄乃巴特的兒子雅洛貝罕使以色列陷於罪惡的罪:即那兩頭設在貝特耳和丹的金牛。 29But Jehu did not turn aside from the sins which Jeroboam, the son of Nesbat, had caused Israel to commit, for they kept the golden calves of Bethel and Dan.
30上主對耶胡說:「由於你好好執行了我視為義的事,照我心中所想的一切對待了阿哈布家,你的子孫要坐以色列的王位,直到第四代。」 30In spite of this, Yahweh said to Jehu, "Since you have acted well, doing what seems just to me, and have dealt with the family of Ahab according to my will, your sons until the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel."
31但耶胡並沒有全心謹守遵行上主以色列天主的法律,沒有放棄雅洛貝罕使以色列陷於罪惡的罪。 31But Jehu did not completely walk according to the Law of Yahweh, since he did not give up the sins into which Jeroboam had led Israel.
32那時,上主開始削弱以色列,哈匝耳也在四面邊境上攻擊以色列, 32In those days, Yahweh began to reduce the land of Israel, and Hazael conquered the Israelites taking their territory
33侵佔了約但河東基肋阿得全地,即加得人,勒烏本和默納協人的地方,從阿爾農河附近的阿洛厄爾城直到基肋阿得和巴商。 33from the Jordan to the East, all the land of Gilead, of the tribes of Gad, Reuben, Manasseh, from Aroer by the brook of Arnon, all the land of Gilead and Bashan.
34耶胡其餘的事蹟,他的一切作為和武功,都記載在《以色列列王實錄》上。 34Now the rest of the story of Jehu, all that he did and his bravery are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
35耶胡與列祖同眠,人將他葬在撒瑪黎雅;他的兒子約阿哈次繼位為王。 35When Jehu died, they buried him in Samaria, and his son Jehoahaz reigned in his place.
36耶胡在撒瑪黎雅作以色列王,凡二十八年。 36Jehu reigned over Israel in Samaria for twenty-eight years.




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