Ezekiel:Chapter 44
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厄則克耳 | Ezekiel |
1他領我回到聖殿朝東的外門,門卻關着。 | 1He brought me back to the outer east gate of the sanctuary. It was shut. |
2他對我說:「這門必關閉不開,任何人不得由此門而入,因為上主以色列的天主已由此門而入,為此常應關閉。 | 2Yahweh said to me, "This gate will be kept shut. No one will open it or go through it, since Yahweh the God of Israel has been through it. And so it must be kept shut. |
3至於元首,因為他是元首,惟有他可坐在裏面,在上主前進食;他由門廊的路而入,亦由原路而出。」 | 3The prince himself, however, may sit there to take his meal in the presence of Yahweh. But he is to enter through the entrance of the gate and leave through the same way." |
4以後,他領我由北門到聖殿前,我一看,看見上主的光榮充滿了上主的殿,我便伏地掩面。 | 4He led me through the north gate to the front of the House. I looked; I saw the Glory of Yahweh filling his House, and I threw myself to the ground. |
5上主對我說:「人子,我對你所說上主殿內的所有規定和法律,你要留心,要眼看耳聽,又要注意准入聖殿和禁入聖殿的規則。 | 5Yahweh said to me, "Son of man, pay attention, look carefully and listen closely to everything while I explain to you all the rules of the House of Yahweh and all its laws. Be careful about which men are admitted to the House and which are excluded from the sanctuary. |
6你對叛逆的以色列家族說:吾主上主這樣說:以色列家族,你們所行的一切醜惡之事,該夠了罷! | 6And say to the rebels of the people of Israel, the Lord Yahweh says this: There has been enough of all your filthy practices, House of Israel. |
7當你們奉獻給我食品、脂肪和牲血時,竟引領心身未受割損的外方人進入我的聖所,褻瀆我的殿宇;這樣以你們的一切醜惡,破壞了我的盟約。 | 7You let aliens enter, uncircumcised in heart and body, to frequent my sanctuary and profane my Temple; you gave me for my food the fat and the blood; and you broke my covenant with all your filthy practices. |
8你們既不在我聖所內供職,卻派他們代你們在我聖所內供職。 | 8Instead of performing your duties to men in the Holy Place, you have deputed someone else to perform your duties in my sanctuary. |
9為此吾主上主這樣說:一切心身未受割損的外方人,以及所有在以色列子民中的外方人,不得進入我的聖所。 | 9The Lord Yahweh says this: No alien, uncircumcised in heart and body, is to enter my sanctuary, none of those aliens living among the Israelites. |
10至於肋未人,當以色列墮落,離開我而追隨他們的偶像時,他們也遠離了我,他們必要承擔自己的罪債。 | 10The Levites who abandoned me when Israel strayed far from me, and followed their idols, must bear the weight of their own sin. |
11他們在我聖所內供職,只能充當看守殿門的,作聖殿的侍役,為百姓宰殺全燔祭祭牲和其他祭牲,站在他們面前,給他們服務。 | 11They are to be servants in my sanctuary, responsible for guarding the gates and serving the House. They will kill the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and hold themselves at the service of the people. |
12因為他們曾在百姓的偶像前給他們服務過,做了以色列家族犯罪的絆腳石,為此我必舉手反對他們──吾主上主的斷語──他們必要承擔自己的罪債。 | 12But since they used to be at their service in front of their idols and made Israel sin, (and I have raised my hand against them) it is Yahweh who speaks - they must bear the weight of their sin. |
13他們不得走近我,做我的司祭,也不得接近我的一切聖物,和至聖之物;反要承擔自己的羞辱和所行的一切醜惡。 | 13They are never to approach me again to perform the priestly office in my presence, or to touch my holy things and my most holy things; they must bear the disgrace of their filthy practices. |
14我只委派他們在聖殿供職,服各種勞役,做其中應做的一切事務。 | 14I shall let them work in the House and serve it and do everything to be done in it. |
