Ezra:Chapter 8
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厄斯德拉(上) | Ezra |
1在阿塔薛西斯在位期間,與我從巴比倫一同起程的族長,和他們的祖譜,記載如下: | 1These are the heads of clans who set out from Babylon with me in the reign of King Artaxerxes - their predecessors are named: |
2丕乃哈斯的子孫,有革爾雄;依塔瑪爾的子孫,有達尼耳;達味的子孫,有舍加尼雅的兒子哈突士; | 2Of the clan of Phinehas: Gershom; of the clan of Ithamar: Daniel; of the clan of David: Hattush |
3帕洛士的子孫,有則加黎雅,同他登記的,有男子一百五十名; | 3son of Secaniah; of the clan of Parosh: Zechariah, with whom one hundred and fifty males were registered; |
4帕哈特摩阿布的子孫,有則辣希雅的兒子厄里約乃,同他一起的,有男子二百名; | 4of the clan of Pahath-moab: Eliehoenai, son of Zerahiah, and with him two hundred males; |
5匝突的子孫,有雅哈齊耳的兒子舍加尼雅,同他一起的,有男子三百名; | 5of the clan of Zattu: Shecaniah, son of Jahaziel, and with him three hundred males; |
6阿丁的子孫,有約納堂的兒子厄貝得,同他一起的,有男子五十名; | 6of the clan of Adin: Ebed, son of Jonathan, and with him fifty males; |
7厄藍的子孫,有阿塔里雅的兒子耶沙雅,同他一起的,有男子七十名; | 7of the clan of Elam: Jeshaiah, son of Athaliah, and with him seventy males; |
8舍法提雅的子孫,有米加耳的兒子則巴狄雅,同他一起的,有男子八十名; | 8of the clan of Shephatiah: Zebadiah, son of Michael, and with him eighty males; |
9約阿布的子孫,有耶希耳的兒子敖巴狄雅,同他一起的,有男子二百一十八名; | 9of the clan of Joab: Obadiah, son of Jehiel, and with him two hundred and eighteen males; |
10巴尼的子孫,有約息非雅的兒子舍羅米特,同他一起的,有男子一百六十名; | 10of the clan of Bani: Shelomith, son of Josiphiah, and with him a hundred and sixty males; |
11貝拜的子孫,有貝拜的兒子則加黎雅,同他一起的,有男子二十八名; | 11of the clan of Bebai: Zechariah, son of Bebai, and with him twenty-eight males; |
12阿次加得的子孫,有哈卡堂的兒子約哈南,同他一起的,有男子一百一十名; | 12of the clan of Azgad: Johanan son of Hakkatan, and with him a hundred and ten males; |
13阿多尼幹的子孫,是最後來的,他們的名字是厄里培肋特、耶依耳和舍瑪雅,同他們一起的,有男子六十名。 | 13of the clan of Adonikam: the younger sons, whose names are: Eliphelet, Jeiel and Shemaiah, and with them sixty males; |
14彼革外的子孫,有匝雇爾的兒子烏泰,同他一起的有男子七十名。 | 14and of the clan of Bigvai: Uthai, son of Zabud, and with him seventy males. |
15我將眾人召集在流往阿哈瓦的河邊,在那裏住了三天;當我視察民眾和司祭時,其中沒有發現一個肋未人。 | 15I gathered them by the river that runs to Ahava, and there we encamped for three days; and having searched among these people, I did not find anyone from the tribe of Levi. |
16我遂派首領厄里厄則爾、阿黎耳、舍瑪雅、厄耳納堂、雅黎布、厄耳納堂、納堂、則加黎雅和默叔藍,通士約雅黎布和厄耳納堂, | 16So I called for the leaders - Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Jarib, Elnathan, Zechariah and Meshullam - Joarib and Elnathan, men of understanding. |
17命他們到加息非雅地方的首領依多那裏去;我並把他們應向那定居在加息非雅的依多和他的弟兄們,要說的話告訴了他們,好為我們天主的殿,給我們帶來侍役。 | 17I gave them orders concerning Iddo, the leader who was in Casiphia; I gave them a message to relay to Iddo and his brothers, the helpers, in Casiphia, to send us ministers for the House of our God. |
18賴我們天主慈悲的手對我們的扶助,他們由以色列的兒子肋未的後裔瑪赫里的子孫中,給我們帶來了一位明智人,就是舍勒彼雅,和他的兒子及兄弟,一共十八人; | 18As the good hand of God was with us, they brought us Sherebiah, a very sensible man, of the sons of Mahli, son of Levi, son of Israel, and with him were his sons and his brothers, numbering eighteen; |
19還有哈沙彼雅,同他一起的,有默辣黎的子孫耶沙雅和他的兄弟及兒子,一共二十人; | 19Hashabiah and with him Isaiah of the sons of Merari, their brothers and their sons, twenty; |
20還有達味和諸首長為服事肋未人所立的獻身者,二百二十人;這些人全都是登記了的。 | 20and of the helpers whom David and the leaders had placed at the service of the Levites, two hundred twenty-two men, all written down by name. |
