Exodus:Chapter 15


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1那時梅瑟和以色列子民唱了這篇詩歌,歌頌上主說:「我要歌頌上主,因他獲得全勝,將馬和騎士投於海中。 1Then Moses and the people sang this song to Yahweh: I will sing to Yahweh, the glorious one, horse and rider he has thrown into the sea.
2上主是我的力量和保障,他作了我的救援。他是我的天主,我要頌揚他;是我祖先的天主,我要讚美他。 2Yahweh is my strength and my song, and he is my salvation. He is my God and I will praise him; the God of my father: I will extol him.
3上主是戰士,名叫『雅威』。 3Yahweh is a warrior; Yahweh is his name.
4法郎的戰車軍隊,他投於海中,使他的良將沉於紅海。 4The chariots of Pharaoh and his army he has hurled into the sea; his chosen officers were drowned in the Red Sea.
5浪濤淹沒了他們,像大石沉入海底。 5The deep covers them; they went down like a stone.
6上主,你的右手大顯神能;上主,你的右手擊碎了敵人。 6Your hand, O Yahweh, glorious and powerful, your right hand, O Yahweh, shatters the enemy.
7以你無比的威嚴,毀滅了你的敵人;你發出的怒火,燒滅他們像燒麥稭。 7In the splendor of your majesty you crush your foes; you send forth your fury, which devours them like stubble.
8你鼻孔一噴氣,大水聚集,浪濤直立如堤,深淵凝固於海心。 8At the blast of your nostrils the waters piled up, the surging waters stood firm in a heap; the deeps congealed in the heart of the sea.
9仇人說:『我要追擊擒獲,分得獵物,才心滿意足;我要拔刀出鞘,親手斬滅。』 9The enemy said, "I will give chase and overtake, I will divide the spoil and make a feast of it. I shall draw my sword and my hand will destroy them."
10但你一噓氣,海將他們覆沒,像鉛沉入深淵。 10A breath of yours and the sea covered them; they sank like lead in the mighty waters.
11上主,眾神誰可與你相比?誰能像你那樣,神聖尊威,光榮可畏,施行奇蹟! 11Who among the gods is like you, Yahweh? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in power, doing wonders?
12你伸出右手,大地就吞了他們; 12You stretched out your right hand; the earth swallowed them.
13以你的慈愛,領出了你所救的百姓;憑你的能力,領他們進入了你的聖所。 13In unfailing love you guided the people you redeemed, in strength you led them to your holy house.
14外邦聽了,必驚慌戰慄,恐怖籠罩了培肋舍特居民; 14Hearing this, the nations tremble; anguish grips the people of Philistia.
15那時厄東的酋長驚惶失措,摩阿布的首領嚇得發抖,客納罕的居民膽戰心寒。 15The chieftains of Edom are dismayed; the leaders of Moab are seized with trembling; the people of Canaan melt away.
16驚慌與恐怖降在他們身上;因你大能的手臂,他們像石塊僵立不動,直到你的百姓走過,上主!直到你所救贖的百姓走過。 16Terror and dread fall upon them, your powerful arm leaves them still as stone until your people pass by, O Yahweh! till the people you have purchased pass by.
17上主,你引領他們,吾主,在你為物業的山上,在你為自己準備的住所,在你親手建立的聖所,培植了他們。 17You will bring them in and plant them on the mountain of your inheritance, the place you chose to dwell in, O Yahweh, the sanctuary prepared by your hands.
18上主為王,萬世無疆!」 18Yahweh will reign forever!
19法郎的馬、戰車和騎兵一到海中,上主就使海水回流,淹沒了他們;以色列子民卻在海中乾地上走過。 19When Pharaoh's chariots, horses and horsemen went into the sea, Yahweh brought back the waters over them, while the people of Israel walked on dry ground through the sea.
20此時亞郎的姊妹女先知米黎盎手中拿着鼓,眾婦女也都跟着她,拿着鼓舞蹈。 20Then Miriam, the prophetess, sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand and all the women followed her dancing and playing tambourines.
21米黎盎應和他們說:「你們應歌頌上主,因他獲得全勝,將馬和騎士投入海中。」 21Miriam sang to them, "Sing to Yahweh the glorious one; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea."
22以後梅瑟命以色列人由紅海起營,往叔爾曠野去;他們在曠野裏走了三天,沒有找到水。 22Moses then led Israel from the Red Sea towards the wilderness of Shur. They walked in the desert for three days without finding water.
23隨後,到了瑪辣,但不能喝瑪辣的水,因為水苦;因此稱那地為瑪辣。 23They reached Marah but could not drink the water there as it was bitter. That is why the place is called Marah.
24那時百姓抱怨梅瑟說:「我們喝什麼呢?」 24The people grumbled against Moses and said, "What shall we drink?"
25梅瑟遂呼號上主,上主便指給他一塊木頭;他把木頭扔在水裏,水就變成甜水。上主在那裏給百姓立定了法律和典章,也在那裏試探了他們。 25oses then cried out to Yahweh who showed him a piece of wood, and when he threw it in the water, the water became sweet. There Yahweh gave the people statutes and laws. There he tested them
26上主說:「你若誠心聽從上主你天主的話,行他眼中視為正義的事,服從他的命令,遵守他的一切法律,我決不把加於埃及人的災殃,加於你們,因為我是醫治你的上主。」 26and said, "If you listen carefully to the voice of Yahweh, your God, and if you do what is right in his eyes, if you obey his commands and statutes, I will not inflict on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am Yahweh, the One who heals you."
27以後他們到了厄林,那裏有十二股水泉,七十棵棕樹。他們便在那裏靠近水邊安了營。 27Then they came to Elim where there are twelve springs and seventy palm trees, and there they pitched their camp beside the water.




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