2 Maccabees:Chapter 4
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瑪加伯(下) | 2 Maccabees |
1上面記載的那位密告財寶,出賣祖國的息孟,今又毀謗敖尼雅,說他是陷害赫略多洛和一切凶禍的主謀。 | 1The Simon mentioned before as the informer about the treasures of the Temple, who was traitor to his country, spoke evil of Onias, accusing him of a plot against Heliodorus and saying that he was responsible for all the troubles. |
2他竟將這位造福本城,善理同胞,忠誠守法的人,說成一個陰謀叛徒。 | 2He even dared to lay the blame for everything on Onias who was the great benefactor of the city, the defender of his compatriots and a zealous observer of the laws. |
3這仇恨是如此深刻,甚至有些人為息孟的心腹所殺。 | 3The hostility between them reached such proportions that crimes were even committed by some of the supporters of Simon. |
4敖尼雅見到這鬥爭的危險性,而且又見到默乃斯太的兒子,即切肋敘利亞和腓尼基的總督阿頗羅尼,助長息孟為惡, | 4Onias recognized the dangers involved in such an unbearable rivalry. Even Apollonius, son of Menestheus, governor of Coele-Syria and Phoenicia, was instigating Simon to evil. |
5便去覲見國王;他去並不是為控告自己的同胞,而是為了人民的公私利益, | 5So Onias went to the king, not to accuse his fellow citizens, but for the good of the whole nation. |
6因為他看得很清楚:若沒有國王的調停,要使問題和平解決,和使息孟停止妄行,是不可能的。 | 6For he saw that it was impossible to maintain peace and stop the foolishness of Simon without the king's intervention. |
7但是,色婁苛死後,號稱厄丕法乃的安提約古繼位稱王。此時,敖尼雅的弟弟雅松用非法手段,奪取了大司祭的職位。 | 7When King Seleucus died, his son Antiochus who was called Epiphanes, succeeded to the throne. Then, Jason, the brother of Onias the High Priest, usurped the office of high priest. |
8當他朝見國王時,許給國王三百六十「塔冷通」銀子,和其他進貢中的八十「塔冷通」; | 8In a conversation with the king, Jason promised three hundred and sixty talents of silver and eighty talents from other revenues. |
9此外,如果國王准許他用王的權勢,修建一座體育場和一處青年訓練所,並把耶路撒冷人登記為安提約基雅的公民,他就許下另繳一百五十「塔冷通」。 | 9He further committed himself to pay one hundred fifty more talents if he would be allowed to establish on his own account a gymnasium with a Center for the cultural advancement of the youth and if the statute of Antioquian citizenship could apply to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, as well. |
10國王一一應允了。雅松既然得勢,立刻使本國人民希臘化, | 10With the consent of the king and using the power at his disposal, he at once set about encouraging his fellow citizens to adopt the customs of the Greeks. |
11並且把諸王因歐頗肋摩的父親若望,而賜予猶太人的特權取消,──這歐頗肋摩就是日後出使與羅馬人締結友好盟約的大使,──把合法的制度廢除,而倡導違法的新風俗。 | 11He suppressed the privileges that kings had granted to the Jews through John, the father of Eupolemus, who had established friendship and an alliance between the Romans and the Jews. He overthrew lawful institutions and introduced new customs contrary to the Law. |
12他故意在城堡下建築了運動場,引領貴族少年受體育訓練。 | 12So, he very readily founded a gymnasium right under the Citadel, and persuaded the noblest among the young to be educated in the Greek way. |
13因了這邪惡而非大司祭的雅松的過度狂妄,希臘文化和外方風俗達到了極點, | 13Paganism was propagated through Jason's influence, who proved to be more of a godless wretch than a high priest. Greek customs were so much in vogue, |
14以致司祭們對祭獻的禮儀已不感興趣,甚至輕慢聖殿,忽略祭獻,一聽到擲鐵餅的訊號,就急忙跑去參加運動場上的違法運動。 | 14that priests no longer showed any interest in serving at the altar. They despised the sanctuary and neglected the sacrifices and as soon as the discus throw began they would run to the stadium to take part in athletic competitions prohibited by the Law. |
15他們毫不尊重本國的尊嚴,一心崇拜希臘的光榮。 | 15They did not value anymore the customs of their fathers, but held in highest esteem the values of the Greeks. |
16正是為這些緣故,他們日後陷於惡劣的環境,那些推崇其生活方式和事事取法他們的人,日後反成了他們的仇敵和懲治者, | 16With this, they themselves were put in a difficult situation, for those whom they took as models and whose customs they wanted to imitate in everything proved to be their enemies and tyrants. |
