Ezekiel:Chapter 48


Previous Ezekiel:Chapter 48  
厄則克耳 Ezekiel
1各支派的名字如下:由極北端起,沿赫特隆路至哈瑪特口,再至哈匝爾南;──北有大馬士革邊界,有哈瑪特邊界──每支派由東界到西界各有一分:這是丹的一分。 1This is the list of the tribes. In the far north by way of Hethlon to Hamath, to Hazar-enon, with the frontier of Damascus lying to the north, bordering Hamath - each portion extends from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Dan, one portion.
2靠近丹的邊界,由東界到西界,是阿協爾的一分。 2Bordering Dan, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Asher.
3靠近阿協爾的邊界,由東界到西界,是納斐塔里的一分。 3Bordering Asher, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Naphtali.
4靠近納斐塔里的邊界,由東界到西界,是默納協的一分。 4Bordering Naphtali, from the eastern to the western frontier: Manasseh.
5靠近默納協的邊界,由東界到西界是厄弗辣因的一分。 5Bordering Manasseh, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Ephraim.
6靠近厄弗辣因的邊界,由東界到西界是勒烏本的一分。 6Bordering Ephraim, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Reuben.
7靠近勒烏本的邊界,由東界到西界是猶大的一分。 7Bordering Reuben, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Judah.
8靠近猶大的邊界,由東界到西界,是你們應保留的獻地,寬二萬五千肘,長由東界到西界,如每支派分得的一分一樣,中間是聖所。 8Bordering Judah, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier, is the part you are to set aside, twenty-five thousand cubits wide, and as long as each of the other portions from the eastern frontier to the western frontier. The sanctuary will be in the center of it.
9你們為上主保留的獻地,長二萬五千肘,寬一萬肘。 9The part you must set aside for Yahweh is to be twenty-five thousand cubits long and ten thousand cubits wide.
10這塊所獻的聖地應歸司祭,北面長二萬五千肘,西面寬一萬肘,東面寬一萬肘,南面長二萬五千肘,中間是上主的聖所。 10This consecrated portion is to belong to the priests, being, on the north side, twenty-five thousand cubits; on the west side ten thousand cubits wide, on the east side ten thousand cubits wide and on the south side twenty-five thousand cubits long, and the sanctuary of Yahweh will be the center of it.
11這地應歸被祝聖作司祭的匝多克的子孫,他們謹慎遵行了我的禮規,當以色列子民墮落時,他們沒有像肋未人一樣墮落下去。 11This is to belong to the consecrated priests, to those of the sons of Zadok who maintained my liturgy and did not go astray with the straying Israelites, as the Levites went astray.
12屬司祭的地是獻地中至聖之地,靠近肋未人的邊界。 12And so their portion is to be taken out of the most holy portion of the land, at the side of the territory of the Levites.
13屬肋未人的地與司祭的邊界平行,長二萬五千肘,寬一萬肘,總計長二萬五千肘,寬二萬肘。 13The territory of the Levites, like the territory of the priests, is to be twenty-five thousand cubits long and ten thousand wide - the whole length being twenty-five thousand and the width ten thousand.
14其中的地不可變賣,不可交換,也不可轉讓,這是地中最好的一分,因為是祝聖於上主的。 14They must not sell or exchange any part of it, and their part can never be alienated, since it is consecrated to Yahweh.
15由二萬五千肘的面積所餘的五千肘應列為俗地,作為居住的城市和郊區,城市應在中心。 15The remainder, an area of five thousand cubits by twenty-five thousand, is to be a non-sacred space for the city, for houses and pastures. The city is to stand in the center.
16城市的面積如下:北面四千五百肘,南面四千五百肘,東面四千五百肘,西面四千五百肘。 16Here are its measurements: on the north side, four thousand five hundred cubits; on the south side, four thousand five hundred cubits; on the east side, four thousand five hundred cubits; on the west side, four thousand five hundred cubits.
17城市外的郊區是:北面二百五十肘,南面二百五十肘,東面二百五十肘,西面二百五十肘。 17And the city pastures are to extend two hundred and fifty cubits to the north, two hundred and fifty to the south, two hundred and fifty to the east, two hundred and fifty to the west.
