Ecclesiastes:Chapter 7


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訓道篇 Ecclesiastes
1良好的聲譽勝於名貴的香液;死日勝於生日。 1An honorable name is better than perfumed oil. Better the day of death than the day of birth.
2往居喪的家去,勝於往宴會的家去,因為喪事是人人的結局,活人應將此事放在心上。 2Better to go to a house of mourning than to a house of feasting, for to this end all come, and let the living take this to heart:
3悲哀勝於歡笑,因為愁容能使心靈舒暢。 3Sorrow is better than laughter, for a sad face brings healing to the soul.
4智者的心是在居喪的家中,愚人的心是在歡笑的家中。 4The heart of the wise man is in the house of mourning, while the heart of the fool is in the house of feasting.
5聽智者斥責,勝過聽愚人歌唱。 5Better to heed the rebuke of a wise man than to listen to a fool's song.
6愚人的歡笑,就像釜底荊棘的爆炸聲,但這也是空虛。 6Like the crackling of thorns under a pot is the fool's laugh.
7實在,壓榨使智者昏愚,賄胳能敗壞人心。 7Oppression makes a wise man mad, but a bribe corrupts his heart.
8事情的結局勝過事情的開端;居心寬容,勝過存心傲慢。 8Better to reach the end than to begin. Better patience than a haughty spirit.
9你心裏不要輕易動怒,因為憤怒只停留在愚人胸中。 9Don't be easily dejected, for dejection resides in the womb of fools.
10你不要問:「為什麼昔日勝於今日?」因為這樣的詰問,不是出於智慧。 10Do not ask why former times were better than the present. It is not wisdom that prompts such a question.
11智慧與家產都好,對看見天日的人都有益, 11Wisdom is as precious as an inheritance; it is a blessing for those on whom the sun shines.
12因為受智慧的蔭庇與受金錢的蔭庇無異;但認識智慧的好處,是在於智慧賦與有智慧者生命。 12If wisdom protects you, money will do the same. This is the benefit of acquiring wisdom: it makes its owner live.
13你應觀察天主的作為:他所彎曲的,誰能使之正直? 13See the work of God. Who can straighten what he has bent?
14幸福之日,你應歡樂,不幸之日,你應思慮:幸與不幸,都是天主所為;其目的是為叫人不能察覺自己將來的事。 14Be happy in the day of prosperity and in the day of sorrow reflect:
15在我虛度的歲月內,我見了許多事:義人在正義中夭亡,惡人在邪惡中反而長壽。 15God has given both one and the other and many may discover what comes later.
16不要過於正義,也不要自作聰明,免得自趨滅亡。 16Do not be over-righteous or excessively wise, lest you harm yourself.
17不要作惡無度,也不要糊塗太甚,免得你死非其時。 17Do not be too wicked or too stupid, lest you die before your time.
18你的手最好把持這個,也不放棄那個,因為敬畏天主的人,二者兼顧並重。 18It is well to hold to one and not to loosen your grasp on the other. The God-fearing man copes with both.
19智慧使智者的權勢,勝過本城十個有權勢的人。 19Wisdom makes the wise man stronger than ten rulers in the city.
20世上沒有一個只行善,而不犯罪的義人。 20There is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins.
21你不要傾心去聽人說的一切閒話,免得你聽到你的僕人詛咒你; 21Don't take seriously all that you hear, lest you hear your servant speak ill of you.
22因為你心裏知道,你許多次也詛咒過別人。 22You know well how many times you have spoken ill of others!
23這一切我都用智慧追究過;我宣稱我將成個智者,然而智慧仍離我很遠。 23After having examined all this critically I said, "I will be wise!"
24所有的事,既深遠,又玄奧,誰能窮究? 24But how far it is from me! more remote than anything, and deep, very deep. Who could discover it?
25我又專心致力於認識、考察事物,尋求智慧和事理,得知邪惡就是昏愚,昏愚就是狂妄。 25I set myself in all earnestness to know, study and pursue wisdom and reason, so I saw that wickedness is folly, and foolishness, stupidity.
26我發覺女人比死亡還苦,她一身是羅網:她的心是陷阱,她的手是鎖鏈;凡博天主歡心的,必逃避她;但罪人卻被她纏住。 26I find woman more bitter than death. She is a pitfall; her heart is a snare and her arms, chains. He who pleases God will escape from her, but the sinner will be caught.
27訓道者說:看,這是我所發現的,一一加以比較,好探知事物的原理, 27See what I discovered - says the Teacher - after considering them one after another, anxious to understand.
28對此我的心還在追求,但尚未找到:在一千男人中,我發見了一個;在所有的女人中,卻沒有發現一個。 28I have been searching but have not yet found; for a man among a thousand I may find, but not a woman among all of them.
29我發現的只有這一件事:天主造人原很正直,但人卻發明了許多詭計。 29See what I discovered: God made man simple, but they get lost in their many thoughts.




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