2 Peter:Chapter 2


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伯多祿後書 2 Peter
1從前連在選民中,也有過假先知;同樣,將來在你們中,也要出現假教師,他們要倡導使人喪亡的異端,連救贖他們的主,也都敢否認:這是自取迅速的喪亡。 1Just as there have been false prophets in the midst of the people of Israel, so will there be false teachers among you. They will introduce harmful sects and, by denying the Master who saved them, they will bring upon themselves sudden perdition.
2有許多人將要隨從他們的放蕩,甚至真理之道,也要因他們而受到誹謗。 2Many, nonetheless, will imitate their vices and because of them the Way of Truth will be discredited.
3他們因貪吝成性,要以花言巧語在你們身上營利;可是他們的案件自古以來,就未安閒,他們的喪亡也決不稍息。 3They will take advantage of you with deceitful words for the sake of money. But their condemnation has already begun and their destruction awaits them.
4天主既然沒有寬免犯罪的天使,把他們投入了地獄,囚在幽暗的深坑,拘留到審判之時; 4In fact, God did not pardon the angels who sinned but cast them into hell, confining them in the dark pits, keeping them there until the Day of Judgment.
5既然沒有寬免古時的世界,曾引來洪水淹滅了惡人的世界,只保存了宣講正義的諾厄一家八口; 5Neither did he pardon the ancient world when he unleashed the waters of the flood upon the world of wicked people, but protected only Noah, the eighth prophet of righteousness.
6又降罰了索多瑪和哈摩辣城,使之化為灰燼,至於毀滅,以作後世作惡者的鑑戒, 6God also condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, reducing them to ashes, to serve as a warning to the wicked in the future.
7只救出了那因不法之徒的放蕩生活而悲傷的義人羅特── 7But he saved Lot, a good man deeply afflicted by the unbridled conduct of those vicious people.
8因為這義人住在他們中,他正直的靈魂,天天因所見所聞的不法行為,感到苦惱── 8For Lot, a righteous man who lived in their midst, suffered day after day in the goodness of his heart as he saw and heard of their crimes.
9那麼,上主自然也知道拯救虔誠的人,脫離磨難,而存留不義的人,等候審判的日子受處罰, 9So, then, the Lord knows how to free from trial those who serve him and keep the wicked for punishment on the Day of Judgment.
10尤其是存留那些隨從肉慾,而生活在污穢情慾中的人,以及那些輕視「主權者」的人。他們都是些膽大驕傲的人,竟不怕褻瀆「眾尊榮者」, 10He will do this especially for certain people who follow the baser desires of their nature and despise the Lord's majesty. Proud and daring they are not afraid of insulting fallen spirits
11就是連力量德能大於他們的天使,也不敢在上主面前,以侮辱的言詞對他們下判決。 11while the angels, who are superior to them in strength and power, do not permit themselves any injurious accusation in the presence of the Lord.
12然而這些人實在如無理性的牲畜,生來就是為受捉拿,受宰殺,凡他們不明白的事就要褻瀆;他們必要如牲畜一樣喪亡, 12Those people are like irrational animals born to be caught and killed; after they have slandered what they cannot understand, they will end like animals
13受他們不義的報應。他們只以一日的享受為快樂,實是些污穢骯髒的人;當他們同你們宴樂時,縱情於淫樂; 13and they will suffer the repayment of their wickedness. They enjoy fleeting pleasures; they are obscene and vicious who delight in deceiving you when they share in your fraternal meals.
14他們滿眼邪色,犯罪不饜,勾引意志薄弱的人;他們的心習慣了貪吝,真是些應受咒罵的人。 14They cannot look at a woman without desiring her, they do not tire of sinning and seducing weak souls. They are full of greed - an accursed people.
15他們離棄正道,走入了歧途,隨從了貝敖爾的兒子巴郎的道路,他曾貪愛過不義的酬報, 15They abandoned the right way and followed Balaam, son of Beor who was attached to what he gained from his wrongdoing.
16可是也受了他作惡的責罰:一個不會說話的牲口,竟用人的聲音說了話,制止了這先知的妄為。 16But he was rebuked for his sin: his she-ass began to speak with a human voice, stopping the prophet in his madness.
17他們像無水的泉源,又像為狂風所飄颺的雲霧:為他們所存留的,是黑暗的幽冥。 17These people are like waterless springs, clouds driven by a storm which move swiftly into the blackest darkness.
18因為他們好講虛偽的大話,用肉慾的放蕩為餌,勾引那些剛纔擺脫錯謬生活的人; 18With their boastful and empty discourses, they encourage the lust and impure desire of those who have just freed themselves from the common errors.
19應許他們自由,自己卻是敗壞的奴隸,因為人被誰制勝,就是誰的奴隸。 19They promise freedom when they themselves are slaves of corruption: for people are slaves to whatever dominates them.
20如果他們因認識主和救世者耶穌基督,而擺脫世俗的污穢以後,再為這些事所纏繞而打敗,他們末後的處境,就必比以前的更為惡劣, 20Indeed, after being freed from worldly vices through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they returned to those vices and surrendered to them; and their present state has become worse than the first.
21因為不認識正義之道,比認識後而又背棄那傳授給他們的聖誡命,為他們倒好得多。 21It would have been better for them not to have known the way of holiness than, knowing it, to turn away from the sacred doctrine that they had been taught.
22在他們身上正應驗了這句恰當的俗語:「狗嘔吐的,牠又回來再吃」;又「母豬洗淨了,又到污泥裏打滾。」 22In their case these proverbs are relevant: "The dog turns back to its own vomit," and: "Hardly has the pig been washed than it again wallows in the mud."




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