Exodus:Chapter 21
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出谷紀 | Exodus |
1你要在眾人前立定這些法度: | 1These are the laws you are to set before them: |
2假使你買了一個希伯來人作奴僕,他只勞作六年,第七年應自由離去,無須贖金。 | 2When you buy a Hebrew slave, he will serve you for six years and in the seventh year he shall go free, with nothing to pay. |
3他若單身而來,也應單身而去;他若娶了妻子來的,也應讓他的妻子與他同去。 | 3If he came alone, he will leave alone. If he was married, his wife will leave with him. |
4若主人給他娶了妻子,妻子也生了子女,妻子和子女都應歸於主人,他仍要單身離去。 | 4If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children belong to his master; he will leave alone. |
5若是那奴僕聲明說:我愛我的主人和我的妻子子女,我不願離去作自由人。 | 5But if the slave says: 'I love my wife, my master and my children, I will not go free,' |
6他的主人應領他到天主前,然後領他到門口或門框前,用錐子穿透他的耳朵,如此他可長久服事主人。 | 6his master shall bring him to God; he will take him to the door or the doorpost, then his master will pierce his ear with an awl, and he shall serve him for life. |
7假使有人將女兒賣作婢女,她不可像男僕那樣離去。 | 7When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she is not to go free as men slaves do. |
8若主人已定她為自己的妻子,以後又厭惡了她,應許她贖身,但因主人對她失了信,不能把她賣給外方人民。 | 8If she does not please the master who intended her for himself, he shall let another redeem her; he is not to sell her to foreigners because he has broken faith with her. |
9若主人定了她作自己兒子的妻子,就應以待女兒的法律待她。 | 9If he intends her for his son, he will deal with her according to the rights of daughters. |
10若主人為自己另娶了一個,對前妻的飲食、衣服與合歡之誼,不可減少。 | 10If he takes another for himself he will not diminish her food, her clothing or her marital rights. |
11若對她不實行這三條,她可以離去,無須贖金或代價。 | 11If he fails her in respect of these three rights she is to go free without any payment of money. |
12凡打人至死的,應受死刑。 | 12The man who strikes another and so causes his death shall die. |
13但若不是有意殺人,而是天主許他的手行的,我給你指定一個他可以逃避的地方。 | 13If he did not want to kill him, but as it were, let it happen, then I will give you a place where he may find refuge. |
14假使有人向人行兇,蓄意謀殺,應將他由我的祭壇前抓來處死。 | 14Instead, if a man willfully attacks another to kill him treacherously, you will take him away even from my altar and put him to death. |
15凡打父親或母親的,應受死刑。 | 15Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. |
16凡拐帶人口的,無論已將人賣了,或者還在他手中,都應受死刑。 | 16Anyone who kidnaps another and either sells him or is found holding him captive, shall be put to death. |
17凡咒罵父親或母親的,應受死刑。 | 17He who curses his father or mother shall be put to death. |
18假使二人吵架,一人用石頭或鋤頭打了另一人,被打的人未死,卻應臥床休養, | 18When men quarrel and one strikes another with a stone or with his fist so that the man is confined to bed, |
19他以後若能起床,能扶杖出外,打他的人,可免處分,但應賠償他失業的損失,把他完全醫好。 | 19but after that he gets up and walks about with the help of a stick, the man who struck the blow will not be held as a criminal. He will, however, pay the injured man for loss of time and see that he is completely healed. |
20假使有人用棍杖打奴僕或婢女,被打死在他手中,必受嚴罰。 | 20When a man strikes his slave or his servant with a rod and the man dies at his hands, he shall be punished. |
21但若奴婢還活了一兩天,便不受處分,因為是他用銀錢買來的。 | 21But if the slave survives for a day or two, he will not be penalized since the slave is his property. |
22假使人們打架,撞傷了孕婦,以致流產,但沒有別的損害,傷人者為這罪應按女人的丈夫所提出的,判官所斷定的,繳納罰款。 | 22If men are fighting and a pregnant woman is hit, so that the child is born prematurely but she is not injured, the one who hurt her will pay the fine demanded by her husband and allowed by the court. |
23若有損害,就應以命償命, | 23But if there is serious injury you are to take life for life, |
24以眼還眼,以牙還牙,以手還手,以腳還腳, | 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, foot for foot, |
25以烙還烙,以傷還傷,以疤還疤。 | 25burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise. |
26假使有人打壞奴僕或婢女的一隻眼睛,為了他的眼睛應讓他自由離去。 | 26When a man strikes the eye of his slave, male or female, and the eye is lost, he will let the slave go free in compensation for the eye |
27若有人打掉奴僕或婢女的一隻牙,為了他的牙應讓他自由離去。 | 27or if he knocks out a tooth he will likewise give the slave his freedom. |
28牛無論牴死男或女,應用石頭砸死這牛,並且不許吃牠的肉,牛主不受懲罰。 | 28When an ox gores a man or woman to death, the ox will be stoned and its flesh will not be eaten, but the owner of the ox will not be punished. |
29但若這隻牛以前牴過人,牛主也受過警告,而仍不加防範,這牛無論牴死男女,牛應砸死,牛主也應受死刑。 | 29If the ox had gored someone in the past and its owner had been warned but had not kept it fenced in, and if later it kills a man or woman, the ox will be stoned and its owner put to death. |
30若是給他提出了贖價,他應照所提出的一切數目繳納贖命罰金。 | 30If the owner, however, is allowed to pay a fine to save his life, he must pay all that is demanded. |
31牛若牴死了男女兒童,也應照這法律處理。 | 31If the ox gores a boy or a girl the same law applies. |
32牛若牴死了一個奴僕或婢女,應給僕婢的主人三十銀「協刻耳」,牛應砸死。 | 32If the ox gores a man or woman slave, the owner of the slave shall be paid thirty pieces of silver and the ox will be stoned. |
33假使有人敞着旱井,或挖掘旱井時,不加掩蓋,無論牛或驢陷在裏面, | 33When a man leaves a pit uncovered or when he digs a pit and leaves it open and an ox or a donkey falls into it, |
34井主應賠償,應給牛主銀錢,死的牲畜歸自己。 | 34the owner of the pit will make compensation to the owner of the animal by paying him money, but he may keep the dead animal. |
35假使一人的牛牴死別人的牛,應把活牛賣了,銀錢平分,死牛也平分。 | 35When a man's ox injures the ox of his neighbor and it dies, they will sell the live ox and share both the money and the meat of the dead animal. |
36但若查明這隻牛從前牴死過牛,牛主又不加以防範,牛主應該賠償,以牛還牛,死牛歸自己。 | 36Or if it is known that the ox has been in the habit of goring and its owner has not kept it in, he must make good the loss by giving his neighbor a live ox but the dead ox will be his. |
37假使有人偷了牛或羊,無論是宰了或是賣了,應用五頭牛賠償一頭牛,四隻羊賠償一隻羊。 | 37If a man steals an ox or a sheep and either slaughters or sells it, he must pay five oxen for the ox, four sheep for the sheep. |
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