Ecclesiastes:Chapter 2
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訓道篇 | Ecclesiastes |
1我心下自語:「來,試一試快樂,享受一下褔樂!」看,這也是空虛。 | 1I said in my heart, "I will try pleasure! taste happiness!" But I found that was useless. |
2我稱歡笑為「瘋狂」,我對喜樂說:「這有何用」? | 2Laughter is foolishness! As for pleasure, what good is it? |
3我逐決意喝酒以使我的肉身暢快,── 但我的心仍為智慧所引導,並決意迷於狂妄的事,直到我看清,世人在天下一生有限的歲月中所做的事,有什麼好處為止。 | 3I thought of cheering my body with wine while my heart searched for wisdom. So I gave myself to folly in order to find out what would be good for man to do under the sun throughout his life. |
4我於是擴大我的工程:為自己建做宮室,栽植葡萄園, | 4I did great things: I built houses and planted vineyards. |
5開闢園囿,在其中栽植各種果樹, | 5I made gardens and parks and planted all kinds of fruit trees. |
6挖掘水池,以澆灌在生長中的樹木。 | 6I constructed reservoirs to irrigate the orchards. |
7買了奴婢,還有在家中出世的僮僕,又有許多牛羊,多過我以前住在耶路撒冷的人。 | 7I bought slaves and servants and had slaves born in my household. I had flocks and herds in abundance more than anyone before me in Jerusalem. |
8我還聚歛了大批金銀,及各王侯各省份的財寶;擁有許多歌唱的男女,無數的嬪妃,以及人間所有的享受。 | 8I acquired silver and gold - the wealth of kings and nations. I had choirmaster and singers and besides that, what most delights men. |
9我雖如此富有,超過以往住在耶路撒冷的人,但我仍沒有喪失智慧。 | 9I became great, surpassing all my predecessors in Jerusalem without losing wisdom. |
10凡我眼所希求的,我決不加以拒絕;凡我心所願享受的快樂,我決不加以阻止;因為我的心對我的一切勞苦工作,實在滿意;其實,這也是我由勞苦工作應得的報酬。 | 10I refused myself nothing that my eyes desired nor did I deprive my heart of any pleasure. I enjoyed all I undertook and that was my reward for my work. |
11但當我回顧我所作的一切工作,以及工作時所受的勞苦,看,一切都是空虛,都是追風;在太陽之下,亳無裨益。 | 11Then I considered all I had achieved by my work and all the toil it had entailed and found that it was all meaningless and chasing wind. There is no profit under the sun. |
12我又回顧觀察智慧、瘋狂和昏愚;那繼位作君王的人能做什麼?只能做已做過的事。 | 12I then decided to compare wisdom with folly and madness and I thought, "What will my successor as king do?" (We know what he did!) |
13我看透智慧勝於昏愚,像光明勝於黑暗。 | 13I understood that wisdom is more profitable than folly, just as light is better than darkness: |
14「智者高瞻遠矚,愚者卻在黑暗中摸索。」但我也知道:二者都要遭遇同樣的命運。 | 14The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in darkness. But it dawned on me that the same fate overtakes them both. |
15我心中自問:「愚人的命運,我也會遇到,為什麼我要更明智?」我逐下結論說:「這也是空虛。」 | 15And I thought, "If the fate of the fool will be mine as well, what did my wisdom profit me?" I thought to myself that, too, is meaningless. |
16因為智者和愚者,同樣不為人常久記念,早晚有一天都要被人遺忘。可惜,智者和愚者同樣死去! | 16There is no more remembrance of the wise man than of the fool: both will be forgotten in the days to come. Why is a wise man's death like that of a fool? |
17於是我惱恨生命,因為太陽之下所發生的事,無非使我煩惱,因為全是空虛,都是追風。 | 17So I hated life seeing the wrong in everything that is done under the sun: all is meaningless and chasing wind. |
18我憎恨我在太陽下所受的勞苦,因為我要將勞苦所得,留給我的後人。 | 18I hated all I had labored for under the sun and which I must leave to my successor. |
19他是智是愚,有誰知道?但他一定要主管我在太陽下,以智慧辛苦經營的一切工作:這也是空虛。 | 19Who knows whether he will be foolish or wise? Yet he will be master of all |
20我回顧我在太陽下所受的一切勞苦,就灰心失望。 | 20I have achieved by my own efforts and wisdom: that too is meaningless. And I began to despair in my heart over all my labor under the sun. |
21因為有人以智慧、學問和才幹勞作得來的,卻應留給那未曾勞作的人,作為產業:這也是空虛和大不幸。 | 21For here was a man who toiled in all wisdom, knowledge and skill and he must leave all to someone who has not worked for it. This is meaningless and a great misfortune. |
22人在太陽下所受的一切勞苦,以及痛心的事,究竟有什麼裨益? | 22For what profit is there for a man in all his work and heart-searching under the sun? |
23其實,人天天所有的事務,無非是悲苦和煩惱;而且夜裏,心也得不到安息:這也是空虛。 | 23All his days bring sorrow, his work grief; he hasn't, moreover, peaceful rest at night: that too is meaningless. |
24人除了吃喝和享受自己勞作之所得以外,別無更好的事。我也看透了:這是從天主手裏來的。 | 24There is nothing better for man to do than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. I understood that this too comes from the hand of God. |
25因為離了天主,誰能有吃的,誰能有所享受? | 25For without him who can eat or find enjoyment? |
26天主原把智慧、學問和歡樂,賜給他所喜愛的人。至於罪人,天主將積蓄貯藏財物的勞苦加於他身上,好將一切財物留給天主所喜愛的人:這也是空虛,也是追風。 | 26To the man who pleases him, he gives wisdom, knowledge and joy, while to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up what will be given to another who pleases God: this too is meaningless and chasing wind. |
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