Galatians:Chapter 2


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迦拉達書 Galatians
1過了十四年,我同巴爾納伯再上耶路撒冷去,還帶了弟鐸同去。 1After fourteen years I again went up to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and Titus came with us.
2我是受了啟示而上去的;我在那裏向他們陳述了我在異民中間所講的福音,和私下向那些有權威的人陳述過,免得我白白地奔跑,或者徒然奔走了。 2Following a revelation, I went to lay before them the Gospel that I am preaching to the pagans. I had a private meeting with the leaders - lest I should be working or have worked in a wrong way.
3但是,即連跟我的弟鐸,他雖是希臘人,也沒有被強迫領受割損, 3But they did not impose circumcision, not even on Titus who is Greek and who was with me.
4因為,有些潛入的假弟兄,曾要他受割損;這些人潛入了教會,是為窺探我們在基督耶穌內所享有的自由,好使我們再成為奴隸; 4Because there were some intruders and false brothers who had gained access to watch over the way we live the freedom Christ has given us. They would have us enslaved by the Law,
5可是對他們,我們連片刻時間也沒有讓步屈服,為使福音的真理在你們中保持不變。 5but we refused to yield even for a moment; so that the truth of the Gospel remain intact in you.
6至於那些所謂有權威的人──不論他們以前是何等人物,與我毫不相干;天主決不顧情面──那些有權威的人,也沒有另外吩咐我什麼; 6The others, the more respectable leaders - it does not matter what they were before: God pays no attention to the status of a person - gave me no new instructions.
7反而他們看出來,我是受了委托,向未受割損的人,宣傳福音,就如伯多祿被委派向受割損的人宣傳福音一樣; 7They recognized that I have been entrusted to give the Good News to the pagan nations, just as Peter has been entrusted to give it to the Jews.
8因為,那叫伯多祿為受割損的人致力盡宗徒之職的,也叫我為外邦人致力盡宗徒之職。 8In the same way that God made Peter the apostle of the Jews, he made me the apostle of the pagans.
9所以,他們一認清了所賦與我的恩寵,那稱為柱石的雅各伯、刻法和若望,就與我和巴爾納伯握手,表示通力合作,叫我們往外邦人那裏去,而他們卻往受割損的人那裏去。 9James, Peter and John acknowledged the graces God gave me. Those men who were regarded as the pillars of the Church stretched out their hand to me and Barnabas as a sign of fellowship; we would go to the pagans and they to the Jews.
10他們只要我們懷念窮人;對這一點我也曾盡力行了。 10We should only keep in mind the poor among them. I have taken care to do this.
11但是,當刻法來到安提約基雅時,我當面反對了他,因為他有可責的地方。 11When later Cephas came to Antioch, I confronted him since he deserved to be blamed.
12原來由雅各伯那裏來了一些人,在他們未到以前,他慣常同外邦人一起吃飯;可是他們一來到了,他因怕那些受割損的人,就退避了,自己躲開。 12Before some of James' people arrived, he used to eat with non-Jewish people. But when they arrived, he withdrew and did not mingle anymore with them, for fear of the Jewish group.
13其餘的猶太人也都跟他一起裝假,以致連巴爾納伯也受了他們的牽引而裝假。 13The rest of the Jews followed him in this pretense, and even Barnabas was part of this double-dealing.
14我一見他們的行為與福音的真理不合,就當着眾人對刻法說:「你是猶太人,竟按照外邦人的方式,而不按照猶太人的方式過活,你怎麼敢強迫外邦人猶太化呢?」 14When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the Gospel, I said to Cephas publicly: If you who are Jewish agreed to live like the non-Jews, setting aside the Jewish customs, why do you now compel the non-Jews to live like Jews?
15我們生來是猶太人,而不是出於外邦民族的罪人; 15We are Jews by birth; we are not pagan sinners.
16可是我們知道:人成義不是由於遵行法律,而只是因着對耶穌基督的信仰,所以我們也信從了基督耶穌,為能由於對基督的信仰,而不由於遵行法律成義,因為由於遵守法律,任何人都不得成義。 16Yet we know that no one is made just and holy by the observance of the Law but by faith in Christ Jesus. So we have believed in Christ Jesus that we may receive true righteousness from faith in Christ Jesus, and not from the practices of the Law, because no mortal will be set right with God in the field of the Law.
17如果我們在基督內求成義的人,仍如他們一樣被視為罪人,那麼,基督豈不是成了支持罪惡的人了嗎?絕對不是。 17We thought we would find in Christ the way of righteousness; if in doing this we were in the wrong, then Christ would be working for sin. Not so!
18如果我把我所拆毀的,再修建起來,我就證明我是個罪犯。 18But look: if we do away with something and then restore it, we admit we did wrong.
19其實,我已由於法律而死於法律了,為能生活於天主;我已同基督被釘在十字架上了, 19As for me, the very Law brought me to die to the Law, that I may live for God. I am crucified with Christ. Do I live? It is no longer me, Christ lives in me. My life in this body is life through faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
20所以,我生活已不是我生活,而是基督在我內生活;我現今在肉身內生活,是生活在對天主子的信仰內;他愛了我,且為我捨棄了自己。 20In this way I don't ignore the gift of God,
21我決不願使天主的恩寵無效,因為,如果成義是賴着法律,那麼,基督就白白地死了。 21for, if holiness were through the practice of the Law, Christ would have died for nothing.




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