15惟有那些在以色列子民墮落離開我時,仍然為我的聖所供職的匝多克的兒子,肋未司祭們,可走近我,服事我,侍立我前,給我奉獻脂油與牲血──吾主上主的斷語── | 15The levitical priests, the sons of Zadok, who did their duty to me in the sanctuary when the Israelites strayed far from me, may still approach me to serve me. They may stand in my presence to offer me the fat and blood - it is Yahweh who speaks. |
16他們可進入我的聖所,走近我的祭桌,服事我,奉行給我供職的事。 | 16They may enter my sanctuary and approach my table to serve me; they may perform my liturgy. |
17幾時他們進入內院的門,應身穿麻衣;當他們在內院門內或在聖殿供職時,不可穿羊毛衣。 | 17Once they enter the gates of the inner court, they are to wear linen garments; they are to wear no wool when they serve inside the gates of the inner court and in the House. |
18他們頭上應戴麻布頭巾,腰間應穿麻布褲子,不可穿容易出汗的衣服。 | 18They are to wear linen caps on their heads, and linen breeches about their loins; they are not to wear belts that may make them sweat. |
19但他們幾時要出去到外院百姓那裏時,應脫去供職的衣服,放在聖所的廂房內,穿上別的衣服,免得因自己的祭服使百姓沾染聖潔。 | 19When they go out to the people in the outer court, they are to remove the garments in which they have performed the liturgy and leave them in the rooms of the Holy Place, and put on other clothes, so as not to hallow the people with their vestments. |
20他們不可剃頭,也不可讓頭髮自由生長,應該修剪頭髮。 | 20They are neither to shave their heads nor to let their hair grow long, but must cut their hair to a reasonable length. |
21任何司祭要進入內院時,不可飲酒。 | 21No priest is to drink wine on the day he enters the inner court. |
22他們不可娶寡婦或棄婦為妻,應娶以色列家族的處女為妻;或娶司祭的寡婦。 | 22They are not to marry widows or divorced women, but only virgins of the race of Israel; they may, however, marry widows, if it is the widow of a priest. |
23他們應教訓我的百姓區別聖與俗,知道潔與不潔。 | 23They are to teach my people what is sacred and what is profane and make them know what is clean and what is unclean. |
24在訴訟上,他們應充任裁判,按我的法律定斷;他們在我的各種慶節上,應遵守我的法律和規例,又應聖化我的安息日。 | 24They are to be judges in disputes; they must judge in the spirit of my statutes; they must follow my laws and ordinances at all my feasts and keep my sabbaths holy. |
25他們不可走近死人,免得沾染不潔;但為父母、子女、兄弟和未嫁的姊妹,可自染不潔。 | 25They are not to go near a dead man, lest they become unclean, except for father, mother, daughter, son, brother or unmarried sister. |
26在他取潔以後,再過七天, | 26After one of them has been purified, seven days must elapse; |
27他要進入聖所,進內院,為在聖所內供職的那一天,應奉獻贖罪祭──吾主上主的斷語── | 27then on the day when he enters the sanctuary - the inner court, to minister in the sanctuary, he is to offer his sacrifice for sin - it is Yahweh who speaks. |
28他們不可有產業,我是他們的產業;在以色列也不可分給他們地業,我是他們的地業。 | 28They are to have no inheritance in Israel; I myself will be their inheritance. You are to give them no patrimony in Israel; I myself will be their patrimony. |
29他們可以吃素祭,贖罪祭和贖過祭:凡在以色列所獻的禁物,都應歸於他們。 | 29Their food is to be the offering, the sacrifice for sin and the sacrifice of repayment. Everything in Israel consecrated by anathema shall be for them. |
30各種初熟之物,和你們藉舉祭所獻的一切祭物,應歸於司祭;此外,將你們粗麥麵中最好的一分,給與司祭,好叫祝福降在你們家庭中。 | 30The best of all your first fruits of every sort and of all that you offer, is to go to the priests; and the best of your dough you are also to give to the priests, so that a blessing may rest on your houses. |
31凡自然死或被猛獸撕裂的飛禽走獸,司祭都不可吃。」 | 31Priests are not to eat the flesh of anything that has died a natural death or been savaged, neither the flesh of a bird nor of any other creature. |
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