17因為背棄天主的法律,並不是一件小事:這由下面的事實可以證明。 | 17For it is not easy to break the divine laws with impunity as the following episodes will show. |
18在提洛舉行五年一次的運動大會的時候,國王也親自到場, | 18When the quinquennial games held every five years were going on in Tyre before the king, |
19無廉恥的雅松派了幾個入安提約基雅籍的人,代表耶路撒冷去作觀察員,又叫他們帶三百銀錢去祭獻赫辣克肋神。但是帶錢的人以為用這些錢購辦祭物不甚相宜,所以留下作了別的費用。 | 19the wicked Jason sent as envoys some "citizens of Antioch" from the inhabitants of Jerusalem and he entrusted to them three hundred drachmas of silver allotted for the sacrifice to Hercules. When these envoys came, they decided that it was not fitting to spend the money on the sacrifice, but preferred to spend it on other things. |
20雖然按主使者的意思,這錢是為祭獻赫辣克肋用的,帶錢的人卻用來建造了三層槳的戰船。 | 20So through the sole initiative of those sent to spend the money for the sacrifice to Hercules, the amount was used instead for the construction of trireme ships. |
21當安提約古打發默乃斯太的兒子阿頗羅尼去埃及,參與非羅默托王登極的盛典時,知道了埃及王是他的政敵,所以為自衛起見,就去了約培,然後來到了耶路撒冷。 | 21Antiochus had sent Apollonius, son of Menestheus, to Egypt to represent him in the enthronement of King Philometor. But when Antiochus learned that Philometor had become his political adversary, Antiochus was worried about his own safety. |
22安提約古受到雅松及全國人民的熱烈歡迎,在火炬歡呼中進了城。隨後他又領兵到了腓尼基。 | 22So, he left Joppa, and went to Jerusalem where he was well received by Jason and the whole city, entering the city in the midst of acclamations and torches. Then, he went with his troops to Phoenicia. |
23三年以後,雅松打發上述息孟的兄弟默乃勞把錢送交國王,並請王解決備忘錄上的幾件重要事項。 | 23After three years, Jason sent Menelaus, brother of the Simon mentioned above, to bring the money to the king and initiate steps to negotiate urgent matters with him. |
24默乃勞先使人在國王跟前推薦自己,後又奉承他,自裝有權勢,又許給他比雅松還多的三百「塔冷通」,於是獲得大司祭的職位。 | 24Menelaus presented himself to the king whom he impressed by his personal bearing as a man of authority, and so obtained the office of high priest for himself, offering three hundred talents more than Jason. |
25他領到國王的委任狀,就回到耶路撒冷。但他絕不相稱大司祭的職位,暴燥如虐王,狂怒似野獸。 | 25After receiving the royal mandate, he returned with nothing worthy of a high priest, but only with the rage of a cruel tyrant or a wild beast. |
26如此,以前曾推翻自己哥哥的雅松,今也被人推翻,被迫逃到阿孟人的地方去。 | 26Jason, who had usurped the office of his brother, was now supplanted by another, and had to flee to the land of Ammon. |
27默乃勞固然得到高位,但許給國王的錢卻未繳納, | 27Menelaus held the office but did not pay the amount he promised to the king, |
28城堡的司令兼主管稅務的索斯塔托卻不斷催他繳納,於是二人同被國王傳召。 | 28although Sostratus, the commander of the Citadel, demanded the payment, since the king had entrusted to him the collection of revenue. The two of them were then summoned by the king because of this. |
29默乃勞便委託自己的兄弟里息瑪苛代理大司祭的職務,索斯塔托委託塞浦路斯的軍官克辣特為代理。 | 29Menelaus left his brother Lysimachus as his substitute, and Sostratus left Crates, the commander of the Cypriots. |
30正當此時,塔爾索和瑪羅兩城的人民,因為國王把他們這兩座城當作禮品,送給自己的嬪妃安提約基,而群起叛亂。 | 30Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Tarsus and Mallus revolted because their cities were given as a gift to Antiochis, the king's concubine. |
31國王急速去平亂,委託他的大官安多尼苛為代理。 | 31The king set out at once to reestablish order, leaving Andronicus, one of his ministers, as his deputy. |
32默乃勞乘此良機,由聖殿中偷去一些金器,送給安多尼苛,也把一些金器賣給提洛和其附近的城邑。 | 32Menelaus thought of taking advantage of the opportunity, and stole some of the golden vessels from the Temple, which he then gave to Andronicus as gifts. He also managed to sell others in Tyre and in the neighboring cities. |
33此時,隱退到安提約基雅附近的達夫乃避難所去的敖尼雅,聽到這些確實消息,就責斥默乃勞, | 33When Onias had clear evidence of what Menelaus had done, he sought refuge in Daphne near Antioch, a place of asylum, and from there denounced him. |
