Deuteronomy:Chapter 17
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申命紀 | Deuteronomy |
1有任何殘缺或瑕疵的牛羊,不可祭獻給上主你的天主,因為這為上主你的天主是可憎惡的事。 | 1You shall not sacrifice to Yahweh, your God, an ox or a sheep that has any blemish or defect because Yahweh abhors this. |
2在你中間,即在上主你的天主賜給你的一座城內,若發現一個男人或女人,做了上主你的天主眼中視為惡的事,違犯了他的盟約, | 2If there is among you, in any of the cities which Yahweh will give you, a man or a woman who does what is evil in the sight of Yahweh to the point of breaking his covenant, |
3去事奉敬拜其他的神,或太陽,或月亮,或任何天象,反對我所吩咐的事; | 3if they go to serve other gods and bow before them - to the sun, or the moon, or the stars of heaven - which I have forbidden, |
4如果有人告訴了你,你一聽說,就應詳細調查。如果實有其事,真在以色列中做了這種可惡的事, | 4and this has been reported to you or you learn of it, you shall begin to investigate the matter well. If you have proved that this abomination has indeed been committed in Israel, |
5就將那做這種惡事的男人或女人,帶到城門外,用石頭砸死他們。 | 5you shall bring to the gates of the city that man or woman who committed the misdeed, and you shall stone him or her to death. |
6根據兩個或三個見證的口供,即可將這該死的人處以死刑;根據一個見證的口供,卻不可處以死刑。 | 6But you will need the testimony of two or three witnesses to condemn a person to death. No one will be condemned by the accusation of only one witness. |
7見證人應先下手,然後眾人纔下手將他處死:如此由你中間剷除了這邪惡。 | 7The hands of the witnesses shall throw the first stones to kill the accused. Afterwards all the people shall stone him. In this way, you will make the evil disappear from your midst. |
8若在你城鎮內發生了訴訟案件:或是殺人,或是爭訟,或是毆傷,而又是你難以處決的案件,你應起來上到上主你的天主所選的地方, | 8If a very difficult case is presented to you which you cannot resolve in the city tribunal, either about murder, a legal dispute or a quarrel because of injuries, you shall go up to the place chosen by Yahweh, your God; |
9去見肋未司祭和那在職的判官,詢問他們,他們要指教你怎樣判斷這案件。 | 9you shall approach the Levite priests and the judge in office at that time. You shall consult them and they will point out to you the decision on the case. |
10你應依照他們在上主所選的地方,有關那案件指教你的話去執行;凡他們教訓你的,應完全遵行。 | 10You shall carry out the decision that they have made for you in that place chosen by Yahweh, and you shall act in accordance with what they have instructed you. |
11應全依照他們給你的指導,告訴你的判斷去執行;對他們告訴你的定案,不可偏左偏右。 | 11You shall follow the instructions or the verdict they have given you without turning aside either to the right or to the left from the decision they made for you. |
12若有人擅自行事,不聽從那侍立於上主你的天主前供職的司祭,或不聽從判官,應把這人處死。如此你由以色列中剷除了這邪惡; | 12He who dares to act in another way and does not listen to the priest who stands there in the service of Yahweh, or to the judge, that man will die. You shall banish evil from Israel. |
13民眾聽見了,必都害怕,再不敢擅自行事。 | 13So all the people upon knowing this shall fear and not make decisions without the right to do so. |
14當你進入上主你的天主賜給你的土地,佔據了那地,安住在那裏以後,你如說:『我願照我四周的各民族,設立一位君王統治我』, | 14When you come to the land which Yahweh, your God, gives you, when you have conquered it and live in it, you shall perhaps say: "I would like to have a king like all the neighboring nations." |
15你應將上主你的天主所揀選的人,立為你的君王。應由你兄弟中立一人,作你的君王,不可讓不屬你兄弟的外方人統治你。 | 15Then you have to appoint a king chosen by Yahweh from among your brothers. You shall not appoint a foreign king who is not a brother Israelite. |
16但是,不可許他養許多馬,免得他叫人民回到埃及去買馬,因為上主曾對你們說過:『你們不可再回到那條路上去』; | 16Ensure that your king does not acquire many horses, lest he again send his people to Egypt to get more horses. For Yahweh commanded you never to go back that way. |
17也不可許他有許多妻妾,免得他的心迷於邪途;也不可許他過於積蓄金銀。 | 17Neither shall he have many women lest they pervert his heart. And neither let him pile up gold and silver. |
18幾時他登上了王位,依照肋未司祭處所存的法律書,給他抄寫一本, | 18When he ascends the throne, let him copy for his use this Law from the book of the Levite priests. |
19叫他帶在身邊,一生天天閱讀,好使他學習敬畏上主他的天主,謹守遵行這法律上的一切話和這些規則。 | 19He shall bring it with him and read it every day of his life, that he may learn to fear Yahweh, keeping all the sayings of the Law and putting his precepts into practice. |
20如此他可避免對自己的同胞心高氣傲,偏離這些誡命,好使他和他的子孫在以色列中間久居王位。 | 20So let him not become conceited nor look down on his brothers, nor turn aside from this commandment either to the right or to the left, so that he and his children may lengthen the days of their reign in the midst of Israel. |
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