Deuteronomy:Chapter 16


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申命紀 Deuteronomy
1你應遵守『阿彼布』月,為上主你的天主舉行逾越節,因為在『阿彼布』月的一個夜裏,上主你的天主領你出了埃及。 1Observe the month of Abib and celebrate the Passover in honor of Yahweh since it was in this month that Yahweh, your God, brought you out of Egypt by night.
2你應在上主所選定立自己名號的地方,給上主你的天主祭殺牛羊,作為逾越節犧牲。 2On the Passover, you shall sacrifice oxen and sheep to Yahweh in the place he has chosen for his Name to dwell.
3吃這祭肉時,不可吃發酵餅;七天之內,當吃無酵餅,即困苦餅,因為你曾倉猝地走出了埃及地。為此你一生應天天記念你出埃及的日子。 3For the Passover supper, you are not to eat leavened bread, but for seven days, you shall eat unleavened bread, the bread of affliction, because you left Egypt hastily. So you shall remember all the days of your life the day on which you left Egypt.
4七天之久,在你全境內不許見到酵母;你前一天晚上祭獻的牲肉,不可有剩下的,留到早晨。 4For seven days, no leaven shall be seen throughout your territory; nor shall any of the flesh you sacrificed on the evening of the first day be left for the following day.
5你不可在上主你的天主賜給你的任何城鎮內,祭殺逾越節犧牲; 5You may not offer the Passover sacrifice in any city which Yahweh gives you,
6只可在上主你的天主所選定立自己名號的地方,晚上太陽快落時,就是你出埃及的時刻,祭殺逾越節犧牲。 6but only in the place chosen by Yahweh as the dwelling place for his Name. Sacrifice the Passover in the evening, at sunset, at the time you came out of Egypt.
7並應在上主你的天主所選定的地方,將祭牲煮熟分食;到了早晨,你可回到你的帳棚中去。 7You shall roast it and eat it in the place chosen by Yahweh, your God. And then, in the morning you shall return to your house.
8六天內應吃無酵餅,到第七天,應為上主你的天主召開盛會,任何勞工都不許做。 8You shall eat unleavened bread for six days, and on the seventh, you shall celebrate a solemn assembly in honor of Yahweh and you shall not work.
9你應數七個星期,從鐮刀收割莊稼算起,數七個星期, 9You shall count seven weeks, beginning from the day you start cutting the standing wheat.
10為上主你的天主舉行七七節,照上主你的天主祝福你的,獻上你手中自願獻的祭品。 10Then you shall celebrate the Feast of the Seven Weeks for Yahweh, your God, making a voluntary offering from your harvest in proportion to the way Yahweh, your God, blesses you.
11你和你的兒女、僕婢,以及在你城鎮內的肋未人,在你中間的外方人、孤兒和寡婦,都應在上主你的天主所選定立自己名號的地方,於上主你的天主面前歡樂。 11At the place Yahweh has chosen as the dwelling place for his Name, you shall feast, you and your children, your servants, the Levite who lives in your cities, the foreigner, the orphan and the widow who live among you.
12應記得你在埃及也曾做過奴隸,所以應謹守遵行這些法令。 12Remember that you were a slave in Egypt and be careful to put these precepts into practice.
13你由禾場和榨酒池內收藏了出產以後,應七天舉行帳棚節。 13Celebrate too the Feast of the Tents for seven days, after gathering the produce of your threshing floor and of your winepress.
14在這慶節內,你和你的兒女、僕婢,以及在你城鎮內的肋未人、外方人、孤兒和寡婦都應歡樂。 14Rejoice during this feast - you and your children, your servants, the Levite, the foreigner, the orphan and the widow who live in your city.
15你應在上主所選定的地方,為上主你的天主舉行這慶節七天,因為上主你的天主,要在你的一切收穫和你着手進行的一切事業上祝福你,使你滿心喜樂。 15You shall feast for seven days in honor of Yahweh at the place chosen by him; because Yahweh will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that your joy may be complete.
16每年三次,即在無酵節、七七節和帳棚節,你所有的男子都應到上主所選的地方去,朝拜上主你的天主;但不要空手出現在上主面前, 16Three times a year all your men shall present themselves before Yahweh, your God, in the place chosen by him: on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the Feast of Weeks, and on the Feast of Tents. And you shall not present yourselves empty-handed,
17每人應照上主你的天主賜與你的,依自己的財力,奉獻禮品。 17but each one will offer in proportion to what he has, according to the blessing that Yahweh has bestowed upon you.
18在上主你的天主賜給你的各城鎮內,要為各支派設立判官和書記,他們應按照公道審判人民, 18Appoint judges and secretaries for your tribes in every city which Yahweh gives you, that they may judge the people according to justice.
19不可違犯公平,不可徇情顧面,不可接受賄賂,因為賄賂令智慧人的眼目失明; 19You shall not bend the law or show partiality. Do not accept gifts because gifts blind the eyes of the wise and subvert the cause of the righteous.
20只應追求公道與正義,好叫你能生存,佔有上主你的天主賜給你的土地。 20Justice! Seek justice if you want to live and inherit the land which Yahweh, your God, gives you.
21在你為上主你的天主所建的祭壇旁,不許豎立任何木頭的神柱; 21Do not plant any tree or sacred pillar near the altar of your God.
22也不可立置上主你的天主所憎惡的石碣。 22Do not put up there the sacred stones that Yahweh hates.




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