Baruch:Chapter 6


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巴路克 Baruch
1為了你們在天主面前犯的罪過,你們纔被巴比倫人的君王拿步高擄到巴比倫去作俘虜。 1"Because of the sins you have committed against God, you will be led captive to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Babylonians.
2你們到了巴比倫,要在那裡寄居多年和一長久的時間,直到第七代,然後我纔領你們從那裡平安出來。 2After your arrival in Babylon you will remain there for a number of years - a long time, for seven generations; but after that I shall bring you home in peace.
3你們在巴比倫時,要看見許多金、銀、木製的神像,由人們抬在肩上,向外方人示威。 3In Babylon you will see gods of silver, gold and wood, carried on men's shoulders and filling the people with fear.
4你們務要小心,切不要連你們也像外邦人一樣,對這些神像,起敬起畏。 4Take care not to copy what foreigners do and not to let yourselves be terrified by them
5幾時你們一見群眾在神像前後敬拜,就該在心中說:上主,只有你應受欽崇。 5when you see the crowds pressing in front and behind to adore them.
6因為有我的天使與你們在一起,他必照顧你們的性命。 6Say rather to yourselves: 'Master, it is you we are to adore.' My angel is with you to take care of your lives.
7神像的舌頭是匠人琢磨的,再包上金銀;都是假造的,不能說話。 7Their tongues have been polished by a craftsman and even if they are of gold and silver, they are false and are unable to speak.
8人們又拿金子,打造金冠,戴在他們神像的頭上,像是一個愛裝飾的女郎。 8As for a maiden conscious of her appearance, these pagans make golden crowns for their gods.
9有時司祭竟竊取神像身上的金銀,私自使用,甚或用以酬謝院中的廟妓。 9Yet at times the priests steal the gold and silver from their gods for their own use and for the prostitutes in their temples.
10這些金、銀、木製的神像,穿上衣裳雖像人一樣,仍不免要生銹生蟲。 10They give clothes to these gods as if they were men, but they are only things of gold, silver and wood, which cannot defend themselves from rust or woodworm.
11它們雖身披紫錦紅袍,臉上卻不斷落滿廟內的塵土,需人拂拭。 11So, after clothing them in purple, they wipe their faces because of the thick dust of the temple that covers them.
12有些手執權杖,像是一個作地方判官的人,卻不能處死得罪自己的人; 12The god has a scepter like a governor of a province, but he cannot destroy the person who has wronged him.
13有些右手執劍持斧,卻不能拯救自己脫免戰爭和強盜。 13He carries sword and axe in his right hand, but he is helpless both in war and against thieves.
14由此可知它們並不是神,不應害怕! 14This clearly proves they are not gods; have no fear of them.
15正如人做的器皿,一經破爛,就失去了用途;安置在廟裡的神像,也是這樣。 15A broken pot is useless for anyone. So are those gods enshrined in their temples.
16它們的眼睛蓋滿了進廟的人雙腳揚起的灰塵; 16Their eyes are full of the dust raised by those who enter.
17如同對得罪皇上,快要處死的囚犯,四面門窗緊閉;同樣司祭設門安鎖加閂,關閉它們的廟宇,以免強盜來洗劫。 17Just as doors are carefully closed on a man who has offended the king or on a convict sentenced to death, in the same way the priests lock and bolt the doors of the temple for fear of thieves.
18廟宇裡的燈,點得比神像還多;可是它們連一盞也看不見。 18They light lamps, far more numerous than what they need for themselves, and yet the god sees no one.
19它們好像廟中的木樑一樣:人們都說它們的內部已經腐爛;地裡出來的爬蟲侵食它們和它們的衣飾,它們卻毫不自覺; 19He is no more than any of the beams of the temple and some whisper that the inner part is gnawed by termites; worms out of the ground devour both the god and his clothes, but he feels nothing.
20它們的臉面已讓廟裡的火煙燻得烏黑; 20Their faces have become black because of the smoke of the temple.
21蝙蝠、燕子和雀鳥,都在它們身上頭上飛舞;同樣,貓兒也任情跳躍: 21Owls alight on their heads and shoulders, swallows and other birds perch on them and cats prowl around them.
22由此你們該知,它們並不是神,不應害怕! 22This tells you they are not gods, so have no fear of them.
23人給神像包上金銀,為光華美麗,但若沒有人擦去銹污,它們不會光亮;因為即在被鑄造時,它們已毫無知覺。 23If the rust on the gold that adorns them is not removed, they cannot shine. Yet what does it matter? Even when they were cast they felt nothing.
24不論人用什麼價錢將它們買來,它們總不會生氣; 24They may be bought at a high price but there is not a breath of life in them.
