2 Timothy:Chapter 4
Previous | 2 Timothy:Chapter 4 |
弟茂德後書 | 2 Timothy |
1我在天主和那要審判生死者的基督耶穌前,指着他的顯現和他的國,懇求你: | 1In the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by the hope I have of his coming and his kingdom, I urge you |
2務要宣講真道,不論順境逆境,總要堅持不變;以百般的忍耐和各樣的教訓去反駁,去斥責,去勸勉。 | 2to preach the Word, in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking or advising, always with patience and providing instruction. |
3因為時候將到,那時人不接受健全的道理,反因耳朵發癢,順從自己的情慾,為自己聚攏許多師傅; | 3For the time is coming when people will no longer endure sound doctrine but will be so eager to hear what is new, that they will never have enough teachers after their own liking. |
4且掩耳不聽真理,偏去聽那無稽的傳說。 | 4And they will abandon the truth to hear fables. |
5至於你,在一切事上務要謹慎,忍受艱苦,作傳揚福音者的工作,完成你的職務。 | 5So be prudent, do not mind your labor, give yourself to your work as an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. |
6因為我已被奠祭,我離世的時期已經近了。 | 6As for me the time of sacrifice has arrived, and the moment of my departure has come. |
7這場好仗,我已打完;這場賽跑,我已跑到終點;這信仰,我已保持了。 | 7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. |
8從今以後,正義的冠冕已為我預備下了,就是主,正義的審判者,到那一日必要賞給我的;不但賞給我,而且也賞給一切愛慕他顯現的人。 | 8Now there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness with which the Lord, the just judge, will reward me on that day; and not only me, but all those who have longed for his glorious coming. |
9你要趕快到我這裏來! | 9Do your best to come to me quickly. |
10德瑪斯因愛現世,已離棄我到得撒洛尼去了;克勒斯刻去了迦拉達,弟鐸去了達耳瑪提雅, | 10You must know that Demas has deserted me for the love of this world: he returned to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia and Titus to Dalmatia. |
11只有路加同我在一起。你要帶着馬爾谷同你一起來,因為他在職務上為我是有用的。 | 11Only Luke remains with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is a useful helper in my work. |
12至於提希苛,我派他到厄弗所去了。 | 12I sent Tychicus to Ephesus. |
13我留在特洛阿卡爾頗家中的那件外衣,你來時務必帶上,還有那幾卷書,尤其是那些羊皮卷。 | 13Bring with you the cloak I left at Troas, in Carpos' house and also the scrolls, especially the parchments. |
14銅匠亞歷山大使我受了許多苦,主將照他所行的報應他。 | 14Alexander the metalworker has caused me great harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. |
15這人你也要加意提防,因為他極力反抗我們的道理。 | 15Distrust him for he has been very much opposed to our preaching. |
16在我初次過堂時,沒有人在我身旁,眾人都離棄了我,願天主不歸罪於他們! | 16At my first hearing in court no one supported me; all deserted me. May the Lord not hold it against them. |
17但是主卻在我左右,堅固了我,使福音的宣講藉着我而完成,使一切外邦人都能聽見;我也從獅子口中被救了出來。 | 17But the Lord was at my side, giving me strength to proclaim the Word fully, and let all the pagans hear it. So I was rescued from the lion's mouth. |
18主要救我脫離各種凶惡的事,也要使我安全地進入他天上的國。願光榮歸於他,於無窮世之世!阿們。 | 18The Lord will save me from all evil, bringing me to his heavenly kingdom. Glory to him for ever and ever. Amen! |
19請問候普黎斯加、阿桂拉和敖乃息佛洛一家。 | 19Greetings to Prisca and Aquila and to the family of Onesiphorus. |
20厄辣斯托仍留在格林多,特洛斐摩因患病,我將他留在米肋托。 | 20Erastus remained in Corinth. I left Trophimus sick in Miletus. |
21你要趕快在冬天以前來到。歐步羅、普登、理諾、克勞狄雅和所有的弟兄都問候你。 | 21Try to come here before the winter. Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia and all the brothers and sisters send you greetings. |
22願主與你的心靈同在!願恩寵與你們同在! | 22The Lord be with your spirit. May grace be with you all. |
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