18至於那與所獻聖地平行的所餘之地,東面長一萬肘,西面長一萬肘,其中出產應作為城內居民的食糧。 18What remains of the part set aside, after keeping out the consecrated portion, consists of ten thousand cubits eastward and ten thousand westward, alongside the consecrated portion; this will bring in a revenue for feeding the people working inside the city.
19城內的居民是由以色列各支派分派來住的。 19These people are to be drawn from all the tribes of Israel and shall till this land.
20整個獻地為二萬五千肘長,二萬五千肘寬,為一方形,是你們應保留的所獻聖地和城市地段。 20The portion is to have a total area of twenty-five thousand cubits by twenty-five thousand cubits. So the sacred portion has a square shape and is located beside the land belonging to the city.
21在所獻聖地與城市地段的兩邊所餘之地,二萬五千肘以東至東面的邊界,二萬五千肘以西至西面的邊界,與各支派所分之地平行,都歸元首,所獻聖地與聖所在中間。 21What is left over on either side of the sacred portion and of the land belonging to the city, shall be for the prince, extending along the twenty-five thousand cubits eastward to the eastern frontier, and extending along the twenty-five thousand cubits westward to the western frontier - running parallel with the other portions. This is the portion for the prince with, the consecrated portion and the sanctuary of the Temple at the middle.
22除在屬元首的地中間,有肋未人的產業和城市地段外,凡在猶大邊界與本雅明邊界之間的土地,皆歸元首所有。 22Thus, apart from the property of the Levites and property of the city which lie inside the prince's portion, everything between the borders of Judah and the borders of Benjamin is to belong to the prince.
23至於其餘的支派:由東界到西界,是本雅明的一分。 23Here are the rest of the tribes: from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Benjamin.
24靠近本雅明的邊界,由東界至西界是西默盎的一分。 24Bordering Benjamin, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Simeon.
25靠近西默盎的邊界,由東界到西界是依撒加爾的一分。 25Bordering Simeon, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Issachar.
26靠近依撒加爾的邊界,由東界到西界是則步隆的一分。 26Bordering Issachar, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Zebulun.
27靠近則步隆的邊界,由東界到西界,是加得的一分。 27Bordering Zebulun, from the eastern frontier to the western frontier: Gad.
28靠近加得的邊界,是南方向陽的邊界,由塔瑪爾到默黎巴卡德士水,沿河直到大海。 28The southern border of Gad will be formed by the southern frontier running through Tamar to the waters of Meribah in Kadesh, to the Wadi and the great Sea.
29這是你們為以色列各支派抽籤平分的土地,是你們應得的產業──吾主上主的斷語。 29This is the inheritance of the tribes of Israel and this is how you will apportion it - it is Yahweh who speaks.
30城的出口如下:北面為四千五百肘, 30Here are the ways out of the city. On the north side, being four thousand five hundred cubits long,
31北面有三門:一為勒烏本門,一為猶大門,一為肋未門。城門都是照以色列支派的名字起的。 31three gates: the gate of Reuben, the gate of Judah, the gate of Levi; the gates of the city are to be named after the tribes of Israel.
32東面為四千五百肘,有三門:一為若瑟門,一為本雅明門,一為丹門。 32On the east side, which is to be four thousand five hundred cubits long, three gates: the gate of Joseph, the gate of Benjamin, the gate of Dan.
33南面為四千五百肘,有三門:一為西默盎門,一為依撒加爾門,一為則步隆門。 33On the south side, which is to be four thousand five hundred cubits long, three gates: the gate of Simeon, the gate of Issachar, the gate of Zebulun.
34西面為四千五百肘,有三門:一為加得門,一為阿協爾門,一為納斐塔里門。 34On the west side, which is to be four thousand five hundred cubits long, three gates: the gate of Gad, the gate of Asher, the gate of Naphtali.
35周圍共一萬八千肘。這城從那天起名叫「上主在那裏。」 35The total perimeter will be eigthteen thousand cubits, and the name of the city is to be: Yahweh-is-there."




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