25它們沒有腳,要人抬在肩上,給人露出自己的恥辱,致使敬拜的人也因此感到羞愧;為使它們不翻倒在地,就得由人扶持; 25As they are without feet, they are carried on men's shoulders, showing publicly their shame. What a confusion for their worshipers if the god falls! They must lift him up.
26人若把它們直立起來,它們不能自己行動;如果歪斜了,又不能自動直立;人給它們擺上供物,亦無異給死人上供。 26Once he has been stood up, he does not move. If tilted, he is helpless to straighten up. So you make offerings to these gods as you make to dead men.
27人給它們獻的犧牲,司祭卻加以變賣,從中取利;司祭的妻室亦照樣醃存一些祭品,也不施捨給貧苦和殘疾的人;甚至在經期和將分娩的婦女,都敢觸摸獻給它們的祭品: 27The priests collect what has been offered for sacrifice, selling it, while the wives salt some of it but give nothing to the poor and helpless. Do you think these are true offerings? Even women giving birth or who are ritually unclean touch them.
28由此可知它們並不是神,不應害怕。 28See that they are not gods and have no fear of them.
29實在,它們怎麼能稱為神呢?連婦女也敢給這些金、銀、木製的神像獻祭。 29How can they be called gods? Women carry offerings to things made of silver, wood and gold.
30在廟裡,司祭穿着破裂的袈裟,剃去了鬚髮,光頭坐着; 30The priests remain seated in the temple, their garments torn, head and beard shaved, and no covering on their heads.
31或在神像前狂呼亂叫,好像參加喪宴的人一樣; 31They roar and cry in the presence of their gods as do certain people during funeral meals.
32又脫掉神像的衣服,給自己的妻子兒女穿。 32With the garments taken from the gods the priests clothe their wives and their children.
33人們待神像好壞,它們都不能回報;不能委任或廢除君王, 33Whether they are treated well or shabbily, the gods can make no return, neither can they make or unmake a king.
34也不能賜人財帛銀錢;人若許願而不實踐,它們也不能追索; 34They are incapable of bestowing riches or money. If someone fails to keep a vow, he is not called to account.
35不能救人不死,也不能由強者手中搶救弱者; 35They can neither save a man from death nor rescue a helpless person from the clutch of the powerful.
36不能使瞎子恢復視力,也不能救人脫免患難; 36They cannot restore sight to the blind or save someone in distress.
37不知憐恤寡婦,也不知加惠孤兒: 37They will show no compassion to the widow nor do good to the orphan.
38這些包金包銀和木製的神像,好比山間採來的石塊,敬拜的人,都要蒙受羞辱: 38These pieces of wood plated with gold and silver are no more worthy than rocks hewn out of a mountain and their worshipers shall be humiliated.
39既然這樣,人又怎能相信,或稱呼它們為神呢? 39How then can anyone believe they are gods? How can they be called gods?
40連加色丁人也不尊敬它們;幾時看見一個不能說話的啞吧,就領他到貝耳面前,求賜說話奇恩,好像它能垂聽一樣。 40The Chaldeans themselves have put them to shame. If they see someone who is dumb, unable to speak, they bring him before Bel, entreating him to make him speak, as if the god could hear them!
41他們明知不能,卻不能離棄這些神祇,因為他們都愚昧無知。 41And yet these thinking people are unable to abandon gods that are completely devoid of sense.
42婦女們身上繫上繩索,坐在路旁,燒麥糠為香; 42Women with cord round their waists sit in the street burning bran.
43若其中一個被一過路男人帶去,與她同睡,她就笑罵自己的同伴不如自己有身價,因為她的帶子還沒有扯斷。 43When one of them has been picked up by a passerby and has slept with him, she taunts her companion for not having been so highly regarded as herself and for failing to have her cord broken.
44對這些神像做的一切,無不荒唐;既然這樣,人又怎能相信,或稱呼它們為神呢? 44All that goes on anywhere near these gods is false. How can they be considered or declared to be gods?
45它們全是由木匠和金匠製成的,不能是別的,只能是這些匠人願做成的物品。 45They have been fashioned by craftsmen and goldsmiths; they are nothing more than what the artisans decided they were to be.
46製造它們的那些人,自己還活不長久,他們製造的作品,又怎能是神呢? 46Those who made them haven't long to live; so how could the work of their hands be gods?
47只不過給自己的後代,留下欺騙和羞辱, 47What they leave to their descendants is nothing more than illusion and shame.
48因為幾時民間有了戰爭或災難,司祭們就彼此商議何處能同這些神像一起隱藏。 48For when war or other disasters come upon them, they discuss among themselves where they, with their gods, will hide.