34因此他把安多尼苛叫到一邊,煽動他去殺敖尼雅。安多尼苛來到敖尼雅那裏,伸出右手假裝向他起誓,使他相信。敖尼雅雖然猶豫,仍相信了,遂從避難所走出。安多尼苛竟然不顧道義,就地殺了他。 | 34For this reason, Menelaus met Andronicus in private and urged him to kill Onias. Andronicus went to Onias and deceitfully gained his confidence, offering Onias his right hand in oath. He was able to persuade Onias, in spite of the latter's suspicion, to come out of his place of refuge. Then Andronicus killed him at once without any regard for justice. |
35為此,不但猶太,連別的外方人對屈殺這人,都忿忿不平,懷恨在心。 | 35For this reason, not only Jews but people of other nationalities as well became indignant and grieved over the unjust killing of that man. |
36及至國王從基里基雅回來,京城的猶太人,連一些希臘人,都來到王前,控訴敖尼雅死得冤枉。 | 36When the king returned to the regions of Coele-Syria, the Jews of Jerusalem, together with the Greeks who were for justice, went to see him and complained about the murder of Onias. |
37安提約古心中也很難受,深表哀憐,回想死者的賢能端莊,不禁淚下。 | 37The king was touched and became sad, and even wept as he remembered the personality and noble conduct of the departed. |
38國王一時怒火大起,命人即刻脫去安多尼苛的紫紅袍,將他的衣服撕爛,領他遊城示眾,直到他對敖尼雅行兇地方,就在那裏,將這兇手從世上剷除;如此,上主使他受到應得的懲罰。 | 38He became angry with Andronicus and immediately removed him from office. Then he ordered that Andronicus be divested of his purple robe, tore his garments off him, and led him all around the city up to the place where Andronicus had murdered Onias, and right there the king ordered that he be put to death - God dealing out to him the punishment he deserved. |
39里息瑪苛由於默乃勞的贊助,在城內犯了許多盜賣聖物的褻聖罪過。這事一傳出去,民眾都公然來攻擊里息瑪苛;那時有許多金器已被盜賣給各方。 | 39Lysimachus committed much sacrilegious plunder in Jerusalem with the connivance of Menelaus. When this became known, the populace rebelled against Lysimachus, who had already taken many golden vessels from the city. |
40里息瑪苛見群眾怒形於色,起來反抗他,即武裝了大約三千人,以暴力對付,並以年老而愚妄未減的奧辣諾為首領。 | 40When Lysimachus saw the people rising up in rebellion and becoming enraged, he armed about three thousand men and began a violent repression, designating as leader a certain Auranus, a man advanced in years but of very little intelligence. |
41眾人見里息瑪苛派人來攻打,有的拾取石塊,有的手拿棍棒,有的就地抓起灰土,一起向里息瑪苛的部下亂衝過去; | 41So, as the people were attacked by the men of Lysimachus, they reacted by picking up stones and clubs, and even gathered handfuls of ashes lying at hand, and threw everything against the men of Lysimachus. |
42如此,他的部下有許多被打傷了,也有一些被打死,其餘的都逃散了;連褻賣聖器的人也被殺死在聖庫的近旁。 | 42In this way, they wounded many of them, killed some, and put the rest to flight. As for the sacrilegious robber Lysimachus, they killed him near the treasury. |
43關於這事,人民都抱怨默乃勞。 | 43Because of all this a charge was brought against Menelaus and |
44當國王來到提洛時,長老院便派遣三人到君王跟前伸訴。 | 44when the king arrived at Tyre, three men sent by the council of the elders of Jerusalem told him of Menelaus' cruelty. |
45默乃勞明知自己已失敗,遂許給多黎默乃的兒子仆托肋米大批金銀,託他向國王代為說情。 | 45Seeing his ruin, Menelaus promised a great amount of money to Ptolemy, son of Dorymenes, in order to have the king in his favor. |
46仆托肋米便引國王來到廊下,假意乘涼,乘機使他改變了心意, | 46Ptolemy then went with the king privately to a colonnade for some fresh air, and persuaded him to change his mind. |
47於是國王釋放了罪魁禍首默乃勞,撤銷了一切的控訴,反而把這幾個可憐的人處死。這幾個人,假使向叔提雅人伸訴的話,一定會被判無罪釋放。 | 47The king actually dismissed all the accusations against Menelaus, the cause of all this evil, while he condemned to death Menelaus' unfortunate accusers who would have been acquitted had a tribunal of barbarians judged them. |
48這些保護聖城、百姓和聖器的人,反倒很快的受到這樣不公平的懲罰。 | 48So those who had defended the cause of the city, the people and the sacred vessels were executed at once. |
49因此有些提洛人,為了表示痛恨這種惡行,自願為這些犧牲者舉行隆重的喪禮。 | 49Some Tyrians were so enraged by that crime that they prepared a magnificent funeral for them. |
50因為有權勢的人貪污,默乃勞仍能保持原位,仍然怙惡不悛,時時處處加害本國人。 | 50But through the corruption of the rulers, Menelaus remained in power, growing in wickedness and becoming a tyrant towards his own people. |
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