Colossians:Chapter 2
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哥羅森書 | Colossians |
1我實願意你們知道:我為你們和那些在勞狄刻雅以及所有未曾親眼看見過我的人,作如何的奮鬥, | 1I want you to know how I strive for you, for those of Laodicea and for so many who have not met me personally. |
2為使他們的心受到鼓勵,使他們在愛內互相連結,充分地得到真知灼見,能認識天主的奧秘──基督, | 2I pray that all may be encouraged. May you be established in love, that you may obtain all the riches of a full understanding and know the mystery of God, Christ himself. |
3因為在他內蘊藏着智慧和知識的一切寶藏。 | 3For in him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. |
4我說這話,免得有人以花言巧語欺騙你們。 | 4So let no one deceive you with persuasive arguments. |
5我肉身雖然不在你們那裏,但心靈卻與你們同在,高興見到你們生活的秩序,和你們對基督的堅定信仰。 | 5Although I am far from you, my spirit is with you and I rejoice in recalling how well-disciplined you are and how firm in the faith of Christ. |
6你們既然接受了基督耶穌為主,就該在他內行動生活, | 6If you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, let him be your doctrine. |
7在他內生根修建,堅定於你們所學得的信德,滿懷感恩之情。 | 7Be rooted and built up in him; let faith be your principle, as you were taught, and your thanksgiving overflowing. |
8你們要小心,免得有人以哲學,以虛偽的妄言,按照人的傳授,依據世俗的原理,而不是依據基督,把你們勾引了去。 | 8See that no one deceives you with philosophy or any hollow discourse; these are merely human doctrines not inspired by Christ but by the wisdom of this world. |
9因為是在基督內,真實地住有整個圓滿的天主性,你們也是在他內得到豐滿。 | 9For in Him dwells the fullness of God in bodily form. |
10他是一切率領者和掌權者的元首, | 10He is the head of all cosmic power and authority, and in him you have everything. |
11你們也是在他內受了割損,但不是人手所行的割損,而是基督的割損,在乎脫去肉慾之身。 | 11In Christ Jesus you were given a circumcision but not by human hands, which removed completely from you the carnal body: |
12你們既因聖洗與他一同埋葬了,也就因聖洗,藉着信德,即信使他由死者中復活的天主的能力,與他一同復活了。 | 12I refer to baptism. On receiving it you were buried with Christ; and you also rose with him for having believed in the power of God who raised him from the dead. |
13你們從前因了你們的過犯和未受割損的肉身,原是死的;但天主卻使你們與基督一同生活,赦免了我們的一切過犯; | 13You were dead. You were in sin and uncircumcised at the same time. But God gave you life with Christ. He forgave all our sins. |
14塗抹了那相反我們,告發我們對誡命負債的債劵,把它從中除去,將它釘在十字架上; | 14He canceled the record of our debts, those regulations which accused us. He did away with all that and nailed it to the cross. |
15解除了率領者和掌權者的武裝,把他們公然示眾,仗賴十字架,帶着他們舉行凱旋的儀式。 | 15Victorious through the cross, he stripped the rulers and authorities of their power, humbled them before the eyes of the whole world and dragged them behind him as prisoners. |
16為此,不要讓任何人在飲食上,或在節期或月朔或安息日等事上,對你們有所規定。 | 16So, then, let no one criticize you in matters of food or drink or for not observing festivals, new moons or the sabbath. |
17這一切原是未來事物的陰影,至於實體乃是基督。 | 17These things were only shadows of what was to come, whereas the reality is the person of Christ. |
18不可讓那甘願自卑而敬拜天使的人,奪去你們的獎品,這種人只探究所見的幻象,因自己的血肉之見,妄自尊大, | 18Do not let yourselves be robbed of him by those people who offer you a religion of fear and the worship of the angels. In fact, they only appreciate their own visions and are puffed up with their idle notions, |
19而不與頭相連接;其實由於頭,全身纔能賴關節和脈絡獲得滋養而互相連結,藉天主所賜的生長力而生長。 | 19instead of holding firmly to the head, Christ. It is he who nourishes and gives unity to the whole body by a complex system of nerves and ligaments, making it grow according to the plan of God. |
20既然你們與基督已同死於世俗的原理,為什麼還如生活在世俗中一樣,受人指點: | 20If you have really died with Christ, and are rid of the principles of the world, why do you now let yourselves be taught as if you belonged to the world? |
21「不可拿,不可嘗,不可摸」, | 21"Do not eat this, do not taste that, do not touch that..." |
22拘泥於人的規定和教訓呢?──其實這一切,一經使用,便敗壞了。 | 22These are human rules and teachings, referring to things that are perishable, that wear out and disappear. |
23這些教規既基於隨從私意的敬禮、謙卑和苦身克己,徒有智慧之名,並沒有什麼價值,只為滿足肉慾而已。 | 23These doctrines may seem to be profound because they speak of religious observance and humility and of disregarding the body. In fact, they are useless as soon as the flesh rebels. |
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