49它們竟不能救自己免於戰爭或災難,人怎麼還不覺悟它們並非神明呢? 49How could anyone fail to be convinced that what cannot save from war and disaster is not a god?
50由此可知:這些包金包銀和木製的神像,只不過是偽造,萬民和君王都清楚知道它們不是神明,只不過是人手的作品,沒有一點神明的作為。 50Later on, these pieces of wood plated with silver and gold will be known to be false. It will be plain to all kings and nations that they are not gods, but merely the handicraft of men and God does nothing through them.
51如此還有誰不知道它們不是神明呢? 51Is there anyone unconvinced that these are not gods?
52它們不能給一地方建立君王,不能給人興雲降雨; 52They are incapable of establishing a king in a country or of sending rain to people.
53不能為人決獄斷案,不能救護受迫害的人,因為它們毫無能力,猶如飛翔天地間的烏鴉。 53They are unable to discern what is just or to rescue a person who has been wronged. They are as helpless as crows between the sky and the ground.
54幾時這些包金包銀和木製的神像的廟裡起了火,司祭們都各自逃命,它們只有像棟樑一樣,被火燒毀。 54When fire breaks out in the temple of these wooden gods plated with silver and gold, the priests flee to safety but their gods are burnt with the beams in the midst of the flames.
55它們既不能抵抗君王和仇敵, 55They can neither resist a king nor a hostile army.
56人怎麼還能承認,或相信它們是神呢? 56How can it be admitted or believed that they are gods?
57這些包金包銀和木製的神像,不能救自己脫免強盜和匪徒;比它們更有力的人奪去了它們的金銀,和它們穿的衣服以後,安然離去,它們竟不能自助自救。 57These gods cannot escape either from thieves or brigands. These are more powerful and despoil them of their gold, their silver and their robes. Such gods are unable to defend themselves.
58為此虛假的神祇,還不如一個彰顯自己權威的君王,或家中一個能供主人使用的器具;虛假的神祇,還不如能使家中一切安全的房門;虛假的神祇,還不如一根支撐皇宮的木柱。 58Better to be a king with a show of power, or even a household pot that is of some use to its owner than to be a false god; better even to be the door of a house that guards what is within, or a wooden column in a royal palace than to be a false god.
59太陽、月亮和星辰放出光明,執行自己的職務,無不從命; 59The sun, moon and stars that shine and serve us are obedient to God;
60同樣,雷電閃耀,光輝燦爛;風也依命吹向四方; 60likewise the lightning that is beautiful to see, and the wind that blows over the country
61雲彩一奉天主的命,即飛遊全球,執行使命;電火亦遵命行事,從天降下,燒毀山嶺森林; 61and the clouds passing over the earth at God's command, fire sent from on high to consume mountain and forest - all do what is commanded.
62論美麗,論能力,這些神像不能與它們相比: 62But these wooden objects can in no way compare with them,
63為此,人不應相信或稱呼它們為神,因為它們不能施行審判,也不能施惠於人。 63that is why it must not be either believed or said that these are gods, since they are powerless to administer justice or benefit mankind in any way.
64因此,該知道它們並不是神,不應害怕。 64Since you know they are not gods, have no fear of them.
65這些神像不能詛咒,也不能祝福君王; 65They can neither curse
66不能給萬民顯示天上的奇蹟,也不能像太陽一般輝耀,像月亮一般光明。 66nor bless kings, nor bring about signs in the heavens for the nations to see. They can neither shine like the sun nor give light like the moon.
67它們竟連走獸也不如,因為走獸還能逃到安身的地區,營救自己。 67Animals are of more worth, since by taking cover they can look after themselves.
68不論在任何情形下,我們都清楚看出:它們不是神,所以你們不應害怕! 68So in no way whatever is it evident to us that these are gods; for that reason have no fear of them.
69就如一個稻草人在瓜果園內,不能看守什麼;這些包金包銀和木製的神也是如此。 69For like a scarecrow in a field of melons, these gods plated with silver and gold protect nothing.
70此外,這些包金包銀和木製的神,彷彿園中任各種飛鳥棲息的荊棘叢,又彷彿被人拋棄在暗處的死屍; 70Again these wooden gods may be compared to a thornbush in a garden where any bird can perch, or to a corpse thrown into a dark place.
71從它們身上那腐爛了的紫錦和麻衣,你們便可以知道它們並不是神;最後連它們自己也要被蟲吃盡,成為地上的恥辱。 71You know by the purple and scarlet robes rotting on them that they are not gods. They end up by being eaten away and become a disgrace to the country.
72故此還是沒有偶像的義人好,恥辱決來不到他身上! 72Better then a just man who has no idols, he will not be dishonored.




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