21我遂在阿哈瓦河那裏宣佈禁食,在我們的天主前自謙自卑,祈求他使我們和我們的子孫,並我們的一切財物,一路平安; | 21There at the banks of the river Ahava, I proclaimed a fast so we might humble ourselves before our God, to implore him for a safe journey for ourselves, our children and our goods. |
22因為我羞於請求君王派遣部隊和騎兵,協助我們防禦路上的仇敵,因為我們曾向君王說過:「凡尋求我們天主的人,他的手常加助佑;凡離棄他的人,他便施行強力和義怒。」 | 22I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us against the enemy on the way, for we had said to the king, "The hand of our God is for good, upon all who seek him; and the power of his wrath upon all who abandon him." |
23我們為此禁食,祈求我們的天主,他便俯聽了我們。 | 23So we fasted and prayed to our God for this intention, and he listened to us. |
24我由司祭的首領中選了十二人,又選了舍勒彼雅和哈沙彼雅,以及同他們在一起的十個兄弟, | 24I chose twelve of the leaders of the priests, besides Sherebiah and Hashabiah and ten of their brothers. |
25把金銀和器皿,即君王和他的參謀、首長,以及在那裏所有的以色列人,奉獻給我們天主殿宇的禮品,一一衡量了交給他們。 | 25I weighed out before them the silver and gold, the consecrated vessels given by the king, his counselors and his leaders, and by all the Israelites who were there, for the House of our God. |
26我衡量了交在他們手中的,有銀子六百五十『塔冷通』,銀器一百『塔冷通』,金子一百『塔冷通』; | 26And I entrusted into their hands six hundred and fifty talents of silver, silver vessels worth a hundred talents, |
27還有金碗二十個,值一千「達理克」;發亮的銅器兩個,貴如黃金。 | 27twenty bowls of gold worth a thousand darics, and two vessels of fine bright bronze as precious as vessels of gold. |
28我向他們說:「你們在上主前是聖的,器皿也是聖的,金銀是自願獻於上主你們祖先的天主,作禮品的。 | 28Then I said to them, "You are consecrated to Yahweh, these vessels are sacred objects, and the silver and gold are voluntary offerings made to Yahweh, the God of our fathers. |
29你們要謹慎護守,直到在耶路撒冷,在上主殿宇的庫房內,當着司祭和肋未人的首領,以及以色列眾族長的面,衡量交清為止。」 | 29Take care of them and keep them until you weigh them before the leaders of the priests, the Levites and the families of Israel in Jerusalem, in the chambers of the House of Yahweh." |
30司祭和肋未人,就把數點過的金銀和器皿收下,帶到耶路撒冷我們天主的殿內。 | 30Then, the priests and the Levites received all that we had weighed: the silver and gold, and the vessels, to bring them to Jerusalem to the House of our God. |
31一月十二日,我們從阿哈瓦河起程赴耶路撒冷,賴我們天主的手扶助,我們一路脫免了仇人和暗害者的手, | 31We left the banks of the river Ahava to go to Jerusalem on the twelfth day of the first month. The hand of God was with us and he kept us from all attacks and ambushes from enemies throughout our journey. |
32平安到了耶路撒冷,在那裏休息了三天。 | 32We arrived in Jerusalem where we rested for three days. |
33第四日,在我們天主的殿內,衡量了金銀和器皿,交給了烏利雅的兒子默勒摩特司祭,同他在一起的,還有丕乃哈斯的兒子厄肋阿匝爾,以及肋未人耶叔亞的兒子約匝巴得,和彼奴依的兒子諾阿狄雅, | 33On the fourth day, in the House of our God we weighed the silver, the gold and the vessels, turning over everything to the priest Meremoth, son of Uriah, and to Eleazar, son of Phinehas, with the Levites Jozabad, son of Joshua, and Hoadiah, son of Binnui. |
34每件點過稱過,即將總數記錄下來。 | 34After counting and weighing everything again, the total weight was written down. |
35當時被擄充軍回來的子民,向以色列的天主奉獻了全燔祭,為全以色列獻了牛犢十二頭,公綿羊九十六隻,羔羊七十二隻,作贖罪祭的公山羊十二隻:這一切都獻給上主作全燔祭。 | 35The Jews who had returned from exile offered sacrifices to the God of Israel: twelve young bulls for all Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and as a sin-offering, twelve he-goats. All these were burnt offerings to Yahweh. |
36以後,他們向君王的州長和河西諸省長,呈上君王的諭令;他們便協助民眾,資助天主的殿宇。 | 36And the decrees of the king were delivered to his governors and officials of the province beyond the River, who helped the people and the House